Mar 24, 2009

Muscovy Ducks

We (I) decided on Muscovy ducks this year.  We were given two hens and two drakes by some friends of ours.  After reading, the Muscovy sounds like the perfect duck.  They are known for their ability to make a noticable difference in the amount of flies and mosquitoes.  This was the big selling point for me.  We fight with flies every summer.  The drakes can get 10-12 pounds.  Our drakes are much larger than our hens.  The hens are also good setters.  They are quite prolific as our friends can attest to.  They are up to somewhere between 30 and 40 Muscoveys.  I guess they are also very good tasting without all of the fat of most ducks.  I don't plan on butchering, but still, it's good to know.  They don't have to have water to play in, but I'll get them some when it warms up, anyways.  My son read that they are roosting ducks, so I shouldn't be surprised to see them sleeping in the trees.  I go out to the barn looking for duck eggs, now.  So far, I haven't found any.  Let you know when they start to set.

From Glory Farm


joshields said...

How fun! I didn't know it was possible to keep ducks if you didn't have a stream or a pond. Hope you enjoy keeping them.

Best wishes,


ky reader said...

we had 3 of those something tried catch them so to our dismay they started roosting on the house we finally gave them away the mess became so hugh on our roof

cradtke said...

Hi Rhonda,

My grandma raised muscovies and loved them. She keeps telling me I should get some. I didn't know they were lower in fat. Ummmm... maybe muscovies will be making their way to our little homestead. (we eat duck)


Mar 24, 2009

Muscovy Ducks

We (I) decided on Muscovy ducks this year.  We were given two hens and two drakes by some friends of ours.  After reading, the Muscovy sounds like the perfect duck.  They are known for their ability to make a noticable difference in the amount of flies and mosquitoes.  This was the big selling point for me.  We fight with flies every summer.  The drakes can get 10-12 pounds.  Our drakes are much larger than our hens.  The hens are also good setters.  They are quite prolific as our friends can attest to.  They are up to somewhere between 30 and 40 Muscoveys.  I guess they are also very good tasting without all of the fat of most ducks.  I don't plan on butchering, but still, it's good to know.  They don't have to have water to play in, but I'll get them some when it warms up, anyways.  My son read that they are roosting ducks, so I shouldn't be surprised to see them sleeping in the trees.  I go out to the barn looking for duck eggs, now.  So far, I haven't found any.  Let you know when they start to set.

From Glory Farm


joshields said...

How fun! I didn't know it was possible to keep ducks if you didn't have a stream or a pond. Hope you enjoy keeping them.

Best wishes,


ky reader said...

we had 3 of those something tried catch them so to our dismay they started roosting on the house we finally gave them away the mess became so hugh on our roof

cradtke said...

Hi Rhonda,

My grandma raised muscovies and loved them. She keeps telling me I should get some. I didn't know they were lower in fat. Ummmm... maybe muscovies will be making their way to our little homestead. (we eat duck)
