Putting up enough food for a year takes all of my waking hours, well, not quite. But I never knew. I used to put up what I had time to put up, now I don't want to waste a thing. I have frozen broccoli and dehydrated it. Corn is canned and dried and some still on the stalks waiting to be ground into cornmeal. Potatoes are slowly coming out of the ground and headed for the root cellar and the dehydrator. Picked two wheel barrows full of green tomatoes to use for sauces. Beans and peas are drying to be used for next year's seed. I'm drying apples, making apple jelly, apple juice, apple sauce, apple pie filling and saving some for the root cellar. Put up the plums yesterday. Tomorrow I hope to get the tomatoes in the cellar, pick squash and pumpkins. I may have to start some sauerkraut, but I still have some left from last year. I never remember to use it. God has blessed us with abundance and I want to be a good steward.
It's a good feeling being so tired at the end of the day. Getting into my sweats and reading a good Louis Lamour. How did Grandma find time to quilt, knit, spin, butcher, milk, etc. I've heard the stories and Grandma did all of this. I have a new respect for her. Maybe she didn't have a computer?
From Glory Farm
I love this entry. Thank you for sharing this unerstanding that we choose to spend our time doing different things these days then ladies did back when nesesities were different. I admire those gals for their strength to keep the home fires burning ... literally. *smile* Have a great day trying to keep your home fires burning. *smile* Blessings.-me-(Mommy of two little blessings)
My mom had all the modern distractions I have.
Her mother, from 40 on, had all the modern distractions we have.
My GREAT grandma.....
She had no tv.
She had no cell phone.
She had no computer.
No dishwasher, no washer or dryer, no stand mixer, no microwave.
The family had 1 car. The kids didn't play sports.
They went to church on Sunday morning, and Sunday afternoons were church pitch in's. Right after service.
There was no youth group, and no 'activities'.
Houses were not stacked on top of each other......there was space, so no time for 'gossping over the fence'.
There was no "slick investing for money" or other things such as that. You had to work hard for what you made, and you grew and raised as much of your own food as you could.
There were no Super Walmarts, or Mega grocery stores. Just mom and pops.
No malls to 'window shop' in, and no 'hobby stores' to dwadle away the hours doing useless things......
*deep sigh*
What a pickle we have put ourselves in.
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