Apr 30, 2008


Took a couople of pics of the goats.

Not a great picture, but these are our two Angora goats, Sassy and Big Momma.

Here is Suki.  She''s one of our new alpine doelings.

And this is Shamrock, our other new Alpine doeling.

That's it for this entry.  Time to fix supper.

Apr 29, 2008


It works if I cheat a little bit.  In my Grain Questions entry (April 17) I complained because the last 50# of wheat berries I bought just weren't working for me.  The bread dough never got any elasticity to it.  I would knead it and add gluten and it just wasn't working for me.  So today I caved and substituted white flour for 1/4 of the whole wheat flour.  It worked and was very elastic and it rose like it should. 

Finally, bread that can't be used for a boat anchor.  The caramel rolls turned out like they should, also.

Now, to get those goats trimmed.

Apr 28, 2008

Comfrey and Concussions

Our 4-H club went roller skating on Saturday and I'm a bit sore this morning.  It usually takes me a couple of days to finally stiffen up.  My ds hit the floor at the rink numerous times, but hit his head on the second fall.  Didn't think anything of it at the time.  He skated for another two hours and then when we were leaving, he asked where we were?  He had a bit of amnesia.  It kinda freaked me out.  We took him in to the hospital and he has a concussion.  He's taking it easy and he gets out of chores for a couple of weeks.  Praise God he'll be fine if he doesn't over do it or hit his head again.  I've never had a concussion, didn't realize how serious they were.

Also, the comfrey part of this entry.  I've been looking all over for some comfrey seeds or plants to order, but seems everyone is out of stock.  Anyone know why?  I use this for a feed supplement for my goats and chickens in the winter.  My mom has some and I think I"ll just go over and get some starts from her when it comes up. 

We have a full day today.  Goat hoof trimming, barn cleaning, tomato planting, soap making, bread baking and a banquet for my oldest daughter tonight.(e.g. free food!)

Hope your day is glorious.

Apr 24, 2008

More than I deserve

I am such a spoiled brat.  My honey took me to look at Alpine goats yesterday.  Of course, you can't look at those little kids without taking one home.  I went prepared, I knew.  I took two home yesterday.  Little seven week old doelings.  They are adorable.  My husband is so good to me.  I know that these little girls will benefit the whole family, but when you get down to it, they are really for me.  I have my Angoras, now my Alpines, a couple of Corriedale sheep and my ark will be full.    We have two donkeys.  They are great herd protectors and keep my dogs out of the pasture, a couple of horses that are good for ???, okay, I'm not a horse person.  We also have our cattle- three steers, a cow and her new calf.  And don't forget the "herd" of chickens, five roosters and 22 hens.  This is the life that I love.  I forget sometimes, but right now my heart is full.  I believe my children are the better for it.

Yesterday, my husband spent the day loading up a bunch of the scrap metal that we have laying around here.  He made enough money to buy a new septic tank for the new system we need to put in.  My honey is very resourceful.

Time to go check on those new kids.  Have a glorious day.


Apr 21, 2008

It Happened! It Happened! A Calf!!!!!!

Our cow had her calf!  And you thought it would never happen.  I took a pic with my cell phone, so it isn't the clearest, but this is our new calf at about four hours old.  It looks like it's nursing-constantly-and I think it's a heifer, but I'm not positive because I haven't wanted to bother them too much yet.Praise the Lord. Thank you for a healthy calf.

As long as I was out with the camera, I took a couple more.

Here's the rest of our herd-

And I wanted to show you that I actually have compost ready.  This pic isn't real clear, I got too close with my phone.  Kinda gross-That is black dirt.  Kinda hard to tell.


Giving and Overcoming-The weekend report

I want my children to be givers.  That means I need to teach by example.  I tend to be lazy in this area.  Not the money giving, but the go somewhere and help out giving.  This weekend I finally took dd3 and we went and helped out at a food distribution.  It was great and our daughter, who is 9, put in a six hour shift with no breaks.  I was pleased and I plan to take each on of our children to help.  We bought a share of the food and came home blessed with an abundance of fresh vegetables, some peanut butter, tortillas, snacks, bread, bagels,  etc.


Pastor's sermon yesterday was on making it through the trials and temptations, standing your ground, and the victory and growth that's ours' when we trust God to get us through.  God doesn't put us where we are to watch us fail.  He's put us there for His glory and our benefit.  Though I know it's hard to see that in the midst of the storm.  Much more to this, but this is the main point.


Cow report:  No calf yet.  This is almost as bad as when I was waiting for my own children to be born.  It is taking forever.


Glorify the Lord in thought and deed.

Apr 17, 2008

Grain Question

About a month and a half ago, I bought fifty pounds of wheat berries at the feed store.  This is where I've bought them before and had no problem.  Now I don't know if it's just my breadbaking skills going downhill fast, or if it's the grain.  When I first gound it and baked, I thought maybe they had made a mistake and given me whole oats.  It had a different taste and was dense and didn't rise like it should.  I don't think it's oats anymore, but I was wondering if it could be buckwheat.  When I grind it, it looks like buckwheat flour.  A recipe for two loaves of bread only makes one and it's very dense.  Anyone know what would happen if you baked 100% whole buckwheat bread (besides the fact that you get very full off of one piece),

Apr 16, 2008

The Continuing Saga...Remember the Cow?

