Feb 16, 2009

Felted Boots #2

Wow.  Thank you so much for your kind comments on the boots in the last post.  They really aren't hard to make and anyone can do it.  So I thought I'd do my best to tell you how to do the pattern, and the rest you might want to look up on line.

I bought the book, "Felting by Hand" by Anne Einset Vickrey.  This book has how to felt mittens, slippers, hats, purses, boots, etc.  It starts from the very beginning.  What type of wool, how to layer it, how to make the patterns, how to do the actual felting and the shaping when you're done. 

The pattern for the boots is made by drawing around your foot, a symetrical oval.  Then off of that, draw upwards where your ankle would go and make as tall as you want your boots.  Cut this from a bright colored piece of colorfast cloth.  Layer the wool and place pattern in the middle.  The actual felting would take a while for me to  explain and I probably wouldn't do a very good job, but there are websites that have instructions. 




Thank you again for your kind comments.  Wow.

Feb 14, 2009

Felted Boots

Finally.  After several attempts.  I made a pair of felted boots/slippers that can actually be worn.  I hope to improve the style and looks as I get more experience, but these are very soft and very warm.  This is felt from one of my Icelandic ewes.  I think I'll try a pair of mittens, next.  They should be easier to make.

Have a glorious day.

Feb 10, 2009

Storm? What storm?

People north of us, people south of us, east and west, too, all had worse roads, school closings,  etc.  For some reason, we only got showers.  It has stayed so warm, still 36 this morning, that nothing is freezing.  No power outages or real treacherous driving.  Does it sound strange that I'm a bit disappointed?  There's something about gathering in the livingroom, using the kerosene lamps, playing games.  I was almost looking forward to a good storm.  They still say the rain we're getting will turn to snow this afternoon.  That will only cause bad driving conditions, not the part of a good storm that I like.  I need to make a couple of trips to town today.

So that's the weather update.


Feb 9, 2009

By the Light...of the Silvery Moon

It was a picture perfect night last night.  Warm temps and a beautiful moon....

Today it's an ice storm warning.  Thunderstorms tonight!  Wow.  This is so wierd.  They're predicting power outages, also.  Praise God it's going to be in the thirties for highs.  We won't freeze.  I've got water stored and kerosene lamps set to go.  Gonna go and bring a big round to the animals, put in some dry bedding, haul some extra firewood and hunker down. 

Let ya know how it goes.

From Glory Farm

Feb 2, 2009

A day in the life......

I thought I would post a "Day in the Life of" for my blog today.  It started out well.  I went and took pictures as we went about our day.  Around noon I was trying to upload my photos and my program went phooey.  So I spent the rest of the day, until supper that is, troubleshooting the computer.  But...I WON!  and here I am, so without further ado, may I present, A DAY IN THE LIFE OF...ME-

After a cup of coffee and devotions, here I sit, my view from the computer-

Looking out my kitchen window this morning, there was a beautiful sundog-

Downstairs to do laundry.  Don't you think the longjohns are a nice touch?

Then we go outside to take care of the animals.  The "herd" is waiting.

Next the chickens....

Yes, the coop needs a good cleaning, but everything is very frozen.  Now to check on the sheep.

That's not a sheep.  It's my eight month old Angora buck, Blackie.  How original?  He loves to have his picture taken. Now the sheep-

Erna, the matriarch of my flock.  She's built like a brick.  The does are next, unfortunately they were so busy fighting over grain, they wouldn't take time to look up.

There are two Angoras, two alpines and two boer/oberhasi crosses.  The crosses are teh white ones.

After chores, it's school . We started a unit on nutrition and had a spelling test.  Some math, and working on journal entries.  While the children were busy studying, I mixed up a batch of soap.

This is the soap that goes into my laundry soap and floor cleaner. 

I spent a lot of time fighting with the computer and while I was waiting for things to install and uninstall I cleaned out my bedroom closet.  Then I got some fleece ready for felting another boot.

After a couple of hours, the soap traced and I  got  it in the mold.

So we just finished homemade potato sausage, homemade sauerkraut and a tossed salad for supper.  I finally got this up on the blog.  I think it's time for some tea and some Walton's.

Thanks for taking time to stop by. 


