Dec 31, 2006

A Couple more money saving tips

There have been so many good money saving tips on here since the "challenge".  I thought I'd add a couple I haven't seen, but you guys probably do.

1. Refill your own inkjet cartridges. 

Some people say that this isn't a good idea, but I've been doing it for years.  The colored ones are harder to fill correctly and I end up buying new every two or three refills.  The black are easy to refill and I haven't had to buy a black cartridge in over a year.  This can save me almost $50  a pop if I refill them both.

2. Try to always bring water bottles (filled from the faucet) and some home baked cookies, apples, etc. to help ward off hunger on those days when you spend the day in town.

3. Change your own oil.

This is so simple that even I can do it.

That's all I can thing of for now.

Have a wonderful Sunday.

From Glory Farm

Dec 28, 2006

Bread, Neighbors and....?

The flour mill my mom bought me for my birthday last year, finally got a work out.  The children and I all took turns grinding.  DD2 did the most.  She's my fitness buff.  She ground at least 8 cups, which is quite a workout with this mill.  I was able to make 4 loaves of bread and 2 of banana bread, with enough flour left for another 6 loaves.


My neighbor stopped by for a visit.  I've met her once before, and she had promised to drop by.  She was good to her word.  Nice lady.  She weaves rugs and has four knitting machines!  I was looking for somewhere to buy some new rugs to replace the ones my great-grandma wove.  They're getting rather worn.  Neighbors here are so neighborly!  I enjoy this.  I hope that I can learn from them to be neighborly too.  They help each other out continuously.  They have helped us out a lot already and we've only lived here 5 months.


On a different note, we're having a kind of spiritual war going on with our children.  We have a blended family and all four children spend time with the other parent every other week-end.  This has an effect on their behavior.  When they visit there they are in the midst of adulterous relationships, drinking, drugs, etc. and I wonder if living in this every other week-end will make them complacent.  I want them to love their parents, how do they love them and not accept what they do?  Does this make any sense?  Will my 15 year old think it's okay to live with her boyfriend because her dad lives with his girlfriend?  Even though we teach her differently, what is our responsibility?  What should we expect from her?  Should she let her dad know where she stands in Christ or is that too hard for a child to do?  And what about the younger two?  Do the older teens have a responsibility to walk in their faith during these week-ends to help the younger ones, so they don't get confused?  I could go on and on, but it's something I'm trying to work out.  Lord help me.


Well, off we go.  We get to go to the dump today.  Not my favorite trip, but DS loves it.

God bless your day,

From Glory Farm

Dec 27, 2006

So that was Christmas

Well, I guess it's back to life as usual.  We won't start school again until next week.  Ds recieved Electronic Battleship from Grandma.  It's a hit.  Literally.  Subs, aircraft, all kinds of different missiles, and a never ending droning voice alerting you of hits and misses.  Dd3 has a friend spending a couple of nights.  So they're testing all of her new toys.  It was a game type Christmas.  Yahtzee, Risk, Battleship...Somehow all of the dolls and Polly Pockets have made their way downstairs to the livingroom.  I think someone's bedroom may be too messy to find room to play. 

Christmas Eve was nice.  The lutefisk ( or fish jell-o, as DD2 calls it) wasn't as pungent as in years past.  I can live with that.  I discovered that while family taditions are nice, they're not what Christmas is about.  If that's all there is, it's seems hollow and meaningless.  My parents aren't Christians and I so wish that I could say that they were.  Traditions mean everything to my Mom.

Today I'm going to give my children a treat.  A chance to use my hand cranked flour mill. 

With a promise of fry bread for lunch, it just might work.

I do hope that your Christmas was blessed and you can follow the ramblings of this post.  It's a bit disjointed.

Love in Christ,

From Glory Farm

Dec 22, 2006

Tradition! Tradition!

Today I think we'll get a tree.  Nothing like waiting until the last minute.  We just haven't been able to find just what we want, so I think we'll settle for anything we get at this point.  I haven't started wrapping gifts, all of that to do today.  Maybe some cookies, house cleaning.  I have four blessings to help. 

My brother, neice and nephew will be up from the cities tomorrow and they haven't ever seen our "new" house.  In fact, I haven't seen my nephew since his first birthday.  He's now 15.

Christmas Eve will be at my parents house for the traditional lutefisk and rice pudding with the almond in it.  If you can save enough room for desert, and you dish up your rice pudding, and you get the almond, you get the almond gift.  The kids love it.  I'm usually too full to participate.  Christmas Day will find us home for most of it.  Maybe a trip down to my dh's relatives in Duluth.  We put our pickle on the tree, and whoever remembers to find it, gets the pickle gift.  A box of Little Debbie's works well for this.

This is our yearly schedule.  Tradition, I guess.  So until after Christmas, have a very blessed time.  Keep Christ in the middle of it, no matter where or who you're with.

Merry Christmas,

From Glory Farm

Dec 19, 2006

Christmas-presents and candy

Everyone asks, "Are you all ready for Christmas?"  Not hardly.  I don't know what's with me this year.  I love Christmas and I don't care if I'm ready or not this year.  We have NO snow.  But that's alright with me, too.  Almost everyone on my list is getting homemade this year, and it's not all done, but I think it will even if it takes a couple of 48 hour days.


I wanted to share with you one of my daughters' favorite candies.  I try to make these at Christmas, usually a double batch.  I LOVE cookie dough.  Blizzards, ice cream and these candies.


Cookie Dough Truffles

1/2 cup butter, softened

3/4 cup brown sugar

2 cups flour (not whole wheat)

1 can sweetened condensed milk

1 teaspoon vanilla

1/2 cup miniature chocolate chips

1/2 cup chopped walnuts ( I don't do walnuts)

1 1/2 pounds of semisweet chocolate candy coating (I just use almond bark.)

In a mixing bowl, cream the butter and brown sugar until light and fluffy.  Add the flour, milk and vanilla, mix well.  Stir in the chocolate chips and walnuts.  Shape into 1 inch balls ;place on waxed paper-lined baking sheets.  Loosely cover and refrigerate for 1-2 hours.

In a  microwave safe bowl, melt candy coating, stirring often until smooth.  Dip balls in coating and place on waxed paper .  Refrigerate until firm, about 15 minutes.  Store in fridge.  Makes 4-5 dozen


Have a blessed Christmas.  Remember what it is.  God gave us grace and the ability to extend that grace to others when He sent His Son as a gift for us.


From Glory Farm

Dec 10, 2006

The Dog, Christmas, and a sermon

 Well, we surprised my dh with his Bassett Hound "Flash, the Wonder Dog".  He really likes him, unfortunately, we're beginning to see why they wanted to find him a new home.  He likes to roam.  He doesn't go too far or too fast, but I don't know how long I can expect our neighbor to be understanding and patient.  Flash also doesn't seem to know his name.  This is great for him, when he goes visiting.  Problem is, he's going to get himself hit on the road sooner or later and no one should have to deal with that.  I'm not sure what to do with him.  There is a return policy.  The nice woman who had him, said that we could bring him back if he didn't work out.  I feel kinda bad bringing him back, but I'd feel worse if he got hit.


Does anyone else out there feel the financial crunch with Christmas?  I know it's not about presents, but it's hard when everyone seems to give you so much and they get homemade socks in return.  My parents give so much at Christmas, they outdo us as parents when it comes to the kids.  My children have friends who get ipods, DVD players, laptops, robots, etc. and they are going to end up with slippers and alarm clocks from us.  We told them that things are tight this year, but I don't think that they believe that.  We want our children to concentrate more on the real meaning of Christmas and I guess there's no time like the present.  (pun?)


Sunday.  Pastor was on fire this morning preaching about the moral decline of the country and how,as the church, we have a responsibility to love and pray for others and for our country.  He made the point that if we're to be like Christ, then why don't we have the crowds following us and wanting to hear us like Christ did?  Is it because we don't love them like Christ does?  That part is from last week's sermon, but I'd never really thought about that part of Christ's ministry.  Too busy trying to be "holy" to be loving?


Well, this was a jumble of ideas.  It's on to making more socks. 

God bless you and yours,

From Glory Farm

Dec 6, 2006

The Winter of Our "Discount Tent"

It's late, I know.  I should be in bed, but...I'm not sure why I'm up.  Maybe because I finally have some quiet and some time.  The weather has turned cold.  A month ago I was complaining about 30 degrees, now I'm complaining about minus 20.  It's a cold one tonight and I won't say that I enjoy it.  I've lived in Minnesota all of my life and used to think that cold was just a state of mind.  If you dressed for it, you could really enjoy yourself as your lungs iced up, your nostrils stuck together and the ice on your eyelashes was so heavy that you could barely see.  I think maybe with age comes a change in that state of mind.  Maybe you  get wimpy and whiney or maybe its wisdom.  I'm not sure.  My dh called from the Smokey Mountains tonight where he said it was a balmy 40 degrees.  It's sounding better and better.  How big are the bugs down there?  How poisonous are the snakes? 

One good thing about the cold, or so my mother says, it kills off the viruses.  If that's true, I'll be good and healthy while I enjoy another Minnesota winter.

Lord, help me to wake up each morning eager to start my day.  Grateful for the gift of it.  Full of energy and purpose.  I want to look forward to the promise that the day holds and be an encourager for my family and those around me.  Thank you.

Don't le the bed bugs bite.

From Glory Farm

Dec 2, 2006

News "Flash"

Laying at my feet is a 60 lb. Bassett Hound.  I went and took a look yesterday.  Always a mistake.  If you  don't see them, they don't come home with you.  This guy is so nice.  Just a gentle fellow.  His name is Flash.  I think it fits in a wierd sort of way.  He's a surprise for my husband who was supposed to be home tomorrow, but got re-routed by way of South Carolina.  Think we can keep this a secret until next week-end?  

Flash is a talker and may just end up spilling the beans himself.  Isn't he a handsome boy?

Have a great evening.

From Glory Farm


Nov 30, 2006

It all works out.

My husband got a day off and I put the poor man to work.  We got the attic insulated yesterday, the horses trimmed, a heat duct put into the kitchen and numerous other projects.  There's always so much to do, he never gets a day off. He's back to work today.  If he checks out my blog, I want him to know how very much he's loved and appreciated. (Of course I tell him in person, but I want to tell everyone.)

Winter has hit Minnesota.  It was 2 below this morning and it'll be colder still tonight.  Just think, on Monday we had two inches of rain! I pulled out my Carhardts out today so I can do chores and I need to get a heat lamp set up in the chicken coop.  I'm never completely ready for the cold weather. 

Tomorrow I get to spend the day on my old stompin' grounds.  It'll be good to see old friends.  I think I'll crash my old Bible study.  I'm also going to look at a Bassett Hound someone has to give away up there.  My dh has wanted a Bassett for three or four years now.  Dd2 wants a dog,too, but I hope that she can be unselfish and do this for her stepdad.  We really don't want more dogs than this.

I think I"m rambling.  Better go and finish up school.  We're running late today, cuz we took a trip with Dad this morning.

From Glory Farm,


Nov 28, 2006

A short note...

It really is rain coming down hard-the end of November!  We don't even have any snow yet.  This is a blessing when it come to heating costs up here.  And practically unheard of.

We banked the house with haybales yesterday.  My honey is on his way home right now and I'm so grateful.  When he's home I feel like I can do anything.  I know if I fail, he'll fix it.  I never used to be like this.  I was "Independent".  I could do anything myself and if I couldn't, it didn't need to be done.  I didn't need anyone.  I need to find a middle ground here.  I think perhaps I'm just spoiled.

Time to start school. 

Have a blessed day.  It is a gift.

From Glory Farm

Nov 27, 2006

Where I Live

We had our Thanksgiving yesterday.  Though my husband is right when he says we should make such a point of being that thankful everyday.

I found a source for raw honey just 35 miles from here.  That's what I call excitement. I go through a lot of honey.  I bake with it and drink it hot and use it on hot cereal, etc.  I also found out that there is a food co-op here and I need to make out my order to go in before Sunday.  More things to be thankful for.  I also talked to my soon-to-be neighbor and asked her to stop by and give some advice on truck gardening.  She used to do it and I still have many questions.

Because my husband drives OTR, I end up doing some things that are a bit beyond my expertise.  I need to insulate the attic this week before we spend a small fortune on propane.  I also need to call and go and get some hay for our animals and also to bank our house.  I don't mind getting the hay , it's getting it up in the hay loft I'm not so crazy about.  I've never driven our John Deere and it's not easy starting in the cold.  I've never hooked it up to the power take off on the hay elevator either.  My dh says I can, and he's probably right, but I might just take the extra time and effort to stack the bales in the bottom of the barn. 

I also wanted to make the majority of our Christmas gifts this year, and between homeschooling, home remodeling, and the rest of this stuff, I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed today.  So I'd best be off and bring it to my Heavenly Father.  This is no way to be.

Praise God for this day.

From Glory Farm


Nov 21, 2006

Blessed Sunshine

Good Morning!  my computer is in the livingroom in front of our picture window.  Sun is streaming through this morning.  We're supposed to have temps near 50 today.  That's almost record breaking by Minnesota standards.  What a blessing.  It seems that there are always so many things to take care of outside. 

Our Thanksgiving will be a bit different this year.  I usually have family over for dinner, but this year the two oldest will be with their dad and the younger two will be with their mom.  Happens in these blended families.  My dh is on the road and will be in Houston for Thanksgiving.  Wish I could ship a turkey and all the trimmings along with my heartfelt thanks for the Godly way that he guides and cares for this family.  I'm going to give the church a call and see if they need help with the community Thanksgiving dinner.  It's something I've always wanted to do and now God has given me the opportunity.

Thanks for stopping by.  Have a blessed day.  Or as the preacher says"Have a good and Godly day, for what benefit is a good day if it is not also a Godly one?" 

From Glory Farm

Nov 15, 2006

Look at this-Pictures finally up.

I did it !  I finally figured out how to make more room so I can post more pics.  This is a picture of the sunrise last week.  It was gorgeous.

This is the place that our truck garden will go.  It's about 1/3 of an acre.



Here are our new bantams.  They are the prettiest chickens I've ever owned.  Only one egg so far, though


Here is a picture of the aprons I'm making out of old feed and seed sacks.  I'm also making backpacks and bags of all sorts.  It's fun.  This one is modeled by dd2. 

Now that I've got that off my chest, can anyone help me personalize my blog?  I'd like to put my own pictures and font at the top.

Have a blessed, glorious day.

From Glory Farm 

Nov 14, 2006

Help-I need it

I've been trying to upload pictures to this page for days and I get an error message that says I don't have enough available space.  I've even tried loading pics that I've posted before with no problem and it won't take them either.  Can anyone tell me what might be going on?  Also, how do I customize my page with my own pics at the top?

I would be thankful for any help you can offer.

From Glory Farm

Nov 10, 2006

...More Christmas Gift Ideas

I enjoy reading all of the ideas on here for homemade Christmas gifts and I thought I'd add a couple. 

Kitchen towels-Buy fat quarters or larger pieces of homespun and cut into towel size.  Hem all the sides.  Using muslin, embroider a picture.  I embroider slightly primitive trees, or houses, flowers, Christmas designs, anything that goes with their kitchen decor.  Take the embroidered piece and center it on one half of the towel.  Stitch in place and then hand stitch with embroidery thread to give it that primitive, or handmade look.

How about taking your favorite recipes and ideas from homestead blogger or other web sites and books and compiling a cook book, or self-sufficiency book?  Decorate with clip art and put it in a three ring binder.  I'm making this for a couple of self-sufficient wanna be friends of mine.

Using a small basket, place a fat quarter of homespun in the bottom and put in three or four 1/2 pints of jellies and jams.  An easy and much appreciated gift.

Homemade Christmas wreaths are great gifts for neighbors and friends.  Using balsam or princess pine, a few red pine boughs, cedar, whatever is handy in your area, make the wreath.  I accent mine with rose hips, redtwig dogwood, alder brush cones, red pine cones and anything else that looks good out in the woods.  I like the natural look, and it's cheaper.  I use red rafia to make a large bow for the top.

Happy crafting and have a blessed day.

From Glory Farm

Nov 9, 2006

Truck Gardens

Good Morning!  We were blessed with such a gorgeous day yesterday.  Over 50 and sunny.  My dh plowed up my garden.  The plow needs some serious help, but it's better than nothing.  I'm very happy with it. 

I'm starting a truck garden and am overwhelmed with the information I've retrieved so far.  Do any of you do this?  Here in Northern Minnesota, the season isn't very long.  I'd like to put up a high hoop in the future.  I'm not sure what to plant, how much to plant, etc.  I've gardened for years, but this seems different.  We have just over 1/4 acre plowed.  I don't want to start too big and not be able to handle it all.  I plan on doing the farmer's markets.  I'm not sure what prices to charge or how to package my produce.  Any information would be great.  Help. 

From Glory Farm

Oct 30, 2006

...and the Blustery Day

Today was beautiful.  Warm (50 degrees) and the wind was gusty.  Very gusty.  I thought I'd take some more pictures around here.

Some of the laundry went sailing.  It was a good laundry day.



I had to post a picture of my son's new Farmall.  It'll work good on that manure in the barn

that has to get to the garden yet.




This is my Sadie.  She's my favorite beast.  For some reason, she didn't want her picture taken today.  Maybe it's because I got  her picture with her mouth full.  She's two and I'd like to train her to pull.  Does anyone have any experience with this?  I don't.

Have a blessed evening.

From Glory Farm

Homeschool History Site

My husband found this history site and it sure has alot of information.  I think it presents a more accurate view of history than the one we get from the new history books.

From Glory Farm

Oct 28, 2006

Great Expectations

My husband is a gifted man, with a unique outlook on life.  We balance each other out pretty well.  I haven't found much that dh isn't able to do.  If he doesn't know how, give him a book.  It's great.  Yesterday he had our youngest two with him in the shop tearing apart a Farmall B.  It was his day to homeschool.  They tore the thing completely apart.  The two young ones are selling parts.  Today he took ds to pick up a tractor.  This is a tractor that my son is buying with the money he made from the steer he raised.  It's a Farmall H with a loader.  I'm just beginning to appreciate such things.  Our son plans on using it to fix the Farmall H he has stored in the shop and then selling it once he has them both running.  He's nine.  I think this is a contunuation of my husband's homeschooling style.  He expects great things from his children.  I just expect them to pick up their clothes.  "They" say that your children will live up to your expectations.  I hope they live up to my husband's and far surpass mine.

