After months (two) of searching, I've found the prefect garbage can for my kithchen. Two months ago we broke our kitchen garbage can and I wanted something different. Something functional that looked nice. I was going to make a wooden bin, but I haven't got around to it yet. I found a book at the grocery store called "Painted Whimsies". And voila! The perfect can. In my excitement, I ran to the computer to tell you all about it and here it is.....
We can all sleep sounder now, knowing that problem has been solved.
The Lord bless,
From Glory Farm
I LOVE IT, I absolutely love it! I know your stress. I too have been searching high and low for the perfect garbage can. Our has to sit out where it is seen and I want it to be perfect but at least nice. I am so happy you found your and happy I now know I am not the only one with this weird quirck.
PERFECT! Darling! Adorable! I think the saying goes:
"Blessings come to those who wait". I guess God thought you had waited long enough and led you to the 'whimsies' store. No more black trash bags lying on the floor - Halleilujah! (just kidding). It Looks Wonderful! And a perfect color match for the kitchen you described. Have a Great Weekend and Easter. Sincerely, Brenda
Far Out Man, your can is all decked out and funky, Dig it? Looks like the one my old lady had in her pad during the '60's, I'm hip.
(translation: I like it a lot)
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