Sep 1, 2011


...about 70 lbs. of them.  A blessing of crab apples from a good neighbor.
I have some simmering on the stove.  They are soon to become juice, jelly and sauce.  The apple  juice has seen us through many times when we couldn't make it to town to get groceries. 
It's a good year for apples.  I hope the Harrelson's that I have in the front yard will be ripe soon they will be used for more sauce and some eating apples.
So back to the kitchen I go.  Check in for more installments of "As the Farmer Cans".

1 comment:

Jessica said...

i love crab apples, we lost our big crab tree about 6 years ago and would love to have found another. I so love crab apple jelly (my favorite) i also loved the preserved ones with cloves. Have a great day

Sep 1, 2011


...about 70 lbs. of them.  A blessing of crab apples from a good neighbor.
I have some simmering on the stove.  They are soon to become juice, jelly and sauce.  The apple  juice has seen us through many times when we couldn't make it to town to get groceries. 
It's a good year for apples.  I hope the Harrelson's that I have in the front yard will be ripe soon they will be used for more sauce and some eating apples.
So back to the kitchen I go.  Check in for more installments of "As the Farmer Cans".

1 comment:

Jessica said...

i love crab apples, we lost our big crab tree about 6 years ago and would love to have found another. I so love crab apple jelly (my favorite) i also loved the preserved ones with cloves. Have a great day