Have a glorious Saturday.

From Glory Farm

Oct 27, 2006


My ds is into collecting.  He collects coins, stamps, rocks, hotwheels, antiques, star wars figures, etc.   I thought for a field trip we might try a local gravel pit to pick agates.  There are supposed to be a lot of agates around here.  We could incorporate some geology into this. We've gone picking on Lake Superior, but didn't get a lot.

I just read an article about stamp collecting.  A homeschooling mom joined the youth stamp collecting club and each month they get new stamps and use this for their geography lesson.  They read up on the country and find it on the map.  You could write reports and look into foreign languages.  Some stamps could be used for history lessons.  Different men and women, or lessons on culture, movie and cartoon stamps.  I see alot of possibilities here.  And ds loves this stuff.  His dad is into collecting too, unfortunately he collects antique construction equipment and tractors.  This also can be used,  however.  Ds gets to rebuild, tear apart, learn the going value for a Farmall H. 

I'm feeling a bit punky, so my dh is taking care of chores and I gave the kids the day off from school.  I still need to get the laundry and dishes done.  Don't you feel guilty being given the day off, unless you're on your deathbed?  It's hard to accept some gifts. 

Have a blessed day.

From Glory Farm

Oct 20, 2006

Ho Hum

It must be the weather.  The sun hasn't been out all week, even though the meteorologist keeps seeing it coming.  It never gets here.  We've had snow and rain off and on all week.  Damp and chilly.  I went out to get a pair of my dh's jeans off of the line this morning and I brought them in and stood them up in the corner.  I would love to see the sun.

Not alot has been happening and so I haven't felt much like blogging.  I've had time to sew lately and I just finished a jacket.  Made a skirt for my dd3 and helped dd1 to sew a pair of pajama pants.  Dd2 saw an idea she liked in a catalog and started sewing Christmas presents.  They're little stuffed calico hearts put in a wicker basket.  Kinda cute.

The front porch is the project that I'm tackling this week.  I have a long way to go.  We just put all of the stuff in there that we didn't have a home for and now I have the task of finding homes for it.  I've resorted to just sorting stuff and labeling new boxes in a somewhat organized fashion until we get  more shelves (or add on to the house.)

There's a big pot of meatball stew on the stove tonight and a light snow coming down.  Guess I'll go and start on some Christmas presents.  Light a few candles and put on the music.  Too much cleaning and organizing isn't good for a person, you know?  Time to get cozy.

From Glory Farm

Oct 10, 2006


That's what "they're" saying.  Starting tonight and into Thursday.  Accumulations of what you might ask.  But then you look at my profile and you realize that I live in Northern Minnesota and you know.  You know that today will be spent putting Tonka trucks away. Tarping campers and equipment.  Finishing flower beds and bringing in the herbs.  For tomorrow may be full of picture taking ops. 

Oh well, "they've" been wrong before. 

There's snow place like home.

From Glory Farm

Oct 4, 2006

Last Chance

The people who wrote "Heaven's Gates, Hell's Flames"  have a new drama out called "Last Chance".  They're taking it around the United States and Canada.  Well, they just spent five days with us and our church.  We put on the drama and God worked miracles.  I've never been involved in evangelism like this.  It was awesome.  God moved people that I thought were immovable.  Many made commitments or recommitments to the Lord.  How great is our God!!!  As you can tell I'm still on a Holy Ghost high.  My children were in the drama and wow, they experienced such blessings.  Lesson that impressed me the most?  Prayer changes things.  It REALLY changes things.  I hope that lesson never fades away.

God bless you and the rest of your day.

From Glory Farm

Oct 3, 2006

Pictures from Glory Farm

I took a few pictures of our place yesterday, to share with you.  I don't have any reason for the subjects in these, just thought they might be interesting.

This is a picture of our Bucyrus-Erie dragline.  We put the excavting bucket on so we can use it to put in our septic system.  My husband's a collector of antique machinery.  (He couldn't have chosen stamps?)

Here's our sawmill and some of the sawbolts we have to make lumber to repair our barn.  We

haven't finished setting it up since we moved in here.




Our house is surrounded by pines, but the woods on the other side of the fields is mostly ash, maple and poplar.  The maples and ash have lost most of their leaves, but the poplars are a beautiful gold.


And here is a picture of one of our donkeys.  Her name is Daisy and we don't really do anything with her.  Hug her and brush her and pet her.  She's a great companion.

Well, that's all.  A small glimpse into our lives.

From Glory Farm

Sep 29, 2006

The Prayers of a Righteous Man Availeth Much...

Do you ever feel like Elijah?  All alone?  I know that there are brothers and sisters everywhere, and reading these blogs, people of like minds.  Sometimes they seem so hard to find when you move into a new place.  Even other Christians can't understand our lifestyle or mindset.

Our two older daughters go to public school and so are influenced by those around them.  We have a no dance policy.  Not at home :)  Here we can dance all we want.  My fifteen year old wants to go to dances.  She knows that these in no way honor God, but "everyone else" gets to go, even the Christian kids.  Nothing good ever goes on at these dances.  There are kids drinking and doing drugs.  The way the boys and girls interact is WAY too friendly.  Yet, she feels the pressure of being different.  She's not going to go, but I wish that she would desire to please God more than man.  Hard to do at fifteen.

Then there's our friend.  He's a backslidden Christian, who has been dating a non-Chritian.  She's pregnant and going to have an abortion.  My dh has talked to this man and the man feels the "least he can do" is bring her to the clinic.  This woman has problem pregnancies, and-yes this pregnancy could be a danger for her, but it breaks my heart.  I cry out for this child who now has to pay for the mistakes of his or her parents.  What have we become?  I'm as guilty as anyone else.  My voice is hardly ever heard.  My prayers are for such a small group of people.  I could do so much more.  Please join me in praying for this situation. 

From Glory Farm

Sep 26, 2006


The rain didn't let up until this evening.  I really wanted to get some pictures to share with you.  As I was taking the clothes off of the line tonight, Crystal, the cat, decided to pose for me.  Thought I'd  post it.  She's obviously very photogenic.  Crystal is the cat that came with the house when we bought it.  She was God's answer to our little one's prayers.

And then there was heat....

What a welcome noise.  The sound of a gas furnace blower.  We now have heat.  My husband, who can do anything, just installed our first ever gas furnace.  In all of the places I've lived during the last 20 years, I've had woodstoves.  Now, I'm all for self-sufficiency and all, and we left a wood furnace in the basement for back up, but to not mess with firewood is a first.  I'm loving it.  The price of firewood skyrocketed around here last year and we haven't cut enough of our own to get us through.  This is nice.  No more going outside to the woodstove to stoke it at 11:00 p.m.  We have a wood cookstove in the porch that I still use.  It's nice to have options.

We spent Saturday down in the Cities at the 4-H State Dog Show.  Dd1's dog surprised us all and came away with a couple of blues.  It was a God thing.

I'm going picture taking later today if the sun comes out and I'll post some gorgeous (??)  pictures.  :)

From Glory Farm

Sep 19, 2006

Harvest Festival

The Harvest Festival in town last Saturday was nice.  Our two younger children participated in the pedal tractor pull.  They did well.  No trophies, but a vow to get their legs stronger for next year.  The farmer's exchange included chickens, ducks, rabbits, dogs and kittens.  There were also giant pumpkins grown by one of my new neighbors.  Huge.  This same neighbor brought us over some watermelon and it was great.  Here in northern Minnesota, it's not easy to grow full size melons.  Got to get his secret.  At the festival, there was also a  classic car show, which my ds loved, and a flea market. 

I think that the festival officially started the fall season.  Since Saturday, we've had rain (praise the Lord) and the temps have dropped.  We had a high of 49 yesterday.  We still have to get the furnace in.  I've been stoking up the wood cookstove on the backporch every morning.  I've even been cooking breakfast on it. 

Time to get breakfast on and school started.

Stop by again.

From Glory Farm

Sep 18, 2006


We finally got our yearly camping trip done.  We went up the North Shore of Lake Superior and into Canada to Thunder Bay.  It was beautiful.  Unfortunately, my dh got sick at the last minute and had to stay home.  We hiked some, and went to visit Fort William in Thunder Bay.  We stayed at a Municipal Campground so it wasn't REAL camping.   But the ground was just as hard and my sleeping bag got just as wet when the heavy dew leaked through the wall of the tent.  So that felt like real camping.

This is High Falls on the Pigeon River.

Buildings and furs at Fort William.

The Lord gave us beautiful weather for our trip and it was great as a back-to-homeschool fieldtrip.

Have a Blessed Day.

From Glory Farm

Sep 16, 2006

Oh Blessed Rain

It's raining. It's wonderful.  We're about 10 inches below the norm for summer and in extreme drought condition.  I awoke to the soft patter of rain on the window this morning.  I'd forgotten how good a rain smells.  You'd almost think it was spring with the sweet smell in the air.

Today is the Fall Harvest Festival in town.  They're having a pedal tractor pull, a corn feed, arts and crafts, a farmers' exchange, and other stuff.  My two little ones are going to do the tractor pull and I'm excited to see what kinds of treasures there'll be at the farmer's exchange.  Just an exchange of information will be fun.

We have located the umbrellas and we're off!

From Glory Farm

Sep 13, 2006

I'm SO excited!

Our curriculum arrived today.  It is awesome!  I ordered from Overcomers Books and Supplies.  It's called Prepare and Pray.  We'll be using Swiss Family Robinson as our text and doing unit studies on each chapter.  There's bible memorization, knot tying, sewing, survival skills, gardening, herbs, edible wildflowers, livestock husbandry, geography, vocabulary, grammer, history and on and on.  We also use Reader's Digest Back to Basics,  Country Living, Christian Biographies.  We'll be learning first aid, too.  I'll keep you posted on how it's going.  This is going to be fun!

From Glory Farm

Sep 9, 2006

Sandhill Cranes

Out and about this morning, and I heard a strange noise.  Sounded like a woodfrog, amplified about 25 times.  I went to look behind the barn and there were the horses, cows and donkeys standing stock still, mesmerized.  They were staring at a sandhill crane.  How cool is that?  We've never seen them up close and personal like that.  The people we bought our home from said that they come through here from time to time.  Nice blessing.

From Glory Farm

Sep 7, 2006

Pita Bread and Garlic Cucumber Dip

I like using alot of garlic when I cook.  My family isn't as crazy about it.  They just don't realize how healthy they'll be!  Anyways, I like breads and dips.  Hawaiin bread with spinach dip.  Pita bread with hummus dip and pita bread with cucumber dip.  Here's a recipe for making your own pita bread and a garlic dip.

Pita Bread

4 1/2 to 4 3/4 cups flour

1 pkg yeast

1 1/2 teaspoons sugar

1 1/2 teaspoons salt

1 3/4 cups water

2 tablespoons oil

Mix 2 cups of flour, yeast, sugar, salt.  Heat water and oil until warm.  Add to flour mixture.  Beat 3 minutes at medium speed. Stir in flour to make smooth and elastic about 10 minutes.  Let rest 20 minutes covered.  Punch down and divide into 12 parts.  Roll into smooth balls.  Cover and let rise 30 minutes.  Heat oven to 500.  Roll balls out into 6 inch circles.  Bake about 3 minutes.


Garlic cucumber dip

1 large cucumber

3/4 cup plain yogurt

3/4 cup sour cream

3 tablespoons olive oil

4 1/2 teaspoons minced fresh dill

4 1/2 teaspoons red wine vinegar

3 garlic cloves, minced

1/4 teaspoon salt

Pita bread wedges

Peel cucmber, cut in half lengthwise and scoop out seeds.  Grate cucumber and squeeze between paper towels several times to remove excess moisture.  Place cucumber in a small bowl, stir in the yogurt, sour cream, oil, dill, vinegar, garlic and salt.  Refrigerate until chilled.  Serve with pita bread. (Taste of Home Magazine)


From Glory Farm

Sep 5, 2006

First Day of School

Today we started school.  We usually follow the same calendar as the public school.  It's easier for us that way.  Every summer I say that I'm going to continue to school at least one day a week, and every summer it just doesn't happen.  This summer I chalk it up to moving.

We haven't recieved our curriculum yet.  I ordered Pray and Prepare.  It sounds interestting.  I usually order from Rod and Staff, and a little Bob Jones.  I kinda mix and match. 

We did some review today and just some fun stuff.

How did everyone else's day go?  Anyone start school today, too?

Time to get off of this thing and get something else done.

From Glory Farm

Aug 29, 2006

Fried Apples and Fried Bread

I have more apples from my mom.  She said that she really liked fried apples, so I decided to try and make some.  I sliced the apples, put them with some butter, sugar and cinnamon in a frying pan and fried them.  I don't know what they're supposed to taste like.  Soft or crisp?  My turned out soft and caramely.  Does anyone have a recipe that might be better?  I'd like to try again.

I made more bread today, this time with gluten, and I hope it turns out softer.  It's still rising.  On days when I make bread, we get fry bread for a treat.  Everyone likes that.  I guess it's been fried food kind of a day.

I've got to get outside and get the fenceline done.  I don't think that I'll finish today, but it would be nice to get close.  Our animals are getting pretty hungry, we're feeding hay already. 

Oh, btw, it's a gorgeous day out today.  70 and windy.  I love it.

From Glory Farm

Aug 25, 2006

Apple Butter and stuff

Mom brought over a couple of bags of apples yesterday.  My youngest two peeled them and we threw them in the crockpot with some honey and cinnamon.  We're cooking them down to make apple butter.  My grandma made apple butter, the best.  Mine never turns out as well, but I'm fond of it.  When I cook them overnight in the crockpot they make the whole house smell so good.

My dh has tomorrow off and we've been looking forward to going to the threshing show.  I've come to love these shows.  Lots of old tractors, steam engines, horse drawn equipment.  Old fashioned ways of threshing grain, making lumber, even things like dyeing fibers, making furniture.  It's great.

Labor Day week end, we're finally going camping.  We try to go at least once a summer.  We're going to Canada and hiking the trails on the bluffs and up to the water falls.  It should be great.

Hope you all have a great weekend with your loved ones.

Take God with you.

From Glory Farm

Aug 24, 2006

What a Mess

It's overcast today.  It's seldom been that way this summer.  You can tell fall is almost here.  The daytime temps reach the 80s but the nighttime temps are down in the 40s and 50s.  The house cools off nicely.

Yesterday was a trying day.  I had unpleasant things to attend to, and they went just as poorly as I thought they would, if not worse.  Shows me one thing for sure-God's way is always the best way.  Both my dh and I have been married before, so we deal with visitation conflicts and such.  Our former spouses are very worldly and have a hard time understanding our lifestyle.  And, I guess, I have a hard time understanding theirs'.  Yesterday was an eye-opener for me.  I've been told that I'm a bit naive.  Well, it's time to deal with that.  Not everyone has the best interest of our children in mind.  They have ulterior motives, which I wouldn't have believed until yesterday.  Even lawyers are human.  Not always professional.  I now know that I can love someone and still be unwavering and unapologetic for standing up for what I know to be right.  I don't have to be confrontational, but the welfare of our little ones is more important than worrying about offending someone who isn't concerned about their welfare.  Lots of prayer for wisdom and discernment.  It's time to stop being afraid of what people can do and realize that the battle isn't ours, but the Lord's.

I'm not sure if you followed all of that.  I just don't want our children around drinking, drugs and immorality.  The court says that we have to allow it because nothing bad has happened yet and we can't judge others or mention their lifestyles.  Court ordered. 

One husband, one wife, no divorce, this is God's way and it is definitely the best way.

Enough rambling.

God bless,

From Glory Farm

Aug 23, 2006

Wednesday's Question

What's one thing that you learned from your mom, it can be good, bad or otherwise.

I learned to never swallow my gum.  Did you know that it stays in your stomach for seven years and if you swallow enough of it, you'll have to have it surgically removed?  She also taught me generosity.  She gives and gives and has shown me what joy the giver recieves in giving. 

At home in our new home

Woke up to thunder rumblings this morning.  I love that.

We worked on the new fence line yesterday.  We are over half done with it.  I opted to just put up electric, seems to work better for the horses and cows.  The woven wire doesn't hold as well.  (Electric is easier to put up too.)

The horseradish sauce recipe I tried, turned out good.  I think.  It's so hot yet, who can tell?

We've been cleaning, cleaning, cleaning, here at our new house.  The yard is getting better.  The house is on hold while we try to get things done outside.  I'm going to try to finish painting the kitchen walls today.  I'll do some before and after pics soon.  I haven't done the ceiling yet, not really looking forward to that.

We need to do a school shopping trip soon.  Also, I haven't ordered much for homeschool yet.  We have enough to start, but I'm really missing a good reading program.  We get alot of our materials free off of the internet.

The sun is coming out.  Time to get a move on.

Have a blessed day.

From Glory Farm

Store Bought Bread

I enjoy mking bread.  I try all kinds of bread, white, wheat, oat, potato, egg.  My children eat the bread.  Some turn out better than others.  They let me know what kinds they like the best.  It's healthier for us.  I can grind the flour myself.  The problem I'm looking to solve is how to make homemade bread that doesn't overwhelm the sandwich.  My husband won't eat homemade bread.  He won't eat store bought whole wheat bread either.  I don't like to feed him store bought white bread.  And if he eats it, it's handy and the children eat it.  I'm looking for a recipe that is very soft, doesn't crumble or dry out, can be sliced very thin.  It doesn't have to be whole wheat.  I can use unbleached organic white flour.  Maybe a bread machine would make softer bread.  I'm going to look at rummage sales and see what I can find.  Any recipes would be appreciated.  (I love trying new recipes.)  Thanks for any advice.

From Glory Farm

Aug 18, 2006

Horseradish Abundance

With moving in the middle of the summer, we didn't end up with a garden this year.  Our new neighbors have brought over zucchini, cabbage and my mom has given us fresh cukes and beans.  God is good.

