Went out this morning and I saw---
This is the smallest lamb we've had born. Looks just like her mom.
I had to show you where our little Angora doe likes to snuggle in the sun--
And a picture of our new LGD. Her name is Jenny and she's a honey.
Doesn't she look vicious? She's four months old.
Well it looks like the sun has decided to come out. I should go out and make good use of it.
From Glory Farm.
Ah they are so cute!
Aww makes you want to pick em up and snuggle em.. even the big pup she is beautiful. Looks like spring is finally starting to sprung at your house... We have been in the 90's the last couple days... today is nice though...
How cute is that snuggling lamb. And you're puppy so cute!
Loved your photos! Clear sky here this evening ~~guess another cold evening but sunshine tomorrow again Yay!
TTYL Have a great great Friday
I'm not aware of elderflower cordial having any medicinal properties. It just tastes nice - and very strong - you dilute it about 1 part cordial to 12-15 parts water, so moderately healthy drink. Some people like it hot on cold nights or when they're ill, but I prefer blackcurrant for that.
Best wishes,
Thank-you for your comments on my blog Rhonda. Your story tears at my heart too! So many tragedies and although I do not believe God causes these tragedies and I am not a great theologian either so can not tell you if he allowed tragedies in our lives for a reason or if He is there to carry us when these tragedies come. I know this that He loves us enough to die for us and He will be our strong tower we can run to. I love that. Maybe your Brady is talking and walking with our Chia. That is a happy thought I am so glad you have the LORD and I have the LORD we will someday get to see each other. It is late here had a power outage so just getting to these Have a wonderful day. Love Roxanne
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