I think our sap collecting is coming to an end. I've put up a gallon and a half so far. This isn't as hard as I originally thought. Even I can do it.
I started shearing this week. I have seven left to go. Three goats and four sheep. I still have a lot of hoof trimming left, also. Today I have the children home, so I think I'll see if I can round up some help. I'm still learning to shear. This will be an ongoing education for quite some time.
There's the van to wash, bathroom to clean, floors to sweep, hay to move, sap to boil, yard to clean, paperwork to do, birthday cake to bake, hotdish to cook , get ready for Easter dinner, "Get Everything Done" day. I'll check back this evening and let you know how it went.
Life is busy, but life is good. When we go to "Simplify" our lives, is this what happens? We, as in I, take on more and more learning experiences and create a life that is so full its ready to burst. Teach me to work hard and rest in You, oh Lord. Help me to hear your voice in the din I've created.
So off I go.
From Glory Farm
We did---wash the van, bake the cake, make the hotdish, sweep the floors, get the sap, move the hay... we didn't clean the bathroom, vacuum the livingroom, do the paperwork, or clean the yard, but.....we peeled some fenceposts and trimmed the hooves on three goats and got one more goat sheared.
Easter dawned this morning with new life in the barn. We have a new kid, a doeling, an Angora. She is the cutest. Pictures coming soon.
Boy, you are right about taking on new projects and more work for ourselves!
Teach me to work hard and rest in You, oh Lord. I love that!
Have a Blessed Easter.
I love that the children are running around doing your whim! That is just great!
You must have picked up on my "vibes" as I have been thinking of you lots lately.
as for the simple life~~I have never figured out how come it is called the simple life~~There is so much work to do that I can not go to work and we need that stuff that the stores like to have in exchange for their products. oh well!
all is well here. Great to hear from you. Have a great Easter celebration.Roxanne
I agree. There is so much to learn when living the simple life. I'm loving and learning every minute!
Have Blessed Easter!
~ Carol
What type of nipple are you using? I find the pickert (red nipple with a ring that fits on a soda pop bottle) works the best with kids.
She won't be able to suck until she's warm. Try putting her on a heating pad or with hot water bottles to warm her. It takes a few tries before they will take a bottle. And it's a messy wet process. IF she sucks on your finger, you should be able to get her to suck on a nipple.
~ Carol
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