Oct 1, 2011

Sugar Beets

My newest experiment is complete.  I grew sugar beets for the first time and turned them into syrup. 
Did you know sugar beets are white?  I found that out--
This is my harvest.  Somewhere around 35 sugar beets.

Took the tops off of the beets and fed them to my buck.  Then washed up the beets and sliced them somewhat thin.
Put them in a pot with enough water to cover and boiled them until they were good and tender.

After straining out the beet pulp, I put the liquid in a pan and simmered it until it became thick and syrup-like.
The beets were quite sweet.  Here's the finished product from all of those beets.

Less than a pint of syrup.  It's sweet, but it has a bit of a beet flavor to it.  Not sure if I like it.  Anyone else know how to process beets?  Is there a way to get it to taste a bit better?
Well, there are the results of my latest experiment.  Now it's out to bring home hay bales.
From Glory Farm


Mel said...

Cameron had me tell his family a little about you and your projects, and they all agreed... That sounds like Cameron's ideal way of living. goodness mom... whodathunk. :)

Jessica said...

I never had sugar beets before. I bet they are good. They seem to have turned out just what you were wanting. I see your family is just as busy as ours getting ready for the colder months.
Take care and have a great day.

Sherry said...

I've never raised sugar beets, but think I will try next year just to say I did...lol have a great day.

Oct 1, 2011

Sugar Beets

My newest experiment is complete.  I grew sugar beets for the first time and turned them into syrup. 
Did you know sugar beets are white?  I found that out--
This is my harvest.  Somewhere around 35 sugar beets.

Took the tops off of the beets and fed them to my buck.  Then washed up the beets and sliced them somewhat thin.
Put them in a pot with enough water to cover and boiled them until they were good and tender.

After straining out the beet pulp, I put the liquid in a pan and simmered it until it became thick and syrup-like.
The beets were quite sweet.  Here's the finished product from all of those beets.

Less than a pint of syrup.  It's sweet, but it has a bit of a beet flavor to it.  Not sure if I like it.  Anyone else know how to process beets?  Is there a way to get it to taste a bit better?
Well, there are the results of my latest experiment.  Now it's out to bring home hay bales.
From Glory Farm


Mel said...

Cameron had me tell his family a little about you and your projects, and they all agreed... That sounds like Cameron's ideal way of living. goodness mom... whodathunk. :)

Jessica said...

I never had sugar beets before. I bet they are good. They seem to have turned out just what you were wanting. I see your family is just as busy as ours getting ready for the colder months.
Take care and have a great day.

Sherry said...

I've never raised sugar beets, but think I will try next year just to say I did...lol have a great day.