Our horses are suffering out there. The flies are so bad. They could go in the woods, but they just stand out there in the sun and get eaten up. We've bought many brands of flyspray. None seem to work for very long. The wipes work about the best, but are very expensive. I'd like to try fly predators, but they're expensive also. We make our own spray now. It works as well, if not better, than the sprays we've tried.
1 cup vinegar, 1 cup water, 1 cup baby oil, 1/4 cup real pinesol, 1 Tablespoon dish soap, 1 tablespoon eucalyptus, 1 tablespoon citronella
Mix and spray.
Now about the three pounds of roving that came in the mail today. My wonderful brother did his research and ordered three pounds of Corriedale roving for my birthday. That ought to keep me busy for awhile. Brother, if you're reading this, thanks so much. I can spin to my heart's content.
Have a great afternoon.
In His Service,
We had them really bad here...and about the 20th of June, the hornets and such hatched and we haven't had much trouble since with them at all. Apparently they eat the horse flies and such.
All I know is the horse and other barn residents are *much* happier now.
Thanks for the recipe to make the wipes. I'll be saving it for use for sure!
What an awesome brother... so how much have you spun up.. what color is it? details... details;>
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