Jun 17, 2008

Farmers' Market on the Internet????

Does anyone know of websites where fresh produce is posted and sold.  Kind of a daily farmer's market thing on the internet?  The grower posts what they have ready and how much, customers can log on daily to do their shopping, contact seller and then either pick it up or have it delivered?  Many growers in one area could get together on this.  Think it will work?   I'm sure this probably isn't a new idea, I just haven't seen any and would like to see how others have set up their sites.

Thanks for any info or ideas.

From Glory Farm

Jun 14, 2008

Counting your chickens before....

Today I was totally selfish.  I had put a deposit down on an Icelandic ewe.  I needed to pick her up today.  I thought about how lonely she would be by herself and told honey.  He said well, "pick up a couple more to keep her company".  I knew we couldn't afford it, but my mom had told me what she was giving me for my birthday next week and I thought I would spend my birthday money on them.  Well, I took from our septic fund to pay for them.  I will put my birthday money in there when I get it.  Do you thnk my mom will change her mind?

Speaking of chickens and hatching...We had a Buff go broody and hatch out eight little ones!  How wonderful.  Now we have another Buff that is setting.  We will have chicken overflow.  I love it.  I pray that these chicks are safe and make it to adulthood, unlike the first two batches that were hatched this spring.  I find if I let the chickens go free range, they tend to find safe places and start setting.  This works for me. 

Jun 9, 2008

It's a Bird, It's a Plane, It's Super Daughter

Our oldest girl has a way of amazing me.  She does the unexpected.  Need her to drive tractor? Cut hay? Help pull out a stuck Cat?  She doesn't fear, just does it.  She likes doing the somewhat exciting. 

We're in the process of putting a roof on half of our house.  It's two story and seems awfully tall when you're up there.  Need Super Daughter to help?  Sure, no problem.  Just tie her off, give her a hammer and watch her go.  She put on shingles and put the roof jacks in place.

The night before, I had asked her to make supper.  When I came in to check on her, she said that we had been out of mayonaise for the salad and so she had made some.  She's learning. 

Help me remember this when she gets up in the morning and mumbles her way out the door.

Good night, sleep thight and don't let the bedbugs bite.

Jun 2, 2008


 I made popscicles this morning and thought I'd share.  This is an old idea and you probably all have your own version.



1 pint yogurt ( I used homemade vanilla, but plain works too.)

1/2 can frozen orange juice

Mix the undiluted orange juice with the yogurt and fill your popscicle molds.  That's it.  These are nutritious and my children like them better than the sugar water kind.

Jun 17, 2008

Farmers' Market on the Internet????

Does anyone know of websites where fresh produce is posted and sold.  Kind of a daily farmer's market thing on the internet?  The grower posts what they have ready and how much, customers can log on daily to do their shopping, contact seller and then either pick it up or have it delivered?  Many growers in one area could get together on this.  Think it will work?   I'm sure this probably isn't a new idea, I just haven't seen any and would like to see how others have set up their sites.

Thanks for any info or ideas.

From Glory Farm

Jun 14, 2008

Counting your chickens before....

Today I was totally selfish.  I had put a deposit down on an Icelandic ewe.  I needed to pick her up today.  I thought about how lonely she would be by herself and told honey.  He said well, "pick up a couple more to keep her company".  I knew we couldn't afford it, but my mom had told me what she was giving me for my birthday next week and I thought I would spend my birthday money on them.  Well, I took from our septic fund to pay for them.  I will put my birthday money in there when I get it.  Do you thnk my mom will change her mind?

Speaking of chickens and hatching...We had a Buff go broody and hatch out eight little ones!  How wonderful.  Now we have another Buff that is setting.  We will have chicken overflow.  I love it.  I pray that these chicks are safe and make it to adulthood, unlike the first two batches that were hatched this spring.  I find if I let the chickens go free range, they tend to find safe places and start setting.  This works for me. 

Jun 9, 2008

It's a Bird, It's a Plane, It's Super Daughter

Our oldest girl has a way of amazing me.  She does the unexpected.  Need her to drive tractor? Cut hay? Help pull out a stuck Cat?  She doesn't fear, just does it.  She likes doing the somewhat exciting. 

We're in the process of putting a roof on half of our house.  It's two story and seems awfully tall when you're up there.  Need Super Daughter to help?  Sure, no problem.  Just tie her off, give her a hammer and watch her go.  She put on shingles and put the roof jacks in place.

The night before, I had asked her to make supper.  When I came in to check on her, she said that we had been out of mayonaise for the salad and so she had made some.  She's learning. 

Help me remember this when she gets up in the morning and mumbles her way out the door.

Good night, sleep thight and don't let the bedbugs bite.

Jun 2, 2008


 I made popscicles this morning and thought I'd share.  This is an old idea and you probably all have your own version.



1 pint yogurt ( I used homemade vanilla, but plain works too.)

1/2 can frozen orange juice

Mix the undiluted orange juice with the yogurt and fill your popscicle molds.  That's it.  These are nutritious and my children like them better than the sugar water kind.