We picked up our free wood furnace. We won't be putting it in until the weather turns warmer. If that makes sense. It goes in our basement and snow is piled high on the storm cellar door, so we wait. We don't want to lose the insulation.
We've had the crud going through the house. Dd1 and dd2 both got it before they left for Arizona. They're back now and still have remnants of it. Dd3 got it and had a fever for a day, but now she just has the runny nose and a bit of a cough at night. Ds has it in a bad way. Boy when he catches something, he catches it good. He's been running a fever off and on for two days. He tried so hard not to catch it. He was picking white pine needles and making himself tea so he would stay healthy. I feel bad for him. I told him we are supposed to take good care of our bodies, but don't forget to pray, because without God in the equation, we forget the most important thing. (If you can follow my thinking.)
We have a new little one to care for. His mom is going to have surgery and she entrusted her son to us until she's back on her feet. I feel so blessed. He's three and quite the character. Unfortunately, she lives 120 miles away and cant' visit, so he only gets to talk to her on the phone. I'm not sure how long he gets to stay, it's a day to day thing.
We still have a cow that hasn't calved. She's been in the barn for 2 1/2 months,now. She's a bad influence on my new chickens. They only lay 1-2 eggs a day and they're young.
Today it's:dusting and vacumming, bills and taxes, homeschool and baking crackers, bread, yogurt and granola. My honey brought home a crate of milk left over from a benefit feed. I'm going to make some squeaky cheese, even though it's 2%. I think it'll still work. And I'll make a half gallon of vanilla yogurt.
I started a shawl out of the black mohair I spun. Not sure what to do with it when I'm done.
This is birthday month in our family. My honey, dad, daughter, brother, step-son, favorite cousin...Dd1 says she dreads this month, too much pressure with the birthdays.
I hope she can just relax and celebrate. I hope I can.
Think this is long enough? I guess I'm just a rambling woman.
Glorify God,