Apr 29, 2006

...And he's down for the count

Our manager of chickens, our ds, sheepishly appeared in the doorway yesterday.  "What's wrong?" , I asked.  "It's Plankton.", was the reply.  (Our biggest, baddest rooster)  "He's not moving."  "What do you mean not moving", I ask?  "He attacked me and I hit him with the cow stick and now he's not moving."  Maybe you had to be there, but it was a moment to go in the book.  I'm glad that ds has a heart, compassion, for the animals that he cares for, I'm also glad that he's not afraid to do what he has to to keep them in line.  Turns out, Plankton was just knocked cold.  I haven't checked on him yet today, but I sure hope he was smart enough to learn his lesson.  He's not a nice guy and I should have gotten rid of him long ago.

Enjoy your week-end.

In His Service,



spinninggrandma said...

I used to knock a rooster down and nearly knock him out several times ... he learned his lesson for a little while, but then he'd go back. The last time, he got me on the leg (I still have the scar) and he went into the pot. Roosters, you know, are protecting their hens, but enough is enough, sometimes!!!

candy said...

Something like that happened to my daughter, she was heart broken. But your right, it shows that they do care about their animals. How is the rooster with the headache doing?

GrandmaRosie said...

This was a great post. I feel for ds , he must feel pretty bad. But sometimes you have to do what you have to do. Sounds like you need to make a pot of chicken and dumplings!! I love to have a rooster, but sometimes you get one that is just to aggressive.

Trina said...

I had ont just like yours... you had to take something in with you at all times...I had to knock him loopy a few times as well....the first rooster I had was the best... he was almost friendly. The one I have now has been educated once or twice but it has been quite some time...we both keep a wary eye on each other when I am in the pen...

Providence said...

My oldest's rooster, Sam was an attack rooster. He kept me inside one whole summer. I should've killed him!! I prayed and a fox got him in the fall.

Anyway, we hit that rooster so many times, I mean I chased him with a 2x4- he never learned that we are the boss.

Hi lives in infamy.

Apr 29, 2006

...And he's down for the count

Our manager of chickens, our ds, sheepishly appeared in the doorway yesterday.  "What's wrong?" , I asked.  "It's Plankton.", was the reply.  (Our biggest, baddest rooster)  "He's not moving."  "What do you mean not moving", I ask?  "He attacked me and I hit him with the cow stick and now he's not moving."  Maybe you had to be there, but it was a moment to go in the book.  I'm glad that ds has a heart, compassion, for the animals that he cares for, I'm also glad that he's not afraid to do what he has to to keep them in line.  Turns out, Plankton was just knocked cold.  I haven't checked on him yet today, but I sure hope he was smart enough to learn his lesson.  He's not a nice guy and I should have gotten rid of him long ago.

Enjoy your week-end.

In His Service,



spinninggrandma said...

I used to knock a rooster down and nearly knock him out several times ... he learned his lesson for a little while, but then he'd go back. The last time, he got me on the leg (I still have the scar) and he went into the pot. Roosters, you know, are protecting their hens, but enough is enough, sometimes!!!

candy said...

Something like that happened to my daughter, she was heart broken. But your right, it shows that they do care about their animals. How is the rooster with the headache doing?

GrandmaRosie said...

This was a great post. I feel for ds , he must feel pretty bad. But sometimes you have to do what you have to do. Sounds like you need to make a pot of chicken and dumplings!! I love to have a rooster, but sometimes you get one that is just to aggressive.

Trina said...

I had ont just like yours... you had to take something in with you at all times...I had to knock him loopy a few times as well....the first rooster I had was the best... he was almost friendly. The one I have now has been educated once or twice but it has been quite some time...we both keep a wary eye on each other when I am in the pen...

Providence said...

My oldest's rooster, Sam was an attack rooster. He kept me inside one whole summer. I should've killed him!! I prayed and a fox got him in the fall.

Anyway, we hit that rooster so many times, I mean I chased him with a 2x4- he never learned that we are the boss.

Hi lives in infamy.