Feb 24, 2015
I Found Summer
So, today I took my two little charges and met some friends at the botanical gardens about 50 miles from here. It was wonderful. It smelled like plants, looked like a jungle and the heat and humidity were wonderful.
The kids could take their jackets off and run round and round. We walked along the palm lined paths and admired the hibiscus in bloom.
Then we put on our jackets, hats and mittens and ventured out into the frozen city. What a blessing to have this resource so close and free of charge.
This was a great way to stop the cabin fever that's been rearing it's ugly head from time to time.
Feb 24, 2015
I Found Summer
So, today I took my two little charges and met some friends at the botanical gardens about 50 miles from here. It was wonderful. It smelled like plants, looked like a jungle and the heat and humidity were wonderful.
The kids could take their jackets off and run round and round. We walked along the palm lined paths and admired the hibiscus in bloom.
Then we put on our jackets, hats and mittens and ventured out into the frozen city. What a blessing to have this resource so close and free of charge.
This was a great way to stop the cabin fever that's been rearing it's ugly head from time to time.
- Debbie said...
That sounds like a perfect solution to the winter cabin fever. I wish we had something like that around here. I met a friend for pizza last evening as both our husbands work nights. It was just good to get out.
February 25, 2015 at 8:31 AM
- Debbie said...
That sounds like a perfect solution to the winter cabin fever. I wish we had something like that around here. I met a friend for pizza last evening as both our husbands work nights. It was just good to get out.
February 25, 2015 at 8:33 AM
- Mama Pea said...
I remember doing much the same thing once during the winter and it really was a boost to spend that time in the heat and humidity. (Remind me I actually said I liked heat and humidity some scorching August day in the garden!)
February 25, 2015 at 9:55 AM
- odiie said...
Debbie, I think just doing anything different helps. Doing it with friends helps so much more.
Mama Pea,
Really think it'll be hot in August??Hard to imagine as I sit at this desk in layers and boots and try to talk myself into getting the chores done. -
February 25, 2015 at 1:49 PM
- Sherry said...
This does sound like so much fun, I love walking in gardens always makes one feel so good. Hope you have a wonderful day.
March 9, 2015 at 3:02 AM
- odiie said...
It was gorgeous, but now we have gorgeous weather outside. Temps near 50 and almost all of the snow is gone. Maple taps are in! -
March 11, 2015 at 8:13 AM
That sounds like a perfect solution to the winter cabin fever. I wish we had something like that around here. I met a friend for pizza last evening as both our husbands work nights. It was just good to get out.
That sounds like a perfect solution to the winter cabin fever. I wish we had something like that around here. I met a friend for pizza last evening as both our husbands work nights. It was just good to get out.
I remember doing much the same thing once during the winter and it really was a boost to spend that time in the heat and humidity. (Remind me I actually said I liked heat and humidity some scorching August day in the garden!)
Debbie, I think just doing anything different helps. Doing it with friends helps so much more.
Mama Pea,
Really think it'll be hot in August??Hard to imagine as I sit at this desk in layers and boots and try to talk myself into getting the chores done.
This does sound like so much fun, I love walking in gardens always makes one feel so good. Hope you have a wonderful day.
It was gorgeous, but now we have gorgeous weather outside. Temps near 50 and almost all of the snow is gone. Maple taps are in!
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