Yesterday, I decided to use the old chimney bricks to make an outdoor area for our grill and a few chairs.  I choose a spot where we had some horseradish.. I dug it up and ended up with enough roots to make horseradish sauce for the neighborhood.  I guess everyone will be getting a quart or so.  Country Side Magazine had a good recipe for some sauce. (of course)  I'll try to get it done tonight and let you know how it turns out.  I'm thinking it's going to be pretty potent.  These are the biggest roots I've ever dug.

It's also go to town day.  I've been reading on some blogs where they only do grocery shopping every two weeks instead of every week.  We/re going to give it a try and see if we save money or not.

Well,  off we go.

From Glory Farm

Aug 17, 2006

Good Bread

The last issue of Country Side Magazine had some good recipes in it.  (It always does.)  I love this magazine and devour it when it gets here.  The butter pie crust recipe on page 48 turns out delicious.  I had promised my husband a pie and I was out of coconut oil, so I had to use butter.  This was the best butter crust recipe that I've tried.

Also, I tried the Oatmeal Bread recipe on the same page.  My kids said"This is like store-bought.."  Now I know that's not what I strive for in  homemade bread, but it gets them to eat it-hey?  I tweeked the recipe a bit.  I've used it twice already and made caramel rolls out of it yesterday.

Tweeked recipe:

1 c boiling water

1 c oats, ground fine in blender or mill

1 pack yeast

1/3 c warm water

1/2 c warm water

1/4 c raw honey-I like sweet bread

1 T coconut oil

1 t sea salt

1 1/2 c whole wheat flour

2 c unbleached flour

Combine oatmeal and boiling water.  Let stand until lukewarm.  Dissolve yeast in 1/3 c warm water.  Add to oatmeal and add honey, coconut oil, salt and 1/2 c warm water.  Mix in 2 c whole wheat flour.  Add unbleached flour.  Knead for 10 minutes.  Let rise  covered for 1 hour.  Place in greased bread pan.  Let rise covered for 45 minutes.  Bake at 350 for 50-55 minutes.  (I add the extra 1/2 cup warm water because I found the dough to be too dry otherwise. You might not need to do this.)

This is great for sandwiches.  Even with the whole wheat flour in it.  And my children loved the caramel rolls.

From Glory Farm


What's Happening at Glory Farm

Just an update on things. 

My modem died and so I had to switch to my dh's computer.  I discovered that he DOES have two USB ports on here, so I can upload pics from my camera.  Look out!

Work on our house is slow.  I still haven't done the livingroom floor.  But I have plans...

My dd3 was promised a kitten when we moved in here.  We were going to wait until we were more settled in, but God gave her a kitten three days ago.  We found it in our barn and it's a cute little calico kitten.  Works out perfectly.  We can't have a cat in the house because of my husband's allergies.

I put two flower beds in front of the house.  More pics to follow.  I got some of the lawn weed wacked.  I love my weed wacker.  It can make a jungle into a golf course in no time.

We have fenceline to put up today.  Lots of fenceline.  I hope to at least get started on it.  Don't want to put too much pressure on us.

Well, the day is slipping away. 

God bless yours,

From Glory Farm


Aug 7, 2006

Two steps forward and one step back

It's a good thing that we can't see the future.  We go into it with high hopes and expectations and I think that's the way God designed us.  I don't always understand the whys and wherefores of things.  (Always?  How bout hardly ever?)  But I've seen God's hand in things when I've stopped to reflect some time later.  All this to tell you that my much loved and wanted goats left today for a farm unknown.  They would have put Houdini to shame.  They could get out of anything and never leave a trace.  I came home from the dentist today to find both Tootsie and BillyBobJoe out in the yard.  It was the last time.  I can't risk them going back to our neighbor's house and nibbling his thousand dollar yard.  I made a call and they left this evening.  The chickens went with to keep them company.  No more poop in the machine shop.  So just where is the Lord leading?  I so desire to have these creatures.  In time I could build better fences and buildings to keep my animals in.  We still have the cows, horses and donkeys.  I'm going to call tomorrow on some Dexter cattle.  If I can't milk goats, I'll milk cows.  I'm also praying about how God would have us to use all of this land that we've been blessed with.  I'm open to ideas.  We have sandy loam for soil and it's great for growing things.  So please give me ideas to pray on.

God bless your night.

From Glory Farm

Aug 5, 2006

Licorice-THE dog

Today didn't go as planned.  Those Grand Champion dogs went and chased a car on the road and only one came back.  Licorice didn't make it.  They shouldn't have been out there, I know, but it doesn't make me any less sad.  The people who hit her never stopped.  Maybe they didn't know it.  It's just as well.  I wouldn't want anyone to have to deal with the guilt of it.  She belonged to dd2.  She had just won five grand champions at the fair on Wednesday.  Dd2 is heartsick.  She's raised this dog and trained her for four years.  That's one third of her life.  Losing a dog is hard.  Losing a dog when you're 12 years old is harder.  She's asking why.  No one but God knows.  Licorice was a kind dog, loyal and a good friend.  I'll miss her very much. 

Well, time to go.  Thanks for reading.

From Glory Farm

About those dogs...

Well, we made it through another year at county fair.  The only 4-H project we did this year was dog.  Both of our older girls have dogs.  They did real well.  Well enough to take Grand in a few categories.  Yes, these are the same dogs that chased the neighbor.  Hard to believe how much this obedience training has paid off.   Both of our daughters will be taking their dogs down to the state meet in September, Lord willing.  If I get pictures, I'll post.  I didn't take any this year as I couldn't find my camera in all the moving.

God bless your day as you bless Him.

From Glory Farm


Long post and advice needed! Prayers are good too!

No more trips back and forth to the other house!  My dh had yesterday off (sort of)  and we moved the rest of the stuff over here.  Now our yard is full of stuff, the shop is full of stuff-not all ours- and the house is full of stuff.  How do you organize this mess?  The livingroom floor isn't completely sanded yet and I'd like to keep as much stuff out of it as I can.  Today is a day of unpacking and packing up stuff to sell at a moving sale. 

I need some advice.  At our old house all of our neighbors were at least 1/3 of a mile away.  We had goats, chickens and dogs all "free range".  One of the unforseen problems that we have here is that we're only 300 feet off of the county road.  Our dogs have been chasing cars.  They also went across the road to the neighbor's house and chased him!  (They don't know what a neighbor is.)  Our dogs aren't mean, but they have no business over there.  Didn't start our relationship off on a good note.  Also, my goats went over there Wednesday night and they wouldn't go home.  He just put in about $1.000  worth of new plantings.  I now have them in their pasture, but they keep finding new and innovative ways to get out. if that wasn't enough, the chickens don't want to stay in the barn and are staying in the shop where dh stores all of his equipment-now equiped with chicken poop.  Our barn is very air-conditioned and would take alot of work and money to reside.  I need to find a way to keep the birds on the other side of the yard where the barn is.  Help!  Our aim was to bring glory to God and we've brought aggravation instead.  My dh says that satan is working overtime on us.  Must be a reason for that.  God has allowed it, so I figure it's a refining time.  Please pray for me because I don't want to be anymore refined right now!

From Glory Farm

Jul 30, 2006

We've almost made it

Arise and shine for your light has come and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you...

Howdy from Glory Farm.  We're here amidst the boxes and bags, dust and boards.  Doesn't look too glorious yet, but we've got plans.

We still have about four pick up loads to get over here.  Then we can start getting serious about this place.  "For I know the plans I have for you..."  I'm sure glad He knows them, cuz we're still not sure.  There's so much to do.  Everything needs a good cleaning and repair.  Gardens, barns, house, yard.  So much garbage to haul.  Here's a picture of the front of the house before we started gutting the inside and throwing all of the wallboard and bricks out the upstairs window.


And here's the barn:


So good night for now.  God bless-

From Glory Farm

Jul 21, 2006

A Day at the farm

The children are all in bed and my dh is "on the road again".  We've been going out to our new house almost everyday.  The cupboards are painted,  some sheetrock is up, the kids are working hard at fixing up their new rooms.  Dd2 is having a great time demolishing walls, cupboards, etc.  She's a natural. Sanding the hardwood floors is harder than I though it would be.  I still think it will be worth it in the end.  Time goes so fast out at the new farm.  Six hours seems like two.  We never get as much done each time as I thought we would. 

As we were finishing up tonight, stacking fenceposts behind the barn, God put a double rainbow in our back field.  It was brilliant and beautiful. 

We only have a week left to be out of our old house.  We were hoping to have the livingroom remodeled by then, but I don't think it'll happen.  Seems like I still have so much to move.  How did we aquire so much?  Major rummage sale time.

I best be off to bed.  It's getting late.

God bless...

From Glory Farm

Jul 16, 2006


Have I mentioned a time or two about the abundance of work to do at our new house?  Did you hear me complain?  I sanded floors for two days and still they need more.  They're not quite smooth.  My dh has been wiring and putting up sheetrock.  I've painted a few more cupboards and stripped most of the wallpaper off of the kitchen walls.  I'm always finding more things that need fixing.  My husband wants to put a new roof on.  Cut the old one off and raise the walls on the second floor so that we have more room.  Then put a new roof on.  We'll have a completely new house by the time we're done.

I haven't been able to do much about simplifying lately.  No makiing soap or bread or shampoo or sewing or working much with the animals.  But I know it's only for a season as we make it a habit now to stop and get fast food because I'm not home enough to cook.  I haven't been able to finish a day's worth of dishes for three days now.  (I guess I could be doing that instead of blogging.)

This is going to be our home, it's going to be great and I can't wait to post pictures to share.  We haven't lost our vision and the possibilities are endless.  God has blessed us again.

From Glory Farm

Jul 11, 2006

Some Down Time

The house is so quiet.  Everyone is asleep and my DH is at work.  I've been reading blogs for about an hour now.  This is a rare treat. 

Things went well out at the new house today.  I got the rest of the old chimney down.  You should have seen us.  We were covered with soot from heat to foot.  I'm glad they have a pay at the pump option at the gas station.  They probably wouln't have let me in.

I finished cleaning the front porch.  The kids cleaned part of the basement and finished putting up the fence for the pasture.  I cleaned and painted one cupboard.  Then I put my new dishes in it.  Doesn't sound like much, but something about having dishes in the cupboards makes me feel like we're making progress.

Tomorrow we're staying here at the old house and cleaning a bit.  Ds has been feeling sick the last couple of days and he needs some rest.  Dd1 is going camping. 

Temps are supposed to be up in the 90s this week.  This will be our "scorcher".  Humidity at 157%.  Thankfully we haven't moved the air conditioner yet. 

I'd better get to sleep.  The screen is getting blurry.

From Glory Farm


More ramblings

I don't know why I'm writing.  Nothing new seems to happen.  We load up the pick-up, drive 80 miles to the new house,  unload, clean, tear down, put up and then come home dead tired.  I woke up this morning with muscles hurting and I didn't do hardly anything strenuous yesterday.  The house is still a blessing, its' just so much work, some of the charm has worn off.

God still shows His grace and goodness in our lives.  How I take Him for granted.  Elmer (the wonder horse), we were told that he had an umbilical hernia.  That takes surgery to correct and without it he can't be ridden as more than a trail horse.  We prayed and God answered in a very big way.  The vet came out yesterday and gave him a clean bill of health.  NO hernia! 

Well, off to load the truck.

From Glory Farm

Jul 6, 2006


I guess I won't be bloggin' much until we get all settled in.  I started painting, we got a new toilet yesterday!  Today, we pick up some sheetrock and start on the livingroom.  We have old hardwood floors throughout the house!  Here's a picture of what a mess I've made of the kitchen so far:



And here's what a mess my brother made in the livingroom.  Must run in the family.


Thanks for all of your comments.  This is a great place to blog.

From Glory Farm

Jul 4, 2006


They got back last night.  Kinda late.  My husband and dd2.  And....Miss Blondie.  She's a golden palomino and pretty laid back.  Not skittish.  I think she might work out.

We're heading out to the new house today, to celebrate Independence Day.  We'll clean and clean and paint and paint.  Should be a good day.

Hope your's is truly blessed. 

From Glory Farm

Jul 3, 2006

A horse is a horse (of course)

About five months ago, my dd2 found a horse that she just fell in love with.  He was quite a ways from here and his name is Elmer.  We still have Elmer and he is the sweetest horse.  He gives kisses on request and, though he's only two, has been a quick learner.  Dd 2 has been riding on him a few times.  He's learning and is very gentle with her.  Well....can you ever have enough horses?  I think dd2 is a true horse trader.  We have three horses now and she just found another one that is "like my dream horse-just perfect."  My husband (whom I think is the perfect dad) left with dd2 early this morning to go and check out this perfect horse.  It's a palamino mare, located in South Dakota.  She's three years old and has been ridden a handful of times.  She's a beautiful golden color and about 14.3 hands.  I'll post a picture, if this sale goes through.  Dd2 emptied her bank account on this one.  She makes some pretty wise investments when it comes to horses.  I hope this is one of them.  By the way, if anyone is interested in a gelding paint who gives kisses on request.....

Update on the fox in the henhouse...Since we've been chaining up one of our dogs by the coop every evening, we haven't lost a chicken!  I forgot to last night, so I hope all is still well down there.

From Glory Farm

Just the beginning...

Well, it's officially ours.  Our new house.  The sellers moved out on Saturday and we started cleaning and moving in yesterday.  Talk about work!  Not only does the whole house need to be remodeled, but I don't think it's been cleaned in quite some time.  We were blessed to get it for such a good price, so I guess things like this happen.  We pulled out the carpeting, Started tearing off wallpaper, bagging up dozens of bags of garbage.  The shop is full of garbage, the barn is full of manure.  The yard has lots of junk, especially in the parts that haven't been mowed.  My mom seemed to finally give up yesterday as she was helping.  I don't think she's too happy about our new place.  But I see possibilities.  We do have a variety of smells in the house that may take some time to remove.  Cat pee, cigarettes, and just a uck smell of ??? Dd2 says she won't sleep there.  Just get her a warm sleeping bag and she'll live outside. 

I keep forgetting my camera when we go out there.  I want to get some pictures up.  The gardens have been neglected for quite awhile, but it's fun to start pulling weeds and finding treasures in amongst them.  I found a lily, pink and yellow yarrow, mint, tiger lilies, horseradish, and that's only a small part of what's there.  There are also fruit trees in need of some major pruning.  I'll get to that this fall.  There is so much potential.  I'm very excited to see what we can do with the place-or what God can do with it.

From Glory Farm-

Jun 30, 2006

Storms of Life

Sitting here this afternoon the air is heavy.  I'm hoping for a good storm.  It sure feels like one coming.  Even my computer is sluggish.  I'm glad I live in Minnesota.  When it gets above 80 and the humidity is above 70 percent I don't function well.  Thankfully, this doesn't happen often in Northern Minnesota.  My fingers swell and just hanging a load of clothes leaves me exhausted.  Yep, I think I'm a Minnesota girl.  Now if we'd just have that storm so I can get on with my life.

I found a helpful site.  It has information on building plans, gardening, kids safety, etc.

Jun 27, 2006

Little Foxes

We have a fox problem.  I'm thinkin' it's a female that's been coming in-in broad daylight and picking off our chickens one by one.  It's hard to know how to fight this.  Traps might get our dogs or our chickens. (they're free range)  I'm not a good shot and that fox is awfully sly.  Just like them to live up to their reputation.  First one she took out was Plankton, the attack rooster.  But while I didn't mind it, I failed to realize he was the best protector of our flock.  I have the chickens closed up in the coop and moved a dog on a chain down to be near it.  I can't leave it like that forever.  Anyone have any advice on how to outsmart a fox?  Don't ask me to pick up a rifle, we'd only lose more chickens. 

Name Change

Well, our move is well underway.  We got some of the fenceline put up yesterday. 

Since we're moving from our "Sonshine Acres" and have named our new place "Glory Farm"  I thought it was appropriate for me to change this title as well.  I'm excited.  God's hand has been in this move and my hope is that He'll use our new place and us in a whole new way, and strictly for His glory.  Lots left to do....

Jun 24, 2006

Favorite Soap Recipes

I have some favorite recipes that I use.  I'm always experimenting with new ones, so if anyone has a favorite, let me know.

1.  Pure Soap

This is what I use for laundry soap, cleanser, floor wash, stain remover, etc.  It cuts grease really well.

16 oz. coconut oil

2.9 oz. lye

1/2 cup cold water

Fat temp. 90 degrees

Lye temp. 180 degrees

Tracing time:  1hr. 50 minutes


Age:  3 weeks

(Taken from the book Soap Recipes)


2.  Castille Soap


Thiis is what I use for shampoo and beauty products.  Also for kitchen cleaners.

16 oz olive oil

2.2 oz. lye

3/4 cup cold water


Fragrances:  (optional, I usually make it without frangrance)

1 t. lavender oil

1/4 t. artificial bergamot oil

1/4 t. jasmine oil


Fat temp.   150 degrees

Lye-water temp. 150 degrees

Tracing time 2 days

Time in molds:  6 days

Age:  8 weeks


 (Soap Recipes)


3.  Carrot Soap

This is great for your skin.  It contains vitamin A and it makes a creamy. orange soap.

10 oz. palm oil

4 oz. coconut oil

2 oz. olive oil

2 oz. lye

f oz. water

4 oz. carrot juice

Oil temp.:  110 degrees

Lye temp:  100 degrees

After mixing add carrot juice.

Age 2-3 weeks


Jun 23, 2006


I just thought I'd let you know about a website I found.  It's

There are alot of great ideas on here.  I've just started reading it.  I'm going back for more.

Have a great day.

Jun 22, 2006

Fly spray

This time of year the horseflies are getting thick.  I buy the sprays at the farm supply store, but I don't like using all of those chemicals on the animals.  This is my favorite fly spray recipe.  I try to buy the Skin So Soft when Avon has their two for one specials.

1 cup water

1 cup Avon Skin So Soft Bath Oil

2 cups vinegar

1 tbs. Eucalyptus oil (found in health food stores)

Optional: few tablespoons of citronella oil.

Shake spray bottle well before spraying on horse, human or dog!


If I run out of Skin So Soft, I use a mixture of 1/2 PineSol and 1/2 Water.  I just started using this one, it doesn't seem to work as well, but it does work enough to give the animals some relief.

