Jan 6, 2014

What to do at -35? Saponify.

Getting used to this weather. -35 only freezes my eyebrows, now. I'm down to my last gallon of frozen goat's milk and decided it would be a great day to make some more soap. Timing is everything when I do this and I'm not too great at it. Anyways, I did get 8 lbs. of soap made this morning. I made a 4 lb batch of lavender. I had run out of lavender flowers and ground up some lavender leaves that I had in the still room. Still smelled as sweet. Also did a batch with aloe vera and vitamin E. Thought this would be a great moisturizing bar. I had a bit of lavender soap left over and filled a few "novelty" molds.
My bar molds all tucked in for an overnight nap.
The hard part is waiting another six weeks for the soaps to cure before I can use them.
This is a picture of my kitchen after my honey has been working on it over Christmas. His present to me-to finally get the kitchen finished. Still have a ways to go, but it's so much nicer already. Note the cement countertop he made me. What a guy. P.S. Can anyone tell me how to put paragraph breaks in my blog? Hitting enter doesn't work anymore and my blogs just kinda run together without any paragraphs. Thanks.


Mama Pea said...

I have never made soap and probably won't even try, 'cause I have a good friend who LOVES to do it and is always gifting me with bars of it. She does a great job and experiments with all kinds of scents and additives to make different kinds -- hard-scrubbing garage soap, moisturizer soap, soap for sensitive skin, etc. Am I lucky, or what?

Your kitchen is looking lovely. Sure pays to have a talented hubby when it comes to jobs like that. Love to see the pictures as it all comes together.

(We hit a high of -12° today.)

odiie said...

Soapmaking can be quite a creative endeavor. The fun is in making them the way you want them. Another one of my addictive pastimes.
Stay warm. Tomorrow promises higher temps- a high of -8.

Unknown said...

I've never made soap but would like to try, I think I would have to see someone do it or help out with someone first...your kitchen looks wonderful, you guys are doing a great job. Good to be reading your blog again

Evelyn aka Starfishy said...

The only way I can seem to get paragraph breaks is put a little * to hold the space of a blank line, hit return and then type some more. Otherwise, insert another photo. I was having the same trouble too. Love your soap making project - I have never made soap in the winter because I hate the smell so much and open all the windows... but lavender does smell good! Cheers! Evelyn

odiie said...

Sherry-It may seem intimidating but soap making is really pretty easy and not dangerous. You'd probably love it.

Evelyn-Thanks for stopping by. I'll do the asterisk thing. Thanks.

frugallivingonthewatkinsranch.blogspot.com said...

I love to make soap this time of year, I am like you though I hate having to wait the six weeks especially when I have tried somthing new.
Have a great day,

Jan 6, 2014

What to do at -35? Saponify.

Getting used to this weather. -35 only freezes my eyebrows, now. I'm down to my last gallon of frozen goat's milk and decided it would be a great day to make some more soap. Timing is everything when I do this and I'm not too great at it. Anyways, I did get 8 lbs. of soap made this morning. I made a 4 lb batch of lavender. I had run out of lavender flowers and ground up some lavender leaves that I had in the still room. Still smelled as sweet. Also did a batch with aloe vera and vitamin E. Thought this would be a great moisturizing bar. I had a bit of lavender soap left over and filled a few "novelty" molds.
My bar molds all tucked in for an overnight nap.
The hard part is waiting another six weeks for the soaps to cure before I can use them.
This is a picture of my kitchen after my honey has been working on it over Christmas. His present to me-to finally get the kitchen finished. Still have a ways to go, but it's so much nicer already. Note the cement countertop he made me. What a guy. P.S. Can anyone tell me how to put paragraph breaks in my blog? Hitting enter doesn't work anymore and my blogs just kinda run together without any paragraphs. Thanks.


Mama Pea said...

I have never made soap and probably won't even try, 'cause I have a good friend who LOVES to do it and is always gifting me with bars of it. She does a great job and experiments with all kinds of scents and additives to make different kinds -- hard-scrubbing garage soap, moisturizer soap, soap for sensitive skin, etc. Am I lucky, or what?

Your kitchen is looking lovely. Sure pays to have a talented hubby when it comes to jobs like that. Love to see the pictures as it all comes together.

(We hit a high of -12° today.)

odiie said...

Soapmaking can be quite a creative endeavor. The fun is in making them the way you want them. Another one of my addictive pastimes.
Stay warm. Tomorrow promises higher temps- a high of -8.

Unknown said...

I've never made soap but would like to try, I think I would have to see someone do it or help out with someone first...your kitchen looks wonderful, you guys are doing a great job. Good to be reading your blog again

Evelyn aka Starfishy said...

The only way I can seem to get paragraph breaks is put a little * to hold the space of a blank line, hit return and then type some more. Otherwise, insert another photo. I was having the same trouble too. Love your soap making project - I have never made soap in the winter because I hate the smell so much and open all the windows... but lavender does smell good! Cheers! Evelyn

odiie said...

Sherry-It may seem intimidating but soap making is really pretty easy and not dangerous. You'd probably love it.

Evelyn-Thanks for stopping by. I'll do the asterisk thing. Thanks.

frugallivingonthewatkinsranch.blogspot.com said...

I love to make soap this time of year, I am like you though I hate having to wait the six weeks especially when I have tried somthing new.
Have a great day,