Feb 16, 2009

Felted Boots #2

Wow.  Thank you so much for your kind comments on the boots in the last post.  They really aren't hard to make and anyone can do it.  So I thought I'd do my best to tell you how to do the pattern, and the rest you might want to look up on line.

I bought the book, "Felting by Hand" by Anne Einset Vickrey.  This book has how to felt mittens, slippers, hats, purses, boots, etc.  It starts from the very beginning.  What type of wool, how to layer it, how to make the patterns, how to do the actual felting and the shaping when you're done. 

The pattern for the boots is made by drawing around your foot, a symetrical oval.  Then off of that, draw upwards where your ankle would go and make as tall as you want your boots.  Cut this from a bright colored piece of colorfast cloth.  Layer the wool and place pattern in the middle.  The actual felting would take a while for me to  explain and I probably wouldn't do a very good job, but there are websites that have instructions. 




Thank you again for your kind comments.  Wow.

Feb 14, 2009

Felted Boots

Finally.  After several attempts.  I made a pair of felted boots/slippers that can actually be worn.  I hope to improve the style and looks as I get more experience, but these are very soft and very warm.  This is felt from one of my Icelandic ewes.  I think I'll try a pair of mittens, next.  They should be easier to make.

Have a glorious day.

Feb 10, 2009

Storm? What storm?

People north of us, people south of us, east and west, too, all had worse roads, school closings,  etc.  For some reason, we only got showers.  It has stayed so warm, still 36 this morning, that nothing is freezing.  No power outages or real treacherous driving.  Does it sound strange that I'm a bit disappointed?  There's something about gathering in the livingroom, using the kerosene lamps, playing games.  I was almost looking forward to a good storm.  They still say the rain we're getting will turn to snow this afternoon.  That will only cause bad driving conditions, not the part of a good storm that I like.  I need to make a couple of trips to town today.

So that's the weather update.


Feb 9, 2009

By the Light...of the Silvery Moon

It was a picture perfect night last night.  Warm temps and a beautiful moon....

Today it's an ice storm warning.  Thunderstorms tonight!  Wow.  This is so wierd.  They're predicting power outages, also.  Praise God it's going to be in the thirties for highs.  We won't freeze.  I've got water stored and kerosene lamps set to go.  Gonna go and bring a big round to the animals, put in some dry bedding, haul some extra firewood and hunker down. 

Let ya know how it goes.

From Glory Farm

Feb 2, 2009

A day in the life......

I thought I would post a "Day in the Life of" for my blog today.  It started out well.  I went and took pictures as we went about our day.  Around noon I was trying to upload my photos and my program went phooey.  So I spent the rest of the day, until supper that is, troubleshooting the computer.  But...I WON!  and here I am, so without further ado, may I present, A DAY IN THE LIFE OF...ME-

After a cup of coffee and devotions, here I sit, my view from the computer-

Looking out my kitchen window this morning, there was a beautiful sundog-

Downstairs to do laundry.  Don't you think the longjohns are a nice touch?

Then we go outside to take care of the animals.  The "herd" is waiting.

Next the chickens....

Yes, the coop needs a good cleaning, but everything is very frozen.  Now to check on the sheep.

That's not a sheep.  It's my eight month old Angora buck, Blackie.  How original?  He loves to have his picture taken. Now the sheep-

Erna, the matriarch of my flock.  She's built like a brick.  The does are next, unfortunately they were so busy fighting over grain, they wouldn't take time to look up.

There are two Angoras, two alpines and two boer/oberhasi crosses.  The crosses are teh white ones.

After chores, it's school . We started a unit on nutrition and had a spelling test.  Some math, and working on journal entries.  While the children were busy studying, I mixed up a batch of soap.

This is the soap that goes into my laundry soap and floor cleaner. 

I spent a lot of time fighting with the computer and while I was waiting for things to install and uninstall I cleaned out my bedroom closet.  Then I got some fleece ready for felting another boot.

After a couple of hours, the soap traced and I  got  it in the mold.

So we just finished homemade potato sausage, homemade sauerkraut and a tossed salad for supper.  I finally got this up on the blog.  I think it's time for some tea and some Walton's.

Thanks for taking time to stop by.