Jun 18, 2006

My "Mother" Nature

I'm having another birthday.  It happens every year.  I don't mind.  I sure don't feel as old as I'm told I am.  But there are the telltale signs.  No I won't go into it right now.

My parents are real supportive when it comes to the "back to basics" stuff.  My mom was probably one of the originals.  She raised us to eat as healthy and as natural as possible.  She was always trying something new.  Making butter, cheese, bread.  And her gardens always put mine to shame.   Anyways, her and Dad got me a wonderful birthday gift.  A flour grinder.  How cool is that?  I've been buying all of my whole wheat flour, but it's not as finely ground as I'd like it.  Now I can do it myself.  My parents are pretty cool.

Now what?

We went to visit my parents last night to celebrate Fathers' Day.  Came home and started laundry right away because dd1 and dd2 were leaving for bible camp this morning and needed some clothes.  About half an hour after we got here I turned on the faucet to start the dishes and-no water.  Now you know what a sinking feeling that gives you.  First check the breaker.  That was on.  What next?  Pray. Okay, now what?  Go outside and check the electric line from the pump to the house.  I bet those phone line chewing goats got the pump line now.  Flashlight in hand I checked it out.  Can't see what could be wrong.  Then I see the headlights of my dh's big truck.  The calvary's on the way.  Once in the house, he took the cover off of the pressure switch for the pump and what do you suppose he found?  One poor little black beetle with his leg wedged between the contact points.  He was keeping the pump from turning on!  Dh took him out of there and the pump started right up.  Bet we never see that happen again.  Anyways, just wanted to share that with you.  Another tale to add to my strange but true collection.

Have a blessed night.

Jun 15, 2006

Starting the Move

Two trailers full of machinery so far.  We've got quite a bit more to go, but it's a start.  It'd be nice to be moved in there in time to get the hay in while it's still high in nutrition.  Things do get a bit stressful.  But I guess that's to be expected.  I am looking forward to getting everything over there and to be done with it.  Once there, the work is continual, but at least we'll be there to do it.  My dh said that we'll have a great big sale as soon as we get moved in. 

God is good and hears the prayers of His saints.


Jun 13, 2006

Slowly but Surely

Because we're getting packed up and ready to move, I've been trying to not spend too much time on the computer.  It's raining out this morning, so I can't go and get the tack shed packed or the garage, so I'm squeezing in as many entries as I can think of before I go and try to get something done.

It's going to be a lovely day.  The sun is out, but it insists on raining every half hour or so.  One of those days. 

Our garden is producing spinach and radishes.  I've never had things get done so early.  I'm waiting for wild strawberries.  They should be done in about a week. Our peas are blooming and the swiss chard is up.  That's all I planted this year because of the move. 

Well, time to go and see what else I can box up. 

Bottle Jaw

This buck that we have has been so sickly.  He was a gift.  I could have picked out a healthy buck, but I felt sorry for him and thought maybe we could help him.  Now he has bottle jaw.  I read up on it a bit and it can be caused by parasites, and mineral defficiency.  They suggested I give him Red Cell, a horse nutrient.  I have wormed the poor guy five times already with different wormers.  I'll try again.  He is getting healthier, but...  I guess this is a good experience.  Last time I had goats, I never had anything go wrong except a mild case of mastitis.  Now I'm learning. :)  Anyone else had any experience with this?  Thanks.

The Final Saga of that Infamous Rooster?

Awhile back I wrote of an ornery old rooster we have named Plankton and how ds knocked him out cold.  We also have a fox family living in the vicinity.  I figure things happened like so:

Both of our dogs had an agility demo to do in town last week-end and they ended up spending Saturday night elsewhere.  Sunday afternoon a neighbor stopped by and told us she'd seen one of the foxes trotting through the horse pasture.  No big deal, we see them all the time-but thought we'd better count the chickens anyways.  Ds went down to the chicken coop and came back up.  I can't tell you for sure that he was smiling, but..."only one I can't find is Plankton."  Haven't seen him since.  No dogs on Saturday night probably made the difference.  But no one is too heart broken.  Things have a way of working out.

Jun 8, 2006

We Done Did it

Closing went very smoothly yesterday.  We even got chocolate bars and coffee mugs out of the deal.  So now we get to start moving.  We have over a month to move, so it shouldn't be too hectic.

I'll check in later, we have VBS all this week and I'd better get going.


Jun 6, 2006

Closing on the Farm

Tomorrow we're supposed to close on the farm.  yes, we're excited.  As I said before, the house needs alot of work and so does the barn, but the land is gorgeous, and good for growing.  The price was great too.  It's a God thing. 

Isn't it fun to think about all of the possibilities?  We will have enough land to do anything the Lord leads us to do.  I don't know yet, where to start.  More goats or more cows or more of both?  What kinds of crops should we put in or should we just keep the land in hay?

Well it's getting late.  I'll write more tomorrow and let you know how it went.

Ten On Tuesday



Pre-summer festivals and fairs are so much fun!  All the fire departments, churches, and county fairs light the night sky with neon fun from the midway rides and fill the sky with fireworks, and food and good times are had by all. 


1)  Corn Dogs or BBQ Ribs?   Corn Dogs.

2)  Funnel Cakes or Cotton Candy?   Cotton Candy

3)  What kind of popcorn is your favorite?  Irish Kettle, Caramel, Plain ole' salt and buttah?   Kettle corn is my favorite.  By the bagful.

4)  Are you a thrillseeker?  Do you get on the rides?  We are not talking about the Thomas the Tank Engine ride......  The Octopus-my favorite ever since I got sick on it at 12 years old.

 5)  For all you shore go'ers (like me!)... name your favorite flavor salt water taffy...  Don't care for taffy.

6)  What is the biggest prize you have ever won on the midway games, or that someone has won for you?   A stuffed SpongeBob Square Pants.  A wonderful prize.

7)  French fries... ummmm... what's your poison?  Ketchup, malt vinegar, Old Bay?  Ketchup


8)  Caramel apple (with or without nuts) or Candy Apple?  Caramel apple, no nuts.  They just fall all over the ground.


9)  Do you like fireworks?   They're alright.  I like watching the faces of the children watching the fireworks.

10)  Name your favorite fair or carnival.  If you are competing or demonstrating, sound off and brag.  Let's hear about some state and country fairs...  The Northern St. Louis County Fair.  We're a 4-h family and exhibit every year.  Our main focus is dog obedience and agility.  It's great fun.  It's amazing what the average dog with a great kid, can do.


Jun 4, 2006

More Good Books

My honey came home Friday from work with books for me.  He stopped off at a couple of rummage sales on the way home and found some treasures.

1.  Fences, Gates and Bridges A Practical Manual -Looks good

2.  10,000 Garden Questions Vol II-Wow they found enough questions for 2 volumes!

3. How to Grow Vegetables and Fruits by the Organic Method- This one I dove into right away.  I'd like to get certified as an organic farm.

4. Wilderness Survival-This one is for dd1.  She loves being in the woods and any information she can find about plants and shelters, etc.


Now I hope to find time to get through these.  If I can retain even a bit of this info, it'll be worth the dollar he paid for all of them.


Hope your Sunday is spent in God's presence.  He is most awesome.

May 31, 2006

This, That and Then Some

I haven't blogged in awhile.  I was waiting until I had something interesting and informative to relay, but that's not gonna happen.  We still haven't closed on our house and time is running out.  We have until Monday and then the purchase agreement runs out.  Boy, time sure flies.  We're still waiting on our loan.

My dh is into big toys.  Front end loaders, drag lines, farm machinery, power shovels, etc.  We have quite a collection.  Mostly "antique".  He's been loading it all on trailers getting ready for the big move.  He's quite a problem solver.  I'm glad cuz my favorite word when I look at all of it is "impossible".

I recently purchased more books in the Foxfire series.  I have 1-6 now.  There are some things in there that don't interest me, but lots of useful information also.  Has anyone else read these?  My grandma had the whole collection.  She was able to make anything out of nothing.  The McGuyver of grandmas.

I'm rambling.  Best get going with this day.  Thanks for all  of the information you all post.  I have learned alot.

May 24, 2006

You want goats??????

I DO love goats.  I DO, I DO, I DO.  If they weren't so cute...

I allow my goats to roam the yard.  The pen we put up is just too hard to move around.  It wasn't bad at first.  They left my daffodils alone.  They like to sunbathe on the front porch, but that's a good conversation starter when company drops by.  Then I put my herbs out to prepare them for planting.  I stuck them on the porch behind the barbeque.  That didn't stop them.  They sure like thyme and lemon basil!  Went back for seconds.  The peas were up.  Were.  Those must have been pretty tasty, also.  I exagerate.  They didn't get all of them.  I put up the goat pen around the garden and put my potted herbs in it.  Problem solved.  Poor things must of got bored, next thing you know they're eating the ground wire for the electric coming into the house.  Maybe I don't give them enough mineral.  Found them chewing the phone line, which has kept me from blogging for a couple days.  I got the orange wire on the yellow wire and the striped wire on the black wire, (of course), after only the 48th try and two runs to the hardware store.  I now have a dial tone.  Goats are cute.  I think I'll go let them out of the shed so they can start a new adventure.

May 22, 2006


"Count it all joy"...

We made it through court last Thursday and everything worked out just as God had intended.   When you're dealing with a blended family like ours, there's bound to be some give and take. We've been blessed to have gone these six years without much problem.  God protects our little ones.  I have to believe that He's still doing that.  They now have a visitation schedule with their mother.  I pray this will be good for her and also for our two youngest.  Thank you everyone for your prayers.  God answered them.


Rhubarb Cobbler

I just got this recipe from a friend and tried it last night.  It's very good with ice cream and I had some for breakfast with milk.


Rhubarb Cobbler

4 cups rhubarb cut up

2 cups sugar

1/2 cup plus 1 T. butter

1 egg

1 1/4 cup flour

1 t. baking powder

1/2 cup milk

Put rhubarb in a 13x9 cake pan.  Cover with 1 cup of sugar.  Dot with 1 T. butter.  Cream together 1/2 cup butter, 1 cup sugar.  Add egg and mix will.  Mix flour and powder.  Add alternating with the milk into the butter and sugar.  Pour over rhubarb.  Bake at 350 for 50 minutes.


I substitute whole wheat organic pastry flour in all of my recipes and whenever a recipe calls for vegetable oil or shortening, I use coconut oil.  It adds more flavor and my husband likes it.

I also use organic sugar, raw milk and free range eggs.  Do you think that this makes it okay to eat doughnuts and cookies?  Maybe they're even good for me?

May 17, 2006


For many years now, I've subscribed to a magazine called Creation.  It's put out by the Answers in Genesis people.  It's a good magazine.  A friend gave me a Creation magazine the other day and it turned out to be a completely different magazine.  It's Creation Illustrated and it has great articles for homeschool, a young children's section and a study guide for each article.  It also has ideas for further learning.  It's great.   Does anyone else get this magazine?  I'd never heard of it before.

May 16, 2006

At the Auction

The stuff at this auction was in terrific shape.  Lots of old toys-Lincoln Logs, Fisher-Price houses, clocks, people, etc.  Books.  Boxes and boxes of old children's books.  Whitman, Golden.  Nice tractors, trucks, lawn mowers.  Everything was well taken care of.  My ds bid on all of the coins, but the prices were too high.  Finally, when he was near tears because there was only one lot left of wheat pennies, he got them.  Everyone around was clapping because they knew how much he wanted them.  Now he's hunkered down in the livingroom going through them, checking them out in his coin collector book to find their value.  We bought a cupboard for his room to keep all of his coin collection in, and an old metal table, which I'll post a picture of later. 

We ran into alot of people we knew.  My cousin was there.  It was great to spend the day with people I don't usually hang out with.  God blessed our day.  Well, time to go.  Have to pick up dd1 from work.  Lord bless.

It's Auction Time

Today there's an auction just up the road from us.  My husband is a professional bidder and I'm catching on quick.  He can't go today so ds and dd3 and I are going.  Auctions are great.  There's always the hope of getting something you need at a really good price.  There's the fun of seeing friends and neighbors and talking for hours.  My ds is a coin collector.  It just so happens, that there's a lot of coins that are going to be auctioned off.  He'll have to help. He has much more knowledge in this area than I do.  We went to an auction a couple of weeks ago and got a new rototiller.  It went for a very reasonable price, noone thought it worked.  It does!  Plus, my BIL gave us an extra motor for it-just in case.  What a blessing.

Today, I'd like to find some "matching" kithchen chairs.  We have a mismatched set of oak and maple. Four different styles.

Time to go and get ready.  Have a glorious day.  Use all opportunities that the Lord gives.  No one comes across our path by accident.


May 15, 2006

Basking in the Son-On the Rock

The sun! The sun! The sun!...How wonderful. 

Today is one of those almost perfect days.  A nice breeze blowing the clean sheets on the line.  Puffs of clouds overhead with blue patches.  I think the temp is about 65 with humidity at 80 percent.  I love it. 

We have goats, chickens and ducks all parading around the yard.  I found it was easier just to let the goats roam, providing they behave themselves.  They do want to get into the house, but I told them no.  They've left my gardens alone so far.  But if they start to be pests, it's back to the goat pen for them.  I think it looks like Ma and Pa Kettle's place, here.  Knowing we're moving soon doesn't help.  I don't much feel like improving the yard or finding homes for stuff, when I know the best place for it is in the moving van.  I do need to start organizing a bit, though.

One day at a time.  I know it's an old cliche.  "Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things.  Sufficient to the day is its own trouble."  Matt.6:34  That's the New Testament version of it.  That's where I think God is leading me.  There are things going on that are frightening, but what a glorious time of growing in faith and standing on the Rock.  What Satan has meant for harm, God will use for good.  I still covet your prayers.  Prayers for wisdom and strength.  We have a court date on Thursday at 9:30.  Thank you.

May 12, 2006

One Foot in Front of the Other

It's a dreary Friday afternoon.  It's been dreary all day.  Cold, sleet and wind.  I hear the ping, ping, ping of the sleet on the skylights.  From where I sit I can see the laundry hanging out for the second day, blowing in the breeze and weighing down the line.  The goats are complaining about being penned up in the goat shed all day.  I'd better get out there and give them some more grain.  I'd like to start a fire in our outdoor woodstove, but I don't want to spend all that time out there trying to get it started.  Sounds like I'm complaining, doesn't it?  I am.

Tomorrow, more rain or snow.  All of those die-hard fisherpeople will be out on the lakes in parkas.  It's tradition.

The sun will come out and the fire danger is completely passed now.  We get to take a drive to Wisconsin tomorrow to visit my MIL.  I like a change of scene from time to time, so I'm looking forward to that.  The children and I made some scrubbing sacks for presents from a recipe that was on The Front Porch Blog some time ago.  They turned out nice and we used vanilla fragrance.  Smells....alot.  I also made some notecards out of photographs of flowers that I'd taken.  I love to take pictures of wildflowers.  They hold still for their pictures.  I also made my mom a laundry/cleaner kit with instructions and pure soap, borax, washing soda, etc.

Things are also happening in our family.  I covet your prayers for the will of God to be done.

Thank you.


May 8, 2006

Making Cheese and Countryside Magazine

I don't post my recipes very often, but thought I'd share this one.  It's a very simple cheese to make and tastes best with goat milk, though  I've used cow's too.


Warm 1 gallon of milk to 86 degrees.  Use rennet according to package directions.  Once the curd is set, break it up with your hands til it is like cottage cheese.  Heat this gently over low heat to 110, stirring all the time.  This seperates the curd from the whey.  Pour all into a colander to collect the curds.  Add salt and/or herbs that you desire.  Turn into a oven-proof bowl that is buttered.  Bake at about 325 until top is brown.  Drain off extra whey.  Turn over and bake on other side til brown.  Watch it.  It can burn easily.  Turn on to a dinner plate to cool.  This can be frozen, cooked with, eaten plain, etc.

Also, I have back issues of Countryside magazine.  These are duplicates and I don't need them, but I won't throw these away.  They are issues-May-Dec. 2003 and March-Aug. 2004.

If anyone is interested, I will mail them out media mail.  I'll even pay the postage.  I just want them to find a good home.  There are so many good articles in them.  ie.growing naturally colored wool, sourdough, crafts, harvesting wild plants, homeschooling, goats, braided rugs, etc.

Well, we have a 4-H meeting tonight.  We're dissecting owl scat.  I think it'll be quite the learning experience.

Lord bless.


May 5, 2006

Peace and Quiet

Have you ever listened to these quiet country evenings?  Outside tonight, I went for a walk.  The robins and sparrows and others that I can't pick out were singing in the trees.  Then I heard the drumming of the ruffled grouse.  Sounds like a John Deere starting.  Next the crows are busy yelling in the tree tops.  Back in the yard I hear the wild geese and ducks back at the beaver pond.  Then a shipoke out in the slew starts sounding like a pump.  Now the sun is going down and the peepers are so loud that we sometimes shut the window so we can sleep.  It's wonderful

And...we woke up to snow on the ground this morning.  Next weekend is fishing opener and it's not unusual to wake up with snow on the tent.  For some reason it likes to make one last try before it gives it up for the summer.

Rest well.  Peace in Christ.

May 3, 2006

Don't Fence Me In..

Happens alot.  What should have been a simple task becomes a time consuming sequence of events.  Take this morning.  Just moving the livestock over to the west pasture.  No problem.  Set the electric fencer up.  Get the fence charging, (we repaired it last weekend).  Ds goes and gets the first steer out to move. Wait!  The fence isn't charging.  Bring him back.  Then I hear-Suzie's out and in the feed bin.  She's our never do nothin' pony. Just get that steer back in the fence until I can get this thing working.  Moe's out (another steer).  Time to drop the electric charger and charge myself over to the other pasture.  Got the pony and two steers back in only to have our young gelding escape.  Lured him back with a bucket of grain.  Forget moving them.  Let's just be happy if we can keep them where they are.  Brought the fencer inside and took it apart.  Don't know why it wouldn't work, but it's working now.  We'll attempt this again, but not until I have a few older hands around.

We don't have fence lines that can keep our goats in, so my dh put together six cattle panels and I move it around the yard.  The goats go in in the morning and back in the barn at night.  Keeps our lawn mown.  Kinda like a "goat tractor".

Nevertheless, it's a good day.  God bless.  (He always does.)














