Apr 29, 2006

...And he's down for the count

Our manager of chickens, our ds, sheepishly appeared in the doorway yesterday.  "What's wrong?" , I asked.  "It's Plankton.", was the reply.  (Our biggest, baddest rooster)  "He's not moving."  "What do you mean not moving", I ask?  "He attacked me and I hit him with the cow stick and now he's not moving."  Maybe you had to be there, but it was a moment to go in the book.  I'm glad that ds has a heart, compassion, for the animals that he cares for, I'm also glad that he's not afraid to do what he has to to keep them in line.  Turns out, Plankton was just knocked cold.  I haven't checked on him yet today, but I sure hope he was smart enough to learn his lesson.  He's not a nice guy and I should have gotten rid of him long ago.

Enjoy your week-end.

In His Service,


Apr 26, 2006

Straight A's in Rock Collecting

This blog would probably be more appropriate for the homeschool blog, but I don't have a blog over there yet, so I'll stick it here.

In Minnesota, we're required to test our children at the end of each school year.  Then I send the tests into the school district, they correct them and send the results back to me.  It's a stressful time for me.  I want my children to do well.  I know they're intelligent.  Our youngest is behind in reading.  (She's in first grade.)  She just doesn't like it yet.  Her spelling, punctuation and grammar all suffer because of it.  I know that she'll catch up, her brother did.  But on this year's tests, it doesn't look good.  Her brother, on the other hand, whizzes through everything.  This is not good.  He makes mistakes that are easily avoidable.  I try to slow him down and get him to check his work.  See?  I take the whole thing too seriously.  Do you ever feel that if you don't keep up with the public school, you're a failure?  We're learning things.  Things like how to run a metal lathe, and how to raise a beef calf.  We also do math, reading, social studies, etc.  I guess I haven't been stressing the importance of these subjects.  I thought learning about things that they were interested in would incorportate enough of the other stuff.

Okay.  I'm done venting.  This too will pass and we'll go on to homeschool again.  I think I'll have them both keep a journal through the summer.

Apr 24, 2006

How Egg-straordinary

Our chickens have been working hard, as chickens go.  They're three years old now and still lay about an egg a day-in good weather, with a slight wind and low humidity-  We've had a few double yolkers this spring, but this one is the biggest so far.  My ds, who is also our poultry manager, thought it might be a triple yolker, so we had it for breakfast yesterday.  Alas, only a double.  He's gonna encourage those chickens to keep trying.


He's Still working on me

We can be so fickle, can't we?  Do you ever feel like Peter and say "Lord, I'll never leave you, I don't care what others do" , only to find out that at the first hint of trials, you fail miserably?  Satan hits us from left field, most times.  My life is so blessed, and yet one upset and I think it's more messed than blessed.  Thankfully the Lord is patient and understanding.  He waits while we go through what we must to become more Christlike.  And hopefully we do become more Christlike.  Lord, forgive me for my fear.  It means that my faith is little and I don't trust you like I should.  Continue to teach me and train me and chastise me.  Thank you.

Apr 22, 2006

More blessings

It's been a glorious day.  I tried making cottage cheese with kefir and it didn't turn out to my liking.  So, if anyone has a recipe that they like please let me know.  I'd like to do more with my kefir.  I made some squeaky cheese.  I'm out of practice with the cheese making, but I hope to get back into the swing of things.

My dh is fixing my truck.  I backed into my parents' car last summer and dented in the passenger door.  He's out there doing body work.  I have to say, I think my husband can do just about anything.  Of course, I' m partial.

I got out into the flower beds today, too.  Too early to tell where all of the flowers are, but not too early to tell where the weeds are.  They sure grow well.

We went back out to the house we've been looking at.  We signed a purchase agreement yesterday!  This is a big change for me.  I've lived in this area for 24 years.  We're not moving far, but far enough to have all new neighbors and towns around.  I forgot to bring my camera, again.  I am going to get some pictures to post.  Before we remodel and after.  I hope there's a difference.

I guess I'd better get back to work.  Life is good.  God is great.  Can we ever thank Him enough?

Apr 19, 2006

Labor intensive gardening

The wind sure was blowing yesterday.  The temperature was warm, 68, but the wind made it a bit chilly.  It's been beautiful weather for Northern Minnesota.  There are years when we still get snow storms in April.  The wildfire danger is high, though.  Today it should rain.  It sure looks like  it out there.

I ventured out into my garden yesterday.  Since I broke two tillers last year, I'm turning and working the soil by hand as I plant it.  I did enough to put in lettuce, spinach, radishes and peas yesterday.  It's over a month early!  Probably wishful thinking on my part, but it'll be interesting to see if they grow.

I let the goats into the big pasture yesterday.  Didn't work so well.  They had no problem negotiating that  fence and walking right out into my yard to eat my daffodils.  I have to come up with a better plan.  Their goat yard is so small, they need room to jump. 

Time for school.  Have a blessed day.


