Wow. Thank you so much for your kind comments on the boots in the last post. They really aren't hard to make and anyone can do it. So I thought I'd do my best to tell you how to do the pattern, and the rest you might want to look up on line.
I bought the book, "Felting by Hand" by Anne Einset Vickrey. This book has how to felt mittens, slippers, hats, purses, boots, etc. It starts from the very beginning. What type of wool, how to layer it, how to make the patterns, how to do the actual felting and the shaping when you're done.
The pattern for the boots is made by drawing around your foot, a symetrical oval. Then off of that, draw upwards where your ankle would go and make as tall as you want your boots. Cut this from a bright colored piece of colorfast cloth. Layer the wool and place pattern in the middle. The actual felting would take a while for me to explain and I probably wouldn't do a very good job, but there are websites that have instructions.
Thank you again for your kind comments. Wow.