Dec 31, 2006

A Couple more money saving tips

There have been so many good money saving tips on here since the "challenge".  I thought I'd add a couple I haven't seen, but you guys probably do.

1. Refill your own inkjet cartridges. 

Some people say that this isn't a good idea, but I've been doing it for years.  The colored ones are harder to fill correctly and I end up buying new every two or three refills.  The black are easy to refill and I haven't had to buy a black cartridge in over a year.  This can save me almost $50  a pop if I refill them both.

2. Try to always bring water bottles (filled from the faucet) and some home baked cookies, apples, etc. to help ward off hunger on those days when you spend the day in town.

3. Change your own oil.

This is so simple that even I can do it.

That's all I can thing of for now.

Have a wonderful Sunday.

From Glory Farm

Dec 28, 2006

Bread, Neighbors and....?

The flour mill my mom bought me for my birthday last year, finally got a work out.  The children and I all took turns grinding.  DD2 did the most.  She's my fitness buff.  She ground at least 8 cups, which is quite a workout with this mill.  I was able to make 4 loaves of bread and 2 of banana bread, with enough flour left for another 6 loaves.


My neighbor stopped by for a visit.  I've met her once before, and she had promised to drop by.  She was good to her word.  Nice lady.  She weaves rugs and has four knitting machines!  I was looking for somewhere to buy some new rugs to replace the ones my great-grandma wove.  They're getting rather worn.  Neighbors here are so neighborly!  I enjoy this.  I hope that I can learn from them to be neighborly too.  They help each other out continuously.  They have helped us out a lot already and we've only lived here 5 months.


On a different note, we're having a kind of spiritual war going on with our children.  We have a blended family and all four children spend time with the other parent every other week-end.  This has an effect on their behavior.  When they visit there they are in the midst of adulterous relationships, drinking, drugs, etc. and I wonder if living in this every other week-end will make them complacent.  I want them to love their parents, how do they love them and not accept what they do?  Does this make any sense?  Will my 15 year old think it's okay to live with her boyfriend because her dad lives with his girlfriend?  Even though we teach her differently, what is our responsibility?  What should we expect from her?  Should she let her dad know where she stands in Christ or is that too hard for a child to do?  And what about the younger two?  Do the older teens have a responsibility to walk in their faith during these week-ends to help the younger ones, so they don't get confused?  I could go on and on, but it's something I'm trying to work out.  Lord help me.


Well, off we go.  We get to go to the dump today.  Not my favorite trip, but DS loves it.

God bless your day,

From Glory Farm

Dec 27, 2006

So that was Christmas

Well, I guess it's back to life as usual.  We won't start school again until next week.  Ds recieved Electronic Battleship from Grandma.  It's a hit.  Literally.  Subs, aircraft, all kinds of different missiles, and a never ending droning voice alerting you of hits and misses.  Dd3 has a friend spending a couple of nights.  So they're testing all of her new toys.  It was a game type Christmas.  Yahtzee, Risk, Battleship...Somehow all of the dolls and Polly Pockets have made their way downstairs to the livingroom.  I think someone's bedroom may be too messy to find room to play. 

Christmas Eve was nice.  The lutefisk ( or fish jell-o, as DD2 calls it) wasn't as pungent as in years past.  I can live with that.  I discovered that while family taditions are nice, they're not what Christmas is about.  If that's all there is, it's seems hollow and meaningless.  My parents aren't Christians and I so wish that I could say that they were.  Traditions mean everything to my Mom.

Today I'm going to give my children a treat.  A chance to use my hand cranked flour mill. 

With a promise of fry bread for lunch, it just might work.

I do hope that your Christmas was blessed and you can follow the ramblings of this post.  It's a bit disjointed.

Love in Christ,

From Glory Farm

Dec 22, 2006

Tradition! Tradition!

Today I think we'll get a tree.  Nothing like waiting until the last minute.  We just haven't been able to find just what we want, so I think we'll settle for anything we get at this point.  I haven't started wrapping gifts, all of that to do today.  Maybe some cookies, house cleaning.  I have four blessings to help. 

My brother, neice and nephew will be up from the cities tomorrow and they haven't ever seen our "new" house.  In fact, I haven't seen my nephew since his first birthday.  He's now 15.

Christmas Eve will be at my parents house for the traditional lutefisk and rice pudding with the almond in it.  If you can save enough room for desert, and you dish up your rice pudding, and you get the almond, you get the almond gift.  The kids love it.  I'm usually too full to participate.  Christmas Day will find us home for most of it.  Maybe a trip down to my dh's relatives in Duluth.  We put our pickle on the tree, and whoever remembers to find it, gets the pickle gift.  A box of Little Debbie's works well for this.

This is our yearly schedule.  Tradition, I guess.  So until after Christmas, have a very blessed time.  Keep Christ in the middle of it, no matter where or who you're with.

Merry Christmas,

From Glory Farm

Dec 19, 2006

Christmas-presents and candy

Everyone asks, "Are you all ready for Christmas?"  Not hardly.  I don't know what's with me this year.  I love Christmas and I don't care if I'm ready or not this year.  We have NO snow.  But that's alright with me, too.  Almost everyone on my list is getting homemade this year, and it's not all done, but I think it will even if it takes a couple of 48 hour days.


I wanted to share with you one of my daughters' favorite candies.  I try to make these at Christmas, usually a double batch.  I LOVE cookie dough.  Blizzards, ice cream and these candies.


Cookie Dough Truffles

1/2 cup butter, softened

3/4 cup brown sugar

2 cups flour (not whole wheat)

1 can sweetened condensed milk

1 teaspoon vanilla

1/2 cup miniature chocolate chips

1/2 cup chopped walnuts ( I don't do walnuts)

1 1/2 pounds of semisweet chocolate candy coating (I just use almond bark.)

In a mixing bowl, cream the butter and brown sugar until light and fluffy.  Add the flour, milk and vanilla, mix well.  Stir in the chocolate chips and walnuts.  Shape into 1 inch balls ;place on waxed paper-lined baking sheets.  Loosely cover and refrigerate for 1-2 hours.

In a  microwave safe bowl, melt candy coating, stirring often until smooth.  Dip balls in coating and place on waxed paper .  Refrigerate until firm, about 15 minutes.  Store in fridge.  Makes 4-5 dozen


Have a blessed Christmas.  Remember what it is.  God gave us grace and the ability to extend that grace to others when He sent His Son as a gift for us.


From Glory Farm

Dec 10, 2006

The Dog, Christmas, and a sermon

 Well, we surprised my dh with his Bassett Hound "Flash, the Wonder Dog".  He really likes him, unfortunately, we're beginning to see why they wanted to find him a new home.  He likes to roam.  He doesn't go too far or too fast, but I don't know how long I can expect our neighbor to be understanding and patient.  Flash also doesn't seem to know his name.  This is great for him, when he goes visiting.  Problem is, he's going to get himself hit on the road sooner or later and no one should have to deal with that.  I'm not sure what to do with him.  There is a return policy.  The nice woman who had him, said that we could bring him back if he didn't work out.  I feel kinda bad bringing him back, but I'd feel worse if he got hit.


Does anyone else out there feel the financial crunch with Christmas?  I know it's not about presents, but it's hard when everyone seems to give you so much and they get homemade socks in return.  My parents give so much at Christmas, they outdo us as parents when it comes to the kids.  My children have friends who get ipods, DVD players, laptops, robots, etc. and they are going to end up with slippers and alarm clocks from us.  We told them that things are tight this year, but I don't think that they believe that.  We want our children to concentrate more on the real meaning of Christmas and I guess there's no time like the present.  (pun?)


Sunday.  Pastor was on fire this morning preaching about the moral decline of the country and how,as the church, we have a responsibility to love and pray for others and for our country.  He made the point that if we're to be like Christ, then why don't we have the crowds following us and wanting to hear us like Christ did?  Is it because we don't love them like Christ does?  That part is from last week's sermon, but I'd never really thought about that part of Christ's ministry.  Too busy trying to be "holy" to be loving?


Well, this was a jumble of ideas.  It's on to making more socks. 

God bless you and yours,

From Glory Farm

Dec 6, 2006

The Winter of Our "Discount Tent"

It's late, I know.  I should be in bed, but...I'm not sure why I'm up.  Maybe because I finally have some quiet and some time.  The weather has turned cold.  A month ago I was complaining about 30 degrees, now I'm complaining about minus 20.  It's a cold one tonight and I won't say that I enjoy it.  I've lived in Minnesota all of my life and used to think that cold was just a state of mind.  If you dressed for it, you could really enjoy yourself as your lungs iced up, your nostrils stuck together and the ice on your eyelashes was so heavy that you could barely see.  I think maybe with age comes a change in that state of mind.  Maybe you  get wimpy and whiney or maybe its wisdom.  I'm not sure.  My dh called from the Smokey Mountains tonight where he said it was a balmy 40 degrees.  It's sounding better and better.  How big are the bugs down there?  How poisonous are the snakes? 

One good thing about the cold, or so my mother says, it kills off the viruses.  If that's true, I'll be good and healthy while I enjoy another Minnesota winter.

Lord, help me to wake up each morning eager to start my day.  Grateful for the gift of it.  Full of energy and purpose.  I want to look forward to the promise that the day holds and be an encourager for my family and those around me.  Thank you.

Don't le the bed bugs bite.

From Glory Farm

Dec 2, 2006

News "Flash"

Laying at my feet is a 60 lb. Bassett Hound.  I went and took a look yesterday.  Always a mistake.  If you  don't see them, they don't come home with you.  This guy is so nice.  Just a gentle fellow.  His name is Flash.  I think it fits in a wierd sort of way.  He's a surprise for my husband who was supposed to be home tomorrow, but got re-routed by way of South Carolina.  Think we can keep this a secret until next week-end?  

Flash is a talker and may just end up spilling the beans himself.  Isn't he a handsome boy?

Have a great evening.

From Glory Farm


Nov 30, 2006

It all works out.

My husband got a day off and I put the poor man to work.  We got the attic insulated yesterday, the horses trimmed, a heat duct put into the kitchen and numerous other projects.  There's always so much to do, he never gets a day off. He's back to work today.  If he checks out my blog, I want him to know how very much he's loved and appreciated. (Of course I tell him in person, but I want to tell everyone.)

Winter has hit Minnesota.  It was 2 below this morning and it'll be colder still tonight.  Just think, on Monday we had two inches of rain! I pulled out my Carhardts out today so I can do chores and I need to get a heat lamp set up in the chicken coop.  I'm never completely ready for the cold weather. 

Tomorrow I get to spend the day on my old stompin' grounds.  It'll be good to see old friends.  I think I'll crash my old Bible study.  I'm also going to look at a Bassett Hound someone has to give away up there.  My dh has wanted a Bassett for three or four years now.  Dd2 wants a dog,too, but I hope that she can be unselfish and do this for her stepdad.  We really don't want more dogs than this.

I think I"m rambling.  Better go and finish up school.  We're running late today, cuz we took a trip with Dad this morning.

From Glory Farm,


Nov 28, 2006

A short note...

It really is rain coming down hard-the end of November!  We don't even have any snow yet.  This is a blessing when it come to heating costs up here.  And practically unheard of.

We banked the house with haybales yesterday.  My honey is on his way home right now and I'm so grateful.  When he's home I feel like I can do anything.  I know if I fail, he'll fix it.  I never used to be like this.  I was "Independent".  I could do anything myself and if I couldn't, it didn't need to be done.  I didn't need anyone.  I need to find a middle ground here.  I think perhaps I'm just spoiled.

Time to start school. 

Have a blessed day.  It is a gift.

From Glory Farm

Nov 27, 2006

Where I Live

We had our Thanksgiving yesterday.  Though my husband is right when he says we should make such a point of being that thankful everyday.

I found a source for raw honey just 35 miles from here.  That's what I call excitement. I go through a lot of honey.  I bake with it and drink it hot and use it on hot cereal, etc.  I also found out that there is a food co-op here and I need to make out my order to go in before Sunday.  More things to be thankful for.  I also talked to my soon-to-be neighbor and asked her to stop by and give some advice on truck gardening.  She used to do it and I still have many questions.

Because my husband drives OTR, I end up doing some things that are a bit beyond my expertise.  I need to insulate the attic this week before we spend a small fortune on propane.  I also need to call and go and get some hay for our animals and also to bank our house.  I don't mind getting the hay , it's getting it up in the hay loft I'm not so crazy about.  I've never driven our John Deere and it's not easy starting in the cold.  I've never hooked it up to the power take off on the hay elevator either.  My dh says I can, and he's probably right, but I might just take the extra time and effort to stack the bales in the bottom of the barn. 

I also wanted to make the majority of our Christmas gifts this year, and between homeschooling, home remodeling, and the rest of this stuff, I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed today.  So I'd best be off and bring it to my Heavenly Father.  This is no way to be.

Praise God for this day.

From Glory Farm


Nov 21, 2006

Blessed Sunshine

Good Morning!  my computer is in the livingroom in front of our picture window.  Sun is streaming through this morning.  We're supposed to have temps near 50 today.  That's almost record breaking by Minnesota standards.  What a blessing.  It seems that there are always so many things to take care of outside. 

Our Thanksgiving will be a bit different this year.  I usually have family over for dinner, but this year the two oldest will be with their dad and the younger two will be with their mom.  Happens in these blended families.  My dh is on the road and will be in Houston for Thanksgiving.  Wish I could ship a turkey and all the trimmings along with my heartfelt thanks for the Godly way that he guides and cares for this family.  I'm going to give the church a call and see if they need help with the community Thanksgiving dinner.  It's something I've always wanted to do and now God has given me the opportunity.

Thanks for stopping by.  Have a blessed day.  Or as the preacher says"Have a good and Godly day, for what benefit is a good day if it is not also a Godly one?" 

From Glory Farm

Nov 15, 2006

Look at this-Pictures finally up.

I did it !  I finally figured out how to make more room so I can post more pics.  This is a picture of the sunrise last week.  It was gorgeous.

This is the place that our truck garden will go.  It's about 1/3 of an acre.



Here are our new bantams.  They are the prettiest chickens I've ever owned.  Only one egg so far, though


Here is a picture of the aprons I'm making out of old feed and seed sacks.  I'm also making backpacks and bags of all sorts.  It's fun.  This one is modeled by dd2. 

Now that I've got that off my chest, can anyone help me personalize my blog?  I'd like to put my own pictures and font at the top.

Have a blessed, glorious day.

From Glory Farm 

Nov 14, 2006

Help-I need it

I've been trying to upload pictures to this page for days and I get an error message that says I don't have enough available space.  I've even tried loading pics that I've posted before with no problem and it won't take them either.  Can anyone tell me what might be going on?  Also, how do I customize my page with my own pics at the top?

I would be thankful for any help you can offer.

From Glory Farm

Nov 10, 2006

...More Christmas Gift Ideas

I enjoy reading all of the ideas on here for homemade Christmas gifts and I thought I'd add a couple. 

Kitchen towels-Buy fat quarters or larger pieces of homespun and cut into towel size.  Hem all the sides.  Using muslin, embroider a picture.  I embroider slightly primitive trees, or houses, flowers, Christmas designs, anything that goes with their kitchen decor.  Take the embroidered piece and center it on one half of the towel.  Stitch in place and then hand stitch with embroidery thread to give it that primitive, or handmade look.

How about taking your favorite recipes and ideas from homestead blogger or other web sites and books and compiling a cook book, or self-sufficiency book?  Decorate with clip art and put it in a three ring binder.  I'm making this for a couple of self-sufficient wanna be friends of mine.

Using a small basket, place a fat quarter of homespun in the bottom and put in three or four 1/2 pints of jellies and jams.  An easy and much appreciated gift.

Homemade Christmas wreaths are great gifts for neighbors and friends.  Using balsam or princess pine, a few red pine boughs, cedar, whatever is handy in your area, make the wreath.  I accent mine with rose hips, redtwig dogwood, alder brush cones, red pine cones and anything else that looks good out in the woods.  I like the natural look, and it's cheaper.  I use red rafia to make a large bow for the top.

Happy crafting and have a blessed day.

From Glory Farm

Nov 9, 2006

Truck Gardens

Good Morning!  We were blessed with such a gorgeous day yesterday.  Over 50 and sunny.  My dh plowed up my garden.  The plow needs some serious help, but it's better than nothing.  I'm very happy with it. 

I'm starting a truck garden and am overwhelmed with the information I've retrieved so far.  Do any of you do this?  Here in Northern Minnesota, the season isn't very long.  I'd like to put up a high hoop in the future.  I'm not sure what to plant, how much to plant, etc.  I've gardened for years, but this seems different.  We have just over 1/4 acre plowed.  I don't want to start too big and not be able to handle it all.  I plan on doing the farmer's markets.  I'm not sure what prices to charge or how to package my produce.  Any information would be great.  Help. 

From Glory Farm

Oct 30, 2006

...and the Blustery Day

Today was beautiful.  Warm (50 degrees) and the wind was gusty.  Very gusty.  I thought I'd take some more pictures around here.

Some of the laundry went sailing.  It was a good laundry day.



I had to post a picture of my son's new Farmall.  It'll work good on that manure in the barn

that has to get to the garden yet.




This is my Sadie.  She's my favorite beast.  For some reason, she didn't want her picture taken today.  Maybe it's because I got  her picture with her mouth full.  She's two and I'd like to train her to pull.  Does anyone have any experience with this?  I don't.

Have a blessed evening.

From Glory Farm

Homeschool History Site

My husband found this history site and it sure has alot of information.  I think it presents a more accurate view of history than the one we get from the new history books.

From Glory Farm

Oct 28, 2006

Great Expectations

My husband is a gifted man, with a unique outlook on life.  We balance each other out pretty well.  I haven't found much that dh isn't able to do.  If he doesn't know how, give him a book.  It's great.  Yesterday he had our youngest two with him in the shop tearing apart a Farmall B.  It was his day to homeschool.  They tore the thing completely apart.  The two young ones are selling parts.  Today he took ds to pick up a tractor.  This is a tractor that my son is buying with the money he made from the steer he raised.  It's a Farmall H with a loader.  I'm just beginning to appreciate such things.  Our son plans on using it to fix the Farmall H he has stored in the shop and then selling it once he has them both running.  He's nine.  I think this is a contunuation of my husband's homeschooling style.  He expects great things from his children.  I just expect them to pick up their clothes.  "They" say that your children will live up to your expectations.  I hope they live up to my husband's and far surpass mine.

