Apr 21, 2011


It's not just for cooking

I think it's something that everyone should have on hand. 
Charcoal-not the kind in the hard lump form, but the kind you can buy at the health food store-is good for many things-
  • Absorbs poisons in your system
  • Helps your digestive system
  • Relieves infections
  • Helps purify the blood
  • Relieves diarrhea
  • Purifies water
  • One of the main parts of black powder
  • And you can cook with it
I found a simple way for making your own charcoal at http://www.pioneerliving.net/ .
Just one more thing to add to my to-do list. 
I'll report back when I get it made.


Mama Pea said...

So many "natural" things we could be using/doing. The more people who are aware of things like this, the better off we all will be. Thanks for the info.

Gentleliving7 said...

I have a little but I need to get some more and study more ways to use it. Thanks for the reminder and the information. I will check out the link for making it.

Cammy H

Apr 21, 2011


It's not just for cooking

I think it's something that everyone should have on hand. 
Charcoal-not the kind in the hard lump form, but the kind you can buy at the health food store-is good for many things-
  • Absorbs poisons in your system
  • Helps your digestive system
  • Relieves infections
  • Helps purify the blood
  • Relieves diarrhea
  • Purifies water
  • One of the main parts of black powder
  • And you can cook with it
I found a simple way for making your own charcoal at http://www.pioneerliving.net/ .
Just one more thing to add to my to-do list. 
I'll report back when I get it made.


Mama Pea said...

So many "natural" things we could be using/doing. The more people who are aware of things like this, the better off we all will be. Thanks for the info.

Gentleliving7 said...

I have a little but I need to get some more and study more ways to use it. Thanks for the reminder and the information. I will check out the link for making it.

Cammy H