Apr 29, 2006

...And he's down for the count

Our manager of chickens, our ds, sheepishly appeared in the doorway yesterday.  "What's wrong?" , I asked.  "It's Plankton.", was the reply.  (Our biggest, baddest rooster)  "He's not moving."  "What do you mean not moving", I ask?  "He attacked me and I hit him with the cow stick and now he's not moving."  Maybe you had to be there, but it was a moment to go in the book.  I'm glad that ds has a heart, compassion, for the animals that he cares for, I'm also glad that he's not afraid to do what he has to to keep them in line.  Turns out, Plankton was just knocked cold.  I haven't checked on him yet today, but I sure hope he was smart enough to learn his lesson.  He's not a nice guy and I should have gotten rid of him long ago.

Enjoy your week-end.

In His Service,


Apr 26, 2006

Straight A's in Rock Collecting

This blog would probably be more appropriate for the homeschool blog, but I don't have a blog over there yet, so I'll stick it here.

In Minnesota, we're required to test our children at the end of each school year.  Then I send the tests into the school district, they correct them and send the results back to me.  It's a stressful time for me.  I want my children to do well.  I know they're intelligent.  Our youngest is behind in reading.  (She's in first grade.)  She just doesn't like it yet.  Her spelling, punctuation and grammar all suffer because of it.  I know that she'll catch up, her brother did.  But on this year's tests, it doesn't look good.  Her brother, on the other hand, whizzes through everything.  This is not good.  He makes mistakes that are easily avoidable.  I try to slow him down and get him to check his work.  See?  I take the whole thing too seriously.  Do you ever feel that if you don't keep up with the public school, you're a failure?  We're learning things.  Things like how to run a metal lathe, and how to raise a beef calf.  We also do math, reading, social studies, etc.  I guess I haven't been stressing the importance of these subjects.  I thought learning about things that they were interested in would incorportate enough of the other stuff.

Okay.  I'm done venting.  This too will pass and we'll go on to homeschool again.  I think I'll have them both keep a journal through the summer.

Apr 24, 2006

How Egg-straordinary

Our chickens have been working hard, as chickens go.  They're three years old now and still lay about an egg a day-in good weather, with a slight wind and low humidity-  We've had a few double yolkers this spring, but this one is the biggest so far.  My ds, who is also our poultry manager, thought it might be a triple yolker, so we had it for breakfast yesterday.  Alas, only a double.  He's gonna encourage those chickens to keep trying.


He's Still working on me

We can be so fickle, can't we?  Do you ever feel like Peter and say "Lord, I'll never leave you, I don't care what others do" , only to find out that at the first hint of trials, you fail miserably?  Satan hits us from left field, most times.  My life is so blessed, and yet one upset and I think it's more messed than blessed.  Thankfully the Lord is patient and understanding.  He waits while we go through what we must to become more Christlike.  And hopefully we do become more Christlike.  Lord, forgive me for my fear.  It means that my faith is little and I don't trust you like I should.  Continue to teach me and train me and chastise me.  Thank you.

Apr 22, 2006

More blessings

It's been a glorious day.  I tried making cottage cheese with kefir and it didn't turn out to my liking.  So, if anyone has a recipe that they like please let me know.  I'd like to do more with my kefir.  I made some squeaky cheese.  I'm out of practice with the cheese making, but I hope to get back into the swing of things.

My dh is fixing my truck.  I backed into my parents' car last summer and dented in the passenger door.  He's out there doing body work.  I have to say, I think my husband can do just about anything.  Of course, I' m partial.

I got out into the flower beds today, too.  Too early to tell where all of the flowers are, but not too early to tell where the weeds are.  They sure grow well.

We went back out to the house we've been looking at.  We signed a purchase agreement yesterday!  This is a big change for me.  I've lived in this area for 24 years.  We're not moving far, but far enough to have all new neighbors and towns around.  I forgot to bring my camera, again.  I am going to get some pictures to post.  Before we remodel and after.  I hope there's a difference.

I guess I'd better get back to work.  Life is good.  God is great.  Can we ever thank Him enough?

Apr 19, 2006

Labor intensive gardening

The wind sure was blowing yesterday.  The temperature was warm, 68, but the wind made it a bit chilly.  It's been beautiful weather for Northern Minnesota.  There are years when we still get snow storms in April.  The wildfire danger is high, though.  Today it should rain.  It sure looks like  it out there.

I ventured out into my garden yesterday.  Since I broke two tillers last year, I'm turning and working the soil by hand as I plant it.  I did enough to put in lettuce, spinach, radishes and peas yesterday.  It's over a month early!  Probably wishful thinking on my part, but it'll be interesting to see if they grow.

I let the goats into the big pasture yesterday.  Didn't work so well.  They had no problem negotiating that  fence and walking right out into my yard to eat my daffodils.  I have to come up with a better plan.  Their goat yard is so small, they need room to jump. 

Time for school.  Have a blessed day.