Have a glorious Saturday.

From Glory Farm

Oct 27, 2006


My ds is into collecting.  He collects coins, stamps, rocks, hotwheels, antiques, star wars figures, etc.   I thought for a field trip we might try a local gravel pit to pick agates.  There are supposed to be a lot of agates around here.  We could incorporate some geology into this. We've gone picking on Lake Superior, but didn't get a lot.

I just read an article about stamp collecting.  A homeschooling mom joined the youth stamp collecting club and each month they get new stamps and use this for their geography lesson.  They read up on the country and find it on the map.  You could write reports and look into foreign languages.  Some stamps could be used for history lessons.  Different men and women, or lessons on culture, movie and cartoon stamps.  I see alot of possibilities here.  And ds loves this stuff.  His dad is into collecting too, unfortunately he collects antique construction equipment and tractors.  This also can be used,  however.  Ds gets to rebuild, tear apart, learn the going value for a Farmall H. 

I'm feeling a bit punky, so my dh is taking care of chores and I gave the kids the day off from school.  I still need to get the laundry and dishes done.  Don't you feel guilty being given the day off, unless you're on your deathbed?  It's hard to accept some gifts. 

Have a blessed day.

From Glory Farm

Oct 20, 2006

Ho Hum

It must be the weather.  The sun hasn't been out all week, even though the meteorologist keeps seeing it coming.  It never gets here.  We've had snow and rain off and on all week.  Damp and chilly.  I went out to get a pair of my dh's jeans off of the line this morning and I brought them in and stood them up in the corner.  I would love to see the sun.

Not alot has been happening and so I haven't felt much like blogging.  I've had time to sew lately and I just finished a jacket.  Made a skirt for my dd3 and helped dd1 to sew a pair of pajama pants.  Dd2 saw an idea she liked in a catalog and started sewing Christmas presents.  They're little stuffed calico hearts put in a wicker basket.  Kinda cute.

The front porch is the project that I'm tackling this week.  I have a long way to go.  We just put all of the stuff in there that we didn't have a home for and now I have the task of finding homes for it.  I've resorted to just sorting stuff and labeling new boxes in a somewhat organized fashion until we get  more shelves (or add on to the house.)

There's a big pot of meatball stew on the stove tonight and a light snow coming down.  Guess I'll go and start on some Christmas presents.  Light a few candles and put on the music.  Too much cleaning and organizing isn't good for a person, you know?  Time to get cozy.

From Glory Farm

Oct 10, 2006


That's what "they're" saying.  Starting tonight and into Thursday.  Accumulations of what you might ask.  But then you look at my profile and you realize that I live in Northern Minnesota and you know.  You know that today will be spent putting Tonka trucks away. Tarping campers and equipment.  Finishing flower beds and bringing in the herbs.  For tomorrow may be full of picture taking ops. 

Oh well, "they've" been wrong before. 

There's snow place like home.

From Glory Farm

Oct 4, 2006

Last Chance

The people who wrote "Heaven's Gates, Hell's Flames"  have a new drama out called "Last Chance".  They're taking it around the United States and Canada.  Well, they just spent five days with us and our church.  We put on the drama and God worked miracles.  I've never been involved in evangelism like this.  It was awesome.  God moved people that I thought were immovable.  Many made commitments or recommitments to the Lord.  How great is our God!!!  As you can tell I'm still on a Holy Ghost high.  My children were in the drama and wow, they experienced such blessings.  Lesson that impressed me the most?  Prayer changes things.  It REALLY changes things.  I hope that lesson never fades away.

God bless you and the rest of your day.

From Glory Farm

Oct 3, 2006

Pictures from Glory Farm

I took a few pictures of our place yesterday, to share with you.  I don't have any reason for the subjects in these, just thought they might be interesting.

This is a picture of our Bucyrus-Erie dragline.  We put the excavting bucket on so we can use it to put in our septic system.  My husband's a collector of antique machinery.  (He couldn't have chosen stamps?)

Here's our sawmill and some of the sawbolts we have to make lumber to repair our barn.  We

haven't finished setting it up since we moved in here.




Our house is surrounded by pines, but the woods on the other side of the fields is mostly ash, maple and poplar.  The maples and ash have lost most of their leaves, but the poplars are a beautiful gold.


And here is a picture of one of our donkeys.  Her name is Daisy and we don't really do anything with her.  Hug her and brush her and pet her.  She's a great companion.

Well, that's all.  A small glimpse into our lives.

From Glory Farm

Sep 29, 2006

The Prayers of a Righteous Man Availeth Much...

Do you ever feel like Elijah?  All alone?  I know that there are brothers and sisters everywhere, and reading these blogs, people of like minds.  Sometimes they seem so hard to find when you move into a new place.  Even other Christians can't understand our lifestyle or mindset.

Our two older daughters go to public school and so are influenced by those around them.  We have a no dance policy.  Not at home :)  Here we can dance all we want.  My fifteen year old wants to go to dances.  She knows that these in no way honor God, but "everyone else" gets to go, even the Christian kids.  Nothing good ever goes on at these dances.  There are kids drinking and doing drugs.  The way the boys and girls interact is WAY too friendly.  Yet, she feels the pressure of being different.  She's not going to go, but I wish that she would desire to please God more than man.  Hard to do at fifteen.

Then there's our friend.  He's a backslidden Christian, who has been dating a non-Chritian.  She's pregnant and going to have an abortion.  My dh has talked to this man and the man feels the "least he can do" is bring her to the clinic.  This woman has problem pregnancies, and-yes this pregnancy could be a danger for her, but it breaks my heart.  I cry out for this child who now has to pay for the mistakes of his or her parents.  What have we become?  I'm as guilty as anyone else.  My voice is hardly ever heard.  My prayers are for such a small group of people.  I could do so much more.  Please join me in praying for this situation. 

From Glory Farm

Sep 26, 2006


The rain didn't let up until this evening.  I really wanted to get some pictures to share with you.  As I was taking the clothes off of the line tonight, Crystal, the cat, decided to pose for me.  Thought I'd  post it.  She's obviously very photogenic.  Crystal is the cat that came with the house when we bought it.  She was God's answer to our little one's prayers.

And then there was heat....

What a welcome noise.  The sound of a gas furnace blower.  We now have heat.  My husband, who can do anything, just installed our first ever gas furnace.  In all of the places I've lived during the last 20 years, I've had woodstoves.  Now, I'm all for self-sufficiency and all, and we left a wood furnace in the basement for back up, but to not mess with firewood is a first.  I'm loving it.  The price of firewood skyrocketed around here last year and we haven't cut enough of our own to get us through.  This is nice.  No more going outside to the woodstove to stoke it at 11:00 p.m.  We have a wood cookstove in the porch that I still use.  It's nice to have options.

We spent Saturday down in the Cities at the 4-H State Dog Show.  Dd1's dog surprised us all and came away with a couple of blues.  It was a God thing.

I'm going picture taking later today if the sun comes out and I'll post some gorgeous (??)  pictures.  :)

From Glory Farm

Sep 19, 2006

Harvest Festival

The Harvest Festival in town last Saturday was nice.  Our two younger children participated in the pedal tractor pull.  They did well.  No trophies, but a vow to get their legs stronger for next year.  The farmer's exchange included chickens, ducks, rabbits, dogs and kittens.  There were also giant pumpkins grown by one of my new neighbors.  Huge.  This same neighbor brought us over some watermelon and it was great.  Here in northern Minnesota, it's not easy to grow full size melons.  Got to get his secret.  At the festival, there was also a  classic car show, which my ds loved, and a flea market. 

I think that the festival officially started the fall season.  Since Saturday, we've had rain (praise the Lord) and the temps have dropped.  We had a high of 49 yesterday.  We still have to get the furnace in.  I've been stoking up the wood cookstove on the backporch every morning.  I've even been cooking breakfast on it. 

Time to get breakfast on and school started.

Stop by again.

From Glory Farm

Sep 18, 2006


We finally got our yearly camping trip done.  We went up the North Shore of Lake Superior and into Canada to Thunder Bay.  It was beautiful.  Unfortunately, my dh got sick at the last minute and had to stay home.  We hiked some, and went to visit Fort William in Thunder Bay.  We stayed at a Municipal Campground so it wasn't REAL camping.   But the ground was just as hard and my sleeping bag got just as wet when the heavy dew leaked through the wall of the tent.  So that felt like real camping.

This is High Falls on the Pigeon River.

Buildings and furs at Fort William.

The Lord gave us beautiful weather for our trip and it was great as a back-to-homeschool fieldtrip.

Have a Blessed Day.

From Glory Farm

Sep 16, 2006

Oh Blessed Rain

It's raining. It's wonderful.  We're about 10 inches below the norm for summer and in extreme drought condition.  I awoke to the soft patter of rain on the window this morning.  I'd forgotten how good a rain smells.  You'd almost think it was spring with the sweet smell in the air.

Today is the Fall Harvest Festival in town.  They're having a pedal tractor pull, a corn feed, arts and crafts, a farmers' exchange, and other stuff.  My two little ones are going to do the tractor pull and I'm excited to see what kinds of treasures there'll be at the farmer's exchange.  Just an exchange of information will be fun.

We have located the umbrellas and we're off!

From Glory Farm

Sep 13, 2006

I'm SO excited!

Our curriculum arrived today.  It is awesome!  I ordered from Overcomers Books and Supplies.  It's called Prepare and Pray.  We'll be using Swiss Family Robinson as our text and doing unit studies on each chapter.  There's bible memorization, knot tying, sewing, survival skills, gardening, herbs, edible wildflowers, livestock husbandry, geography, vocabulary, grammer, history and on and on.  We also use Reader's Digest Back to Basics,  Country Living, Christian Biographies.  We'll be learning first aid, too.  I'll keep you posted on how it's going.  This is going to be fun!

From Glory Farm

Sep 9, 2006

Sandhill Cranes

Out and about this morning, and I heard a strange noise.  Sounded like a woodfrog, amplified about 25 times.  I went to look behind the barn and there were the horses, cows and donkeys standing stock still, mesmerized.  They were staring at a sandhill crane.  How cool is that?  We've never seen them up close and personal like that.  The people we bought our home from said that they come through here from time to time.  Nice blessing.

From Glory Farm

Sep 7, 2006

Pita Bread and Garlic Cucumber Dip

I like using alot of garlic when I cook.  My family isn't as crazy about it.  They just don't realize how healthy they'll be!  Anyways, I like breads and dips.  Hawaiin bread with spinach dip.  Pita bread with hummus dip and pita bread with cucumber dip.  Here's a recipe for making your own pita bread and a garlic dip.

Pita Bread

4 1/2 to 4 3/4 cups flour

1 pkg yeast

1 1/2 teaspoons sugar

1 1/2 teaspoons salt

1 3/4 cups water

2 tablespoons oil

Mix 2 cups of flour, yeast, sugar, salt.  Heat water and oil until warm.  Add to flour mixture.  Beat 3 minutes at medium speed. Stir in flour to make smooth and elastic about 10 minutes.  Let rest 20 minutes covered.  Punch down and divide into 12 parts.  Roll into smooth balls.  Cover and let rise 30 minutes.  Heat oven to 500.  Roll balls out into 6 inch circles.  Bake about 3 minutes.


Garlic cucumber dip

1 large cucumber

3/4 cup plain yogurt

3/4 cup sour cream

3 tablespoons olive oil

4 1/2 teaspoons minced fresh dill

4 1/2 teaspoons red wine vinegar

3 garlic cloves, minced

1/4 teaspoon salt

Pita bread wedges

Peel cucmber, cut in half lengthwise and scoop out seeds.  Grate cucumber and squeeze between paper towels several times to remove excess moisture.  Place cucumber in a small bowl, stir in the yogurt, sour cream, oil, dill, vinegar, garlic and salt.  Refrigerate until chilled.  Serve with pita bread. (Taste of Home Magazine)


From Glory Farm

Sep 5, 2006

First Day of School

Today we started school.  We usually follow the same calendar as the public school.  It's easier for us that way.  Every summer I say that I'm going to continue to school at least one day a week, and every summer it just doesn't happen.  This summer I chalk it up to moving.

We haven't recieved our curriculum yet.  I ordered Pray and Prepare.  It sounds interestting.  I usually order from Rod and Staff, and a little Bob Jones.  I kinda mix and match. 

We did some review today and just some fun stuff.

How did everyone else's day go?  Anyone start school today, too?

Time to get off of this thing and get something else done.

From Glory Farm

Aug 29, 2006

Fried Apples and Fried Bread

I have more apples from my mom.  She said that she really liked fried apples, so I decided to try and make some.  I sliced the apples, put them with some butter, sugar and cinnamon in a frying pan and fried them.  I don't know what they're supposed to taste like.  Soft or crisp?  My turned out soft and caramely.  Does anyone have a recipe that might be better?  I'd like to try again.

I made more bread today, this time with gluten, and I hope it turns out softer.  It's still rising.  On days when I make bread, we get fry bread for a treat.  Everyone likes that.  I guess it's been fried food kind of a day.

I've got to get outside and get the fenceline done.  I don't think that I'll finish today, but it would be nice to get close.  Our animals are getting pretty hungry, we're feeding hay already. 

Oh, btw, it's a gorgeous day out today.  70 and windy.  I love it.

From Glory Farm

Aug 25, 2006

Apple Butter and stuff

Mom brought over a couple of bags of apples yesterday.  My youngest two peeled them and we threw them in the crockpot with some honey and cinnamon.  We're cooking them down to make apple butter.  My grandma made apple butter, the best.  Mine never turns out as well, but I'm fond of it.  When I cook them overnight in the crockpot they make the whole house smell so good.

My dh has tomorrow off and we've been looking forward to going to the threshing show.  I've come to love these shows.  Lots of old tractors, steam engines, horse drawn equipment.  Old fashioned ways of threshing grain, making lumber, even things like dyeing fibers, making furniture.  It's great.

Labor Day week end, we're finally going camping.  We try to go at least once a summer.  We're going to Canada and hiking the trails on the bluffs and up to the water falls.  It should be great.

Hope you all have a great weekend with your loved ones.

Take God with you.

From Glory Farm

Aug 24, 2006

What a Mess

It's overcast today.  It's seldom been that way this summer.  You can tell fall is almost here.  The daytime temps reach the 80s but the nighttime temps are down in the 40s and 50s.  The house cools off nicely.

Yesterday was a trying day.  I had unpleasant things to attend to, and they went just as poorly as I thought they would, if not worse.  Shows me one thing for sure-God's way is always the best way.  Both my dh and I have been married before, so we deal with visitation conflicts and such.  Our former spouses are very worldly and have a hard time understanding our lifestyle.  And, I guess, I have a hard time understanding theirs'.  Yesterday was an eye-opener for me.  I've been told that I'm a bit naive.  Well, it's time to deal with that.  Not everyone has the best interest of our children in mind.  They have ulterior motives, which I wouldn't have believed until yesterday.  Even lawyers are human.  Not always professional.  I now know that I can love someone and still be unwavering and unapologetic for standing up for what I know to be right.  I don't have to be confrontational, but the welfare of our little ones is more important than worrying about offending someone who isn't concerned about their welfare.  Lots of prayer for wisdom and discernment.  It's time to stop being afraid of what people can do and realize that the battle isn't ours, but the Lord's.

I'm not sure if you followed all of that.  I just don't want our children around drinking, drugs and immorality.  The court says that we have to allow it because nothing bad has happened yet and we can't judge others or mention their lifestyles.  Court ordered. 

One husband, one wife, no divorce, this is God's way and it is definitely the best way.

Enough rambling.

God bless,

From Glory Farm

Aug 23, 2006

Wednesday's Question

What's one thing that you learned from your mom, it can be good, bad or otherwise.

I learned to never swallow my gum.  Did you know that it stays in your stomach for seven years and if you swallow enough of it, you'll have to have it surgically removed?  She also taught me generosity.  She gives and gives and has shown me what joy the giver recieves in giving. 

At home in our new home

Woke up to thunder rumblings this morning.  I love that.

We worked on the new fence line yesterday.  We are over half done with it.  I opted to just put up electric, seems to work better for the horses and cows.  The woven wire doesn't hold as well.  (Electric is easier to put up too.)

The horseradish sauce recipe I tried, turned out good.  I think.  It's so hot yet, who can tell?

We've been cleaning, cleaning, cleaning, here at our new house.  The yard is getting better.  The house is on hold while we try to get things done outside.  I'm going to try to finish painting the kitchen walls today.  I'll do some before and after pics soon.  I haven't done the ceiling yet, not really looking forward to that.

We need to do a school shopping trip soon.  Also, I haven't ordered much for homeschool yet.  We have enough to start, but I'm really missing a good reading program.  We get alot of our materials free off of the internet.

The sun is coming out.  Time to get a move on.

Have a blessed day.

From Glory Farm

Store Bought Bread

I enjoy mking bread.  I try all kinds of bread, white, wheat, oat, potato, egg.  My children eat the bread.  Some turn out better than others.  They let me know what kinds they like the best.  It's healthier for us.  I can grind the flour myself.  The problem I'm looking to solve is how to make homemade bread that doesn't overwhelm the sandwich.  My husband won't eat homemade bread.  He won't eat store bought whole wheat bread either.  I don't like to feed him store bought white bread.  And if he eats it, it's handy and the children eat it.  I'm looking for a recipe that is very soft, doesn't crumble or dry out, can be sliced very thin.  It doesn't have to be whole wheat.  I can use unbleached organic white flour.  Maybe a bread machine would make softer bread.  I'm going to look at rummage sales and see what I can find.  Any recipes would be appreciated.  (I love trying new recipes.)  Thanks for any advice.

From Glory Farm

Aug 18, 2006

Horseradish Abundance

With moving in the middle of the summer, we didn't end up with a garden this year.  Our new neighbors have brought over zucchini, cabbage and my mom has given us fresh cukes and beans.  God is good.

