We have a fox problem. I'm thinkin' it's a female that's been coming in-in broad daylight and picking off our chickens one by one. It's hard to know how to fight this. Traps might get our dogs or our chickens. (they're free range) I'm not a good shot and that fox is awfully sly. Just like them to live up to their reputation. First one she took out was Plankton, the attack rooster. But while I didn't mind it, I failed to realize he was the best protector of our flock. I have the chickens closed up in the coop and moved a dog on a chain down to be near it. I can't leave it like that forever. Anyone have any advice on how to outsmart a fox? Don't ask me to pick up a rifle, we'd only lose more chickens.
Jun 27, 2006
Little Foxes
Jun 27, 2006
Little Foxes
We have a fox problem. I'm thinkin' it's a female that's been coming in-in broad daylight and picking off our chickens one by one. It's hard to know how to fight this. Traps might get our dogs or our chickens. (they're free range) I'm not a good shot and that fox is awfully sly. Just like them to live up to their reputation. First one she took out was Plankton, the attack rooster. But while I didn't mind it, I failed to realize he was the best protector of our flock. I have the chickens closed up in the coop and moved a dog on a chain down to be near it. I can't leave it like that forever. Anyone have any advice on how to outsmart a fox? Don't ask me to pick up a rifle, we'd only lose more chickens.
1 comment:
Lighthouse said...
We lost over 90 of our chickens due to mink. They are tricky to catch as well. My husband spent three nights (all night) outside with his gun ready to rid our problem and the thing doesn't show up. We tried trapping with a cage and leg traps without success. We fought (and won) against raccoons in Indiana. My husband commented it is common to see dead raccoons on the road, but one never sees mink (or fox for that matter). They are just too tricky and sneaky. This is pretty nasty, but we did read that these animals won't come around a place if the farmer has urinated in the area. Haven't tried it, but if you're desparate.... :)
When are you moving, by the way? We pray all goes smoothly. -
June 27, 2006 at 9:39 AM
1 comment:
We lost over 90 of our chickens due to mink. They are tricky to catch as well. My husband spent three nights (all night) outside with his gun ready to rid our problem and the thing doesn't show up. We tried trapping with a cage and leg traps without success. We fought (and won) against raccoons in Indiana. My husband commented it is common to see dead raccoons on the road, but one never sees mink (or fox for that matter). They are just too tricky and sneaky. This is pretty nasty, but we did read that these animals won't come around a place if the farmer has urinated in the area. Haven't tried it, but if you're desparate.... :)
When are you moving, by the way? We pray all goes smoothly.
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