Yesterday, I decided to use the old chimney bricks to make an outdoor area for our grill and a few chairs.  I choose a spot where we had some horseradish.. I dug it up and ended up with enough roots to make horseradish sauce for the neighborhood.  I guess everyone will be getting a quart or so.  Country Side Magazine had a good recipe for some sauce. (of course)  I'll try to get it done tonight and let you know how it turns out.  I'm thinking it's going to be pretty potent.  These are the biggest roots I've ever dug.

It's also go to town day.  I've been reading on some blogs where they only do grocery shopping every two weeks instead of every week.  We/re going to give it a try and see if we save money or not.

Well,  off we go.

From Glory Farm

Aug 17, 2006

Good Bread

The last issue of Country Side Magazine had some good recipes in it.  (It always does.)  I love this magazine and devour it when it gets here.  The butter pie crust recipe on page 48 turns out delicious.  I had promised my husband a pie and I was out of coconut oil, so I had to use butter.  This was the best butter crust recipe that I've tried.

Also, I tried the Oatmeal Bread recipe on the same page.  My kids said"This is like store-bought.."  Now I know that's not what I strive for in  homemade bread, but it gets them to eat it-hey?  I tweeked the recipe a bit.  I've used it twice already and made caramel rolls out of it yesterday.

Tweeked recipe:

1 c boiling water

1 c oats, ground fine in blender or mill

1 pack yeast

1/3 c warm water

1/2 c warm water

1/4 c raw honey-I like sweet bread

1 T coconut oil

1 t sea salt

1 1/2 c whole wheat flour

2 c unbleached flour

Combine oatmeal and boiling water.  Let stand until lukewarm.  Dissolve yeast in 1/3 c warm water.  Add to oatmeal and add honey, coconut oil, salt and 1/2 c warm water.  Mix in 2 c whole wheat flour.  Add unbleached flour.  Knead for 10 minutes.  Let rise  covered for 1 hour.  Place in greased bread pan.  Let rise covered for 45 minutes.  Bake at 350 for 50-55 minutes.  (I add the extra 1/2 cup warm water because I found the dough to be too dry otherwise. You might not need to do this.)

This is great for sandwiches.  Even with the whole wheat flour in it.  And my children loved the caramel rolls.

From Glory Farm


What's Happening at Glory Farm

Just an update on things. 

My modem died and so I had to switch to my dh's computer.  I discovered that he DOES have two USB ports on here, so I can upload pics from my camera.  Look out!

Work on our house is slow.  I still haven't done the livingroom floor.  But I have plans...

My dd3 was promised a kitten when we moved in here.  We were going to wait until we were more settled in, but God gave her a kitten three days ago.  We found it in our barn and it's a cute little calico kitten.  Works out perfectly.  We can't have a cat in the house because of my husband's allergies.

I put two flower beds in front of the house.  More pics to follow.  I got some of the lawn weed wacked.  I love my weed wacker.  It can make a jungle into a golf course in no time.

We have fenceline to put up today.  Lots of fenceline.  I hope to at least get started on it.  Don't want to put too much pressure on us.

Well, the day is slipping away. 

God bless yours,

From Glory Farm


Aug 7, 2006

Two steps forward and one step back

It's a good thing that we can't see the future.  We go into it with high hopes and expectations and I think that's the way God designed us.  I don't always understand the whys and wherefores of things.  (Always?  How bout hardly ever?)  But I've seen God's hand in things when I've stopped to reflect some time later.  All this to tell you that my much loved and wanted goats left today for a farm unknown.  They would have put Houdini to shame.  They could get out of anything and never leave a trace.  I came home from the dentist today to find both Tootsie and BillyBobJoe out in the yard.  It was the last time.  I can't risk them going back to our neighbor's house and nibbling his thousand dollar yard.  I made a call and they left this evening.  The chickens went with to keep them company.  No more poop in the machine shop.  So just where is the Lord leading?  I so desire to have these creatures.  In time I could build better fences and buildings to keep my animals in.  We still have the cows, horses and donkeys.  I'm going to call tomorrow on some Dexter cattle.  If I can't milk goats, I'll milk cows.  I'm also praying about how God would have us to use all of this land that we've been blessed with.  I'm open to ideas.  We have sandy loam for soil and it's great for growing things.  So please give me ideas to pray on.

God bless your night.

From Glory Farm

Aug 5, 2006

Licorice-THE dog

Today didn't go as planned.  Those Grand Champion dogs went and chased a car on the road and only one came back.  Licorice didn't make it.  They shouldn't have been out there, I know, but it doesn't make me any less sad.  The people who hit her never stopped.  Maybe they didn't know it.  It's just as well.  I wouldn't want anyone to have to deal with the guilt of it.  She belonged to dd2.  She had just won five grand champions at the fair on Wednesday.  Dd2 is heartsick.  She's raised this dog and trained her for four years.  That's one third of her life.  Losing a dog is hard.  Losing a dog when you're 12 years old is harder.  She's asking why.  No one but God knows.  Licorice was a kind dog, loyal and a good friend.  I'll miss her very much. 

Well, time to go.  Thanks for reading.

From Glory Farm

About those dogs...

Well, we made it through another year at county fair.  The only 4-H project we did this year was dog.  Both of our older girls have dogs.  They did real well.  Well enough to take Grand in a few categories.  Yes, these are the same dogs that chased the neighbor.  Hard to believe how much this obedience training has paid off.   Both of our daughters will be taking their dogs down to the state meet in September, Lord willing.  If I get pictures, I'll post.  I didn't take any this year as I couldn't find my camera in all the moving.

God bless your day as you bless Him.

From Glory Farm


Long post and advice needed! Prayers are good too!

No more trips back and forth to the other house!  My dh had yesterday off (sort of)  and we moved the rest of the stuff over here.  Now our yard is full of stuff, the shop is full of stuff-not all ours- and the house is full of stuff.  How do you organize this mess?  The livingroom floor isn't completely sanded yet and I'd like to keep as much stuff out of it as I can.  Today is a day of unpacking and packing up stuff to sell at a moving sale. 

I need some advice.  At our old house all of our neighbors were at least 1/3 of a mile away.  We had goats, chickens and dogs all "free range".  One of the unforseen problems that we have here is that we're only 300 feet off of the county road.  Our dogs have been chasing cars.  They also went across the road to the neighbor's house and chased him!  (They don't know what a neighbor is.)  Our dogs aren't mean, but they have no business over there.  Didn't start our relationship off on a good note.  Also, my goats went over there Wednesday night and they wouldn't go home.  He just put in about $1.000  worth of new plantings.  I now have them in their pasture, but they keep finding new and innovative ways to get out. if that wasn't enough, the chickens don't want to stay in the barn and are staying in the shop where dh stores all of his equipment-now equiped with chicken poop.  Our barn is very air-conditioned and would take alot of work and money to reside.  I need to find a way to keep the birds on the other side of the yard where the barn is.  Help!  Our aim was to bring glory to God and we've brought aggravation instead.  My dh says that satan is working overtime on us.  Must be a reason for that.  God has allowed it, so I figure it's a refining time.  Please pray for me because I don't want to be anymore refined right now!

From Glory Farm

Jul 30, 2006

We've almost made it

Arise and shine for your light has come and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you...

Howdy from Glory Farm.  We're here amidst the boxes and bags, dust and boards.  Doesn't look too glorious yet, but we've got plans.

We still have about four pick up loads to get over here.  Then we can start getting serious about this place.  "For I know the plans I have for you..."  I'm sure glad He knows them, cuz we're still not sure.  There's so much to do.  Everything needs a good cleaning and repair.  Gardens, barns, house, yard.  So much garbage to haul.  Here's a picture of the front of the house before we started gutting the inside and throwing all of the wallboard and bricks out the upstairs window.


And here's the barn:


So good night for now.  God bless-

From Glory Farm

Jul 21, 2006

A Day at the farm

The children are all in bed and my dh is "on the road again".  We've been going out to our new house almost everyday.  The cupboards are painted,  some sheetrock is up, the kids are working hard at fixing up their new rooms.  Dd2 is having a great time demolishing walls, cupboards, etc.  She's a natural. Sanding the hardwood floors is harder than I though it would be.  I still think it will be worth it in the end.  Time goes so fast out at the new farm.  Six hours seems like two.  We never get as much done each time as I thought we would. 

As we were finishing up tonight, stacking fenceposts behind the barn, God put a double rainbow in our back field.  It was brilliant and beautiful. 

We only have a week left to be out of our old house.  We were hoping to have the livingroom remodeled by then, but I don't think it'll happen.  Seems like I still have so much to move.  How did we aquire so much?  Major rummage sale time.

I best be off to bed.  It's getting late.

God bless...

From Glory Farm

Jul 16, 2006


Have I mentioned a time or two about the abundance of work to do at our new house?  Did you hear me complain?  I sanded floors for two days and still they need more.  They're not quite smooth.  My dh has been wiring and putting up sheetrock.  I've painted a few more cupboards and stripped most of the wallpaper off of the kitchen walls.  I'm always finding more things that need fixing.  My husband wants to put a new roof on.  Cut the old one off and raise the walls on the second floor so that we have more room.  Then put a new roof on.  We'll have a completely new house by the time we're done.

I haven't been able to do much about simplifying lately.  No makiing soap or bread or shampoo or sewing or working much with the animals.  But I know it's only for a season as we make it a habit now to stop and get fast food because I'm not home enough to cook.  I haven't been able to finish a day's worth of dishes for three days now.  (I guess I could be doing that instead of blogging.)

This is going to be our home, it's going to be great and I can't wait to post pictures to share.  We haven't lost our vision and the possibilities are endless.  God has blessed us again.

From Glory Farm

Jul 11, 2006

Some Down Time

The house is so quiet.  Everyone is asleep and my DH is at work.  I've been reading blogs for about an hour now.  This is a rare treat. 

Things went well out at the new house today.  I got the rest of the old chimney down.  You should have seen us.  We were covered with soot from heat to foot.  I'm glad they have a pay at the pump option at the gas station.  They probably wouln't have let me in.

I finished cleaning the front porch.  The kids cleaned part of the basement and finished putting up the fence for the pasture.  I cleaned and painted one cupboard.  Then I put my new dishes in it.  Doesn't sound like much, but something about having dishes in the cupboards makes me feel like we're making progress.

Tomorrow we're staying here at the old house and cleaning a bit.  Ds has been feeling sick the last couple of days and he needs some rest.  Dd1 is going camping. 

Temps are supposed to be up in the 90s this week.  This will be our "scorcher".  Humidity at 157%.  Thankfully we haven't moved the air conditioner yet. 

I'd better get to sleep.  The screen is getting blurry.

From Glory Farm


More ramblings

I don't know why I'm writing.  Nothing new seems to happen.  We load up the pick-up, drive 80 miles to the new house,  unload, clean, tear down, put up and then come home dead tired.  I woke up this morning with muscles hurting and I didn't do hardly anything strenuous yesterday.  The house is still a blessing, its' just so much work, some of the charm has worn off.

God still shows His grace and goodness in our lives.  How I take Him for granted.  Elmer (the wonder horse), we were told that he had an umbilical hernia.  That takes surgery to correct and without it he can't be ridden as more than a trail horse.  We prayed and God answered in a very big way.  The vet came out yesterday and gave him a clean bill of health.  NO hernia! 

Well, off to load the truck.

From Glory Farm

Jul 6, 2006


I guess I won't be bloggin' much until we get all settled in.  I started painting, we got a new toilet yesterday!  Today, we pick up some sheetrock and start on the livingroom.  We have old hardwood floors throughout the house!  Here's a picture of what a mess I've made of the kitchen so far:



And here's what a mess my brother made in the livingroom.  Must run in the family.


Thanks for all of your comments.  This is a great place to blog.

From Glory Farm

Jul 4, 2006


They got back last night.  Kinda late.  My husband and dd2.  And....Miss Blondie.  She's a golden palomino and pretty laid back.  Not skittish.  I think she might work out.

We're heading out to the new house today, to celebrate Independence Day.  We'll clean and clean and paint and paint.  Should be a good day.

Hope your's is truly blessed. 

From Glory Farm

Jul 3, 2006

A horse is a horse (of course)

About five months ago, my dd2 found a horse that she just fell in love with.  He was quite a ways from here and his name is Elmer.  We still have Elmer and he is the sweetest horse.  He gives kisses on request and, though he's only two, has been a quick learner.  Dd 2 has been riding on him a few times.  He's learning and is very gentle with her.  Well....can you ever have enough horses?  I think dd2 is a true horse trader.  We have three horses now and she just found another one that is "like my dream horse-just perfect."  My husband (whom I think is the perfect dad) left with dd2 early this morning to go and check out this perfect horse.  It's a palamino mare, located in South Dakota.  She's three years old and has been ridden a handful of times.  She's a beautiful golden color and about 14.3 hands.  I'll post a picture, if this sale goes through.  Dd2 emptied her bank account on this one.  She makes some pretty wise investments when it comes to horses.  I hope this is one of them.  By the way, if anyone is interested in a gelding paint who gives kisses on request.....

Update on the fox in the henhouse...Since we've been chaining up one of our dogs by the coop every evening, we haven't lost a chicken!  I forgot to last night, so I hope all is still well down there.

From Glory Farm

Just the beginning...

Well, it's officially ours.  Our new house.  The sellers moved out on Saturday and we started cleaning and moving in yesterday.  Talk about work!  Not only does the whole house need to be remodeled, but I don't think it's been cleaned in quite some time.  We were blessed to get it for such a good price, so I guess things like this happen.  We pulled out the carpeting, Started tearing off wallpaper, bagging up dozens of bags of garbage.  The shop is full of garbage, the barn is full of manure.  The yard has lots of junk, especially in the parts that haven't been mowed.  My mom seemed to finally give up yesterday as she was helping.  I don't think she's too happy about our new place.  But I see possibilities.  We do have a variety of smells in the house that may take some time to remove.  Cat pee, cigarettes, and just a uck smell of ??? Dd2 says she won't sleep there.  Just get her a warm sleeping bag and she'll live outside. 

I keep forgetting my camera when we go out there.  I want to get some pictures up.  The gardens have been neglected for quite awhile, but it's fun to start pulling weeds and finding treasures in amongst them.  I found a lily, pink and yellow yarrow, mint, tiger lilies, horseradish, and that's only a small part of what's there.  There are also fruit trees in need of some major pruning.  I'll get to that this fall.  There is so much potential.  I'm very excited to see what we can do with the place-or what God can do with it.

From Glory Farm-

Jun 30, 2006

Storms of Life

Sitting here this afternoon the air is heavy.  I'm hoping for a good storm.  It sure feels like one coming.  Even my computer is sluggish.  I'm glad I live in Minnesota.  When it gets above 80 and the humidity is above 70 percent I don't function well.  Thankfully, this doesn't happen often in Northern Minnesota.  My fingers swell and just hanging a load of clothes leaves me exhausted.  Yep, I think I'm a Minnesota girl.  Now if we'd just have that storm so I can get on with my life.

I found a helpful site.  It has information on building plans, gardening, kids safety, etc.

Jun 27, 2006

Little Foxes

We have a fox problem.  I'm thinkin' it's a female that's been coming in-in broad daylight and picking off our chickens one by one.  It's hard to know how to fight this.  Traps might get our dogs or our chickens. (they're free range)  I'm not a good shot and that fox is awfully sly.  Just like them to live up to their reputation.  First one she took out was Plankton, the attack rooster.  But while I didn't mind it, I failed to realize he was the best protector of our flock.  I have the chickens closed up in the coop and moved a dog on a chain down to be near it.  I can't leave it like that forever.  Anyone have any advice on how to outsmart a fox?  Don't ask me to pick up a rifle, we'd only lose more chickens. 

Name Change

Well, our move is well underway.  We got some of the fenceline put up yesterday. 

Since we're moving from our "Sonshine Acres" and have named our new place "Glory Farm"  I thought it was appropriate for me to change this title as well.  I'm excited.  God's hand has been in this move and my hope is that He'll use our new place and us in a whole new way, and strictly for His glory.  Lots left to do....

Jun 24, 2006

Favorite Soap Recipes

I have some favorite recipes that I use.  I'm always experimenting with new ones, so if anyone has a favorite, let me know.

1.  Pure Soap

This is what I use for laundry soap, cleanser, floor wash, stain remover, etc.  It cuts grease really well.

16 oz. coconut oil

2.9 oz. lye

1/2 cup cold water

Fat temp. 90 degrees

Lye temp. 180 degrees

Tracing time:  1hr. 50 minutes


Age:  3 weeks

(Taken from the book Soap Recipes)


2.  Castille Soap


Thiis is what I use for shampoo and beauty products.  Also for kitchen cleaners.

16 oz olive oil

2.2 oz. lye

3/4 cup cold water


Fragrances:  (optional, I usually make it without frangrance)

1 t. lavender oil

1/4 t. artificial bergamot oil

1/4 t. jasmine oil


Fat temp.   150 degrees

Lye-water temp. 150 degrees

Tracing time 2 days

Time in molds:  6 days

Age:  8 weeks


 (Soap Recipes)


3.  Carrot Soap

This is great for your skin.  It contains vitamin A and it makes a creamy. orange soap.

10 oz. palm oil

4 oz. coconut oil

2 oz. olive oil

2 oz. lye

f oz. water

4 oz. carrot juice

Oil temp.:  110 degrees

Lye temp:  100 degrees

After mixing add carrot juice.

Age 2-3 weeks


Jun 23, 2006


I just thought I'd let you know about a website I found.  It's

There are alot of great ideas on here.  I've just started reading it.  I'm going back for more.

Have a great day.

Jun 22, 2006

Fly spray

This time of year the horseflies are getting thick.  I buy the sprays at the farm supply store, but I don't like using all of those chemicals on the animals.  This is my favorite fly spray recipe.  I try to buy the Skin So Soft when Avon has their two for one specials.

1 cup water

1 cup Avon Skin So Soft Bath Oil

2 cups vinegar

1 tbs. Eucalyptus oil (found in health food stores)

Optional: few tablespoons of citronella oil.

Shake spray bottle well before spraying on horse, human or dog!


If I run out of Skin So Soft, I use a mixture of 1/2 PineSol and 1/2 Water.  I just started using this one, it doesn't seem to work as well, but it does work enough to give the animals some relief.

Jun 18, 2006

My "Mother" Nature

I'm having another birthday.  It happens every year.  I don't mind.  I sure don't feel as old as I'm told I am.  But there are the telltale signs.  No I won't go into it right now.

My parents are real supportive when it comes to the "back to basics" stuff.  My mom was probably one of the originals.  She raised us to eat as healthy and as natural as possible.  She was always trying something new.  Making butter, cheese, bread.  And her gardens always put mine to shame.   Anyways, her and Dad got me a wonderful birthday gift.  A flour grinder.  How cool is that?  I've been buying all of my whole wheat flour, but it's not as finely ground as I'd like it.  Now I can do it myself.  My parents are pretty cool.

Now what?

We went to visit my parents last night to celebrate Fathers' Day.  Came home and started laundry right away because dd1 and dd2 were leaving for bible camp this morning and needed some clothes.  About half an hour after we got here I turned on the faucet to start the dishes and-no water.  Now you know what a sinking feeling that gives you.  First check the breaker.  That was on.  What next?  Pray. Okay, now what?  Go outside and check the electric line from the pump to the house.  I bet those phone line chewing goats got the pump line now.  Flashlight in hand I checked it out.  Can't see what could be wrong.  Then I see the headlights of my dh's big truck.  The calvary's on the way.  Once in the house, he took the cover off of the pressure switch for the pump and what do you suppose he found?  One poor little black beetle with his leg wedged between the contact points.  He was keeping the pump from turning on!  Dh took him out of there and the pump started right up.  Bet we never see that happen again.  Anyways, just wanted to share that with you.  Another tale to add to my strange but true collection.

Have a blessed night.

Jun 15, 2006

Starting the Move

Two trailers full of machinery so far.  We've got quite a bit more to go, but it's a start.  It'd be nice to be moved in there in time to get the hay in while it's still high in nutrition.  Things do get a bit stressful.  But I guess that's to be expected.  I am looking forward to getting everything over there and to be done with it.  Once there, the work is continual, but at least we'll be there to do it.  My dh said that we'll have a great big sale as soon as we get moved in. 

God is good and hears the prayers of His saints.


Jun 13, 2006

Slowly but Surely

Because we're getting packed up and ready to move, I've been trying to not spend too much time on the computer.  It's raining out this morning, so I can't go and get the tack shed packed or the garage, so I'm squeezing in as many entries as I can think of before I go and try to get something done.

It's going to be a lovely day.  The sun is out, but it insists on raining every half hour or so.  One of those days. 

Our garden is producing spinach and radishes.  I've never had things get done so early.  I'm waiting for wild strawberries.  They should be done in about a week. Our peas are blooming and the swiss chard is up.  That's all I planted this year because of the move. 

Well, time to go and see what else I can box up. 

Bottle Jaw

This buck that we have has been so sickly.  He was a gift.  I could have picked out a healthy buck, but I felt sorry for him and thought maybe we could help him.  Now he has bottle jaw.  I read up on it a bit and it can be caused by parasites, and mineral defficiency.  They suggested I give him Red Cell, a horse nutrient.  I have wormed the poor guy five times already with different wormers.  I'll try again.  He is getting healthier, but...  I guess this is a good experience.  Last time I had goats, I never had anything go wrong except a mild case of mastitis.  Now I'm learning. :)  Anyone else had any experience with this?  Thanks.

The Final Saga of that Infamous Rooster?

Awhile back I wrote of an ornery old rooster we have named Plankton and how ds knocked him out cold.  We also have a fox family living in the vicinity.  I figure things happened like so:

Both of our dogs had an agility demo to do in town last week-end and they ended up spending Saturday night elsewhere.  Sunday afternoon a neighbor stopped by and told us she'd seen one of the foxes trotting through the horse pasture.  No big deal, we see them all the time-but thought we'd better count the chickens anyways.  Ds went down to the chicken coop and came back up.  I can't tell you for sure that he was smiling, but..."only one I can't find is Plankton."  Haven't seen him since.  No dogs on Saturday night probably made the difference.  But no one is too heart broken.  Things have a way of working out.

Jun 8, 2006

We Done Did it

Closing went very smoothly yesterday.  We even got chocolate bars and coffee mugs out of the deal.  So now we get to start moving.  We have over a month to move, so it shouldn't be too hectic.

I'll check in later, we have VBS all this week and I'd better get going.


Jun 6, 2006

Closing on the Farm

Tomorrow we're supposed to close on the farm.  yes, we're excited.  As I said before, the house needs alot of work and so does the barn, but the land is gorgeous, and good for growing.  The price was great too.  It's a God thing. 

Isn't it fun to think about all of the possibilities?  We will have enough land to do anything the Lord leads us to do.  I don't know yet, where to start.  More goats or more cows or more of both?  What kinds of crops should we put in or should we just keep the land in hay?

Well it's getting late.  I'll write more tomorrow and let you know how it went.

Ten On Tuesday



Pre-summer festivals and fairs are so much fun!  All the fire departments, churches, and county fairs light the night sky with neon fun from the midway rides and fill the sky with fireworks, and food and good times are had by all. 


1)  Corn Dogs or BBQ Ribs?   Corn Dogs.

2)  Funnel Cakes or Cotton Candy?   Cotton Candy

3)  What kind of popcorn is your favorite?  Irish Kettle, Caramel, Plain ole' salt and buttah?   Kettle corn is my favorite.  By the bagful.

4)  Are you a thrillseeker?  Do you get on the rides?  We are not talking about the Thomas the Tank Engine ride......  The Octopus-my favorite ever since I got sick on it at 12 years old.

 5)  For all you shore go'ers (like me!)... name your favorite flavor salt water taffy...  Don't care for taffy.

6)  What is the biggest prize you have ever won on the midway games, or that someone has won for you?   A stuffed SpongeBob Square Pants.  A wonderful prize.

7)  French fries... ummmm... what's your poison?  Ketchup, malt vinegar, Old Bay?  Ketchup


8)  Caramel apple (with or without nuts) or Candy Apple?  Caramel apple, no nuts.  They just fall all over the ground.


9)  Do you like fireworks?   They're alright.  I like watching the faces of the children watching the fireworks.

10)  Name your favorite fair or carnival.  If you are competing or demonstrating, sound off and brag.  Let's hear about some state and country fairs...  The Northern St. Louis County Fair.  We're a 4-h family and exhibit every year.  Our main focus is dog obedience and agility.  It's great fun.  It's amazing what the average dog with a great kid, can do.


Jun 4, 2006

More Good Books

My honey came home Friday from work with books for me.  He stopped off at a couple of rummage sales on the way home and found some treasures.

1.  Fences, Gates and Bridges A Practical Manual -Looks good

2.  10,000 Garden Questions Vol II-Wow they found enough questions for 2 volumes!

3. How to Grow Vegetables and Fruits by the Organic Method- This one I dove into right away.  I'd like to get certified as an organic farm.

4. Wilderness Survival-This one is for dd1.  She loves being in the woods and any information she can find about plants and shelters, etc.


Now I hope to find time to get through these.  If I can retain even a bit of this info, it'll be worth the dollar he paid for all of them.


Hope your Sunday is spent in God's presence.  He is most awesome.

May 31, 2006

This, That and Then Some

I haven't blogged in awhile.  I was waiting until I had something interesting and informative to relay, but that's not gonna happen.  We still haven't closed on our house and time is running out.  We have until Monday and then the purchase agreement runs out.  Boy, time sure flies.  We're still waiting on our loan.

My dh is into big toys.  Front end loaders, drag lines, farm machinery, power shovels, etc.  We have quite a collection.  Mostly "antique".  He's been loading it all on trailers getting ready for the big move.  He's quite a problem solver.  I'm glad cuz my favorite word when I look at all of it is "impossible".

I recently purchased more books in the Foxfire series.  I have 1-6 now.  There are some things in there that don't interest me, but lots of useful information also.  Has anyone else read these?  My grandma had the whole collection.  She was able to make anything out of nothing.  The McGuyver of grandmas.

I'm rambling.  Best get going with this day.  Thanks for all  of the information you all post.  I have learned alot.

May 24, 2006

You want goats??????

I DO love goats.  I DO, I DO, I DO.  If they weren't so cute...

I allow my goats to roam the yard.  The pen we put up is just too hard to move around.  It wasn't bad at first.  They left my daffodils alone.  They like to sunbathe on the front porch, but that's a good conversation starter when company drops by.  Then I put my herbs out to prepare them for planting.  I stuck them on the porch behind the barbeque.  That didn't stop them.  They sure like thyme and lemon basil!  Went back for seconds.  The peas were up.  Were.  Those must have been pretty tasty, also.  I exagerate.  They didn't get all of them.  I put up the goat pen around the garden and put my potted herbs in it.  Problem solved.  Poor things must of got bored, next thing you know they're eating the ground wire for the electric coming into the house.  Maybe I don't give them enough mineral.  Found them chewing the phone line, which has kept me from blogging for a couple days.  I got the orange wire on the yellow wire and the striped wire on the black wire, (of course), after only the 48th try and two runs to the hardware store.  I now have a dial tone.  Goats are cute.  I think I'll go let them out of the shed so they can start a new adventure.

May 22, 2006


"Count it all joy"...

We made it through court last Thursday and everything worked out just as God had intended.   When you're dealing with a blended family like ours, there's bound to be some give and take. We've been blessed to have gone these six years without much problem.  God protects our little ones.  I have to believe that He's still doing that.  They now have a visitation schedule with their mother.  I pray this will be good for her and also for our two youngest.  Thank you everyone for your prayers.  God answered them.


Rhubarb Cobbler

I just got this recipe from a friend and tried it last night.  It's very good with ice cream and I had some for breakfast with milk.


Rhubarb Cobbler

4 cups rhubarb cut up

2 cups sugar

1/2 cup plus 1 T. butter

1 egg

1 1/4 cup flour

1 t. baking powder

1/2 cup milk

Put rhubarb in a 13x9 cake pan.  Cover with 1 cup of sugar.  Dot with 1 T. butter.  Cream together 1/2 cup butter, 1 cup sugar.  Add egg and mix will.  Mix flour and powder.  Add alternating with the milk into the butter and sugar.  Pour over rhubarb.  Bake at 350 for 50 minutes.


I substitute whole wheat organic pastry flour in all of my recipes and whenever a recipe calls for vegetable oil or shortening, I use coconut oil.  It adds more flavor and my husband likes it.

I also use organic sugar, raw milk and free range eggs.  Do you think that this makes it okay to eat doughnuts and cookies?  Maybe they're even good for me?

May 17, 2006


For many years now, I've subscribed to a magazine called Creation.  It's put out by the Answers in Genesis people.  It's a good magazine.  A friend gave me a Creation magazine the other day and it turned out to be a completely different magazine.  It's Creation Illustrated and it has great articles for homeschool, a young children's section and a study guide for each article.  It also has ideas for further learning.  It's great.   Does anyone else get this magazine?  I'd never heard of it before.

May 16, 2006

At the Auction

The stuff at this auction was in terrific shape.  Lots of old toys-Lincoln Logs, Fisher-Price houses, clocks, people, etc.  Books.  Boxes and boxes of old children's books.  Whitman, Golden.  Nice tractors, trucks, lawn mowers.  Everything was well taken care of.  My ds bid on all of the coins, but the prices were too high.  Finally, when he was near tears because there was only one lot left of wheat pennies, he got them.  Everyone around was clapping because they knew how much he wanted them.  Now he's hunkered down in the livingroom going through them, checking them out in his coin collector book to find their value.  We bought a cupboard for his room to keep all of his coin collection in, and an old metal table, which I'll post a picture of later. 

We ran into alot of people we knew.  My cousin was there.  It was great to spend the day with people I don't usually hang out with.  God blessed our day.  Well, time to go.  Have to pick up dd1 from work.  Lord bless.

It's Auction Time

Today there's an auction just up the road from us.  My husband is a professional bidder and I'm catching on quick.  He can't go today so ds and dd3 and I are going.  Auctions are great.  There's always the hope of getting something you need at a really good price.  There's the fun of seeing friends and neighbors and talking for hours.  My ds is a coin collector.  It just so happens, that there's a lot of coins that are going to be auctioned off.  He'll have to help. He has much more knowledge in this area than I do.  We went to an auction a couple of weeks ago and got a new rototiller.  It went for a very reasonable price, noone thought it worked.  It does!  Plus, my BIL gave us an extra motor for it-just in case.  What a blessing.

Today, I'd like to find some "matching" kithchen chairs.  We have a mismatched set of oak and maple. Four different styles.

Time to go and get ready.  Have a glorious day.  Use all opportunities that the Lord gives.  No one comes across our path by accident.


May 15, 2006

Basking in the Son-On the Rock

The sun! The sun! The sun!...How wonderful. 

Today is one of those almost perfect days.  A nice breeze blowing the clean sheets on the line.  Puffs of clouds overhead with blue patches.  I think the temp is about 65 with humidity at 80 percent.  I love it. 

We have goats, chickens and ducks all parading around the yard.  I found it was easier just to let the goats roam, providing they behave themselves.  They do want to get into the house, but I told them no.  They've left my gardens alone so far.  But if they start to be pests, it's back to the goat pen for them.  I think it looks like Ma and Pa Kettle's place, here.  Knowing we're moving soon doesn't help.  I don't much feel like improving the yard or finding homes for stuff, when I know the best place for it is in the moving van.  I do need to start organizing a bit, though.

One day at a time.  I know it's an old cliche.  "Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things.  Sufficient to the day is its own trouble."  Matt.6:34  That's the New Testament version of it.  That's where I think God is leading me.  There are things going on that are frightening, but what a glorious time of growing in faith and standing on the Rock.  What Satan has meant for harm, God will use for good.  I still covet your prayers.  Prayers for wisdom and strength.  We have a court date on Thursday at 9:30.  Thank you.

May 12, 2006

One Foot in Front of the Other

It's a dreary Friday afternoon.  It's been dreary all day.  Cold, sleet and wind.  I hear the ping, ping, ping of the sleet on the skylights.  From where I sit I can see the laundry hanging out for the second day, blowing in the breeze and weighing down the line.  The goats are complaining about being penned up in the goat shed all day.  I'd better get out there and give them some more grain.  I'd like to start a fire in our outdoor woodstove, but I don't want to spend all that time out there trying to get it started.  Sounds like I'm complaining, doesn't it?  I am.

Tomorrow, more rain or snow.  All of those die-hard fisherpeople will be out on the lakes in parkas.  It's tradition.

The sun will come out and the fire danger is completely passed now.  We get to take a drive to Wisconsin tomorrow to visit my MIL.  I like a change of scene from time to time, so I'm looking forward to that.  The children and I made some scrubbing sacks for presents from a recipe that was on The Front Porch Blog some time ago.  They turned out nice and we used vanilla fragrance.  Smells....alot.  I also made some notecards out of photographs of flowers that I'd taken.  I love to take pictures of wildflowers.  They hold still for their pictures.  I also made my mom a laundry/cleaner kit with instructions and pure soap, borax, washing soda, etc.

Things are also happening in our family.  I covet your prayers for the will of God to be done.

Thank you.


May 8, 2006

Making Cheese and Countryside Magazine

I don't post my recipes very often, but thought I'd share this one.  It's a very simple cheese to make and tastes best with goat milk, though  I've used cow's too.


Warm 1 gallon of milk to 86 degrees.  Use rennet according to package directions.  Once the curd is set, break it up with your hands til it is like cottage cheese.  Heat this gently over low heat to 110, stirring all the time.  This seperates the curd from the whey.  Pour all into a colander to collect the curds.  Add salt and/or herbs that you desire.  Turn into a oven-proof bowl that is buttered.  Bake at about 325 until top is brown.  Drain off extra whey.  Turn over and bake on other side til brown.  Watch it.  It can burn easily.  Turn on to a dinner plate to cool.  This can be frozen, cooked with, eaten plain, etc.

Also, I have back issues of Countryside magazine.  These are duplicates and I don't need them, but I won't throw these away.  They are issues-May-Dec. 2003 and March-Aug. 2004.

If anyone is interested, I will mail them out media mail.  I'll even pay the postage.  I just want them to find a good home.  There are so many good articles in them.  ie.growing naturally colored wool, sourdough, crafts, harvesting wild plants, homeschooling, goats, braided rugs, etc.

Well, we have a 4-H meeting tonight.  We're dissecting owl scat.  I think it'll be quite the learning experience.

Lord bless.


May 5, 2006

Peace and Quiet

Have you ever listened to these quiet country evenings?  Outside tonight, I went for a walk.  The robins and sparrows and others that I can't pick out were singing in the trees.  Then I heard the drumming of the ruffled grouse.  Sounds like a John Deere starting.  Next the crows are busy yelling in the tree tops.  Back in the yard I hear the wild geese and ducks back at the beaver pond.  Then a shipoke out in the slew starts sounding like a pump.  Now the sun is going down and the peepers are so loud that we sometimes shut the window so we can sleep.  It's wonderful

And...we woke up to snow on the ground this morning.  Next weekend is fishing opener and it's not unusual to wake up with snow on the tent.  For some reason it likes to make one last try before it gives it up for the summer.

Rest well.  Peace in Christ.

May 3, 2006

Don't Fence Me In..

Happens alot.  What should have been a simple task becomes a time consuming sequence of events.  Take this morning.  Just moving the livestock over to the west pasture.  No problem.  Set the electric fencer up.  Get the fence charging, (we repaired it last weekend).  Ds goes and gets the first steer out to move. Wait!  The fence isn't charging.  Bring him back.  Then I hear-Suzie's out and in the feed bin.  She's our never do nothin' pony. Just get that steer back in the fence until I can get this thing working.  Moe's out (another steer).  Time to drop the electric charger and charge myself over to the other pasture.  Got the pony and two steers back in only to have our young gelding escape.  Lured him back with a bucket of grain.  Forget moving them.  Let's just be happy if we can keep them where they are.  Brought the fencer inside and took it apart.  Don't know why it wouldn't work, but it's working now.  We'll attempt this again, but not until I have a few older hands around.

We don't have fence lines that can keep our goats in, so my dh put together six cattle panels and I move it around the yard.  The goats go in in the morning and back in the barn at night.  Keeps our lawn mown.  Kinda like a "goat tractor".

Nevertheless, it's a good day.  God bless.  (He always does.)