So far in our story...December 16th, 2007, cow arrives at our farm from the neighbors'.  He's certain that she's pregnant and looks like she could calve any day. She needs a barn because of the cold weather, he only has lean-tos. Two weeks later-still looks like she could calve anyday.  Here we are April 16th, four months later, and yes, she is pregnant.  Still no calf, but I don't think that she can hold out much longer, try as she might.  We've started checking her at night.  She's getting pretty crotchety.  You would too if you'd been pregnant for 18 months?  This will be the first calf born on our new farm.  I'll try to post pics, if I can find my daughter's digital.

Apr 15, 2008

Homeschool Books

Time to clean out my library.  I have been blessed by others with books for our homeschool and I'd like to return the favor.  If anyone can use any of these books, just let me know and I'll get them mailed out to you.  These are mostly for younger children, K-2.


1)Now I'm Reading-Level 3&4-Twenty Phonics books, each book teaches a different sound combination. K-2


2)The Sunday Alphabet of Animals-This small hardcover book describes an animal for every letter of the alphabet, giving glory to God.


3)Happy Hearts-Reading grade 2-This is published by Christian Light Education and you can buy a workbook to go with it.


4)Word Processing for Beginners-Microsoft Office 97.  A bit outdated.


5)Sticky Situation-365 Devotions for Kids and Families-Brand new, grades 2-5.  Just not quite what I wanted.


6 )3 books on the Human Body-I Can Move-Study of the Human Skeleton for K-1 and The Skeleton Inside You-another skeletal study for younger children.  Your Insides-Hardcover study of the human anantomy for K-2.  Has the see-through pages for the different body systems.


7) Three Old Ruff books and two Adam Raccoon books.These are softcover and great books for your first grader to read on their own.


8)Two book set-A Mink, a Fink and a Skating Rink-What is a Noun? and Hairy, Scary, Ordinary-What is an Adjective?


9)The Growing Readers' Phonics Bible-Each bible story focuses on one phonetic sound.


10)Big Book of Bible Learning-Easy reading about how people lived during bible times.


11)Set of five National Geographic books for children-Animals at Play, Busy Beavers, Animals in Summer, Let's Explore a River, and The Amazing Things Animals Do.  These have beautiful pictures.


12)Teaching Your Dog Obedience-I know this isn't a subject for most schools, but it comes in handy.  This is an older book which we never used so I'm not sure their approach to dog handling. This one is for older children and adults.


13)Science For You-copyright 1959-Covers machines, magnets, hygeine, stars, trees, planting,weather, animals, etc.  Nice illustrations, about 1st grade level.


That's if for now, but I think there'll be more as we go through and clean out.  I love books and pick them up constantly.  Thrift stores, book sales, garage sales.  My son is so interested in EVERYTHING.  We have a lot of science books. If you would like any of these just send me a message with your address and I will ship them out to you.  It may take a week, I only get into town on Tuesdays.

God bless.

Apr 14, 2008

Necessity-the great motivator

Today I got to hand wash the laundry.  Our septic is acting up and won't take anymore.  I need to meter out doing laundry and have been falling behind a load a day. I am now about six loads behind and decided to do laundry in the tub.  This uses a lot less water.  I was able to wash two loads of laundry in about 10 gallons of water compared to the 30 gallons or so it takes just to do one load in my machine and my machine doesn't get the clothes as clean as my washboard.  Yes, it's more work and I won't be doing this everytime, but it sure is nice to have white socks again. Using homemade laundry soap and homemade lye soap on the tough spots, my clothes are getting clean again.  I think I do need a new washer.  The one I have barely agitates the clothes.  But it's on the bottom of the "to buy" list. 

I'm going to go and try another load and then use some good ointment on my poor hands.

Apr 9, 2008

Parties, Blizzards, Farm Machinery

Today is our dear son's birthday.  He's eleven.  We're having Grandma and Grandpa and some neighbors over for dinner and cake.  We're making a Moroccan meal.  This goes along with school and studying Morocco.  If nothing else, it should be interesting.  Then it's chocolate cake with chocolate ice cream.  This is not Moroccan.

I'm sure you're all tired of hearing about our weather up here, but I'm going to tell you anyways.  We have a blizzard warning in effect for Thursday and Friday.  50 mph winds and over a foot of snow.  We just got two feet of snow last weekend and it's nowhere near melted yet.  Amy Jo, we could use some of that hot chocolate.

Now the blessings, snow is a blessing.  It is blessing the ground with moisture and in the bible, snow is referred to as a refreshing.  I'm going to try to look at it that way.  We were able to find a grain drill for planting oats and it was only $75.  It needs a bit of tweaking, but my honey is good at tweaking.  We had to let our pick up go back to the bank, but we towed my Grandpa's old truck home last weekend and my honey is tweaking that also.  It hasn't been used since 1991, but it has good compresion and oil pressure and fired the first time he tried to start it.  It's a 1961 GMC half ton.  No four-wheel, I'll have to learn to drive without it.  Our son plays the fiddle and his teacher was asked to bring all of her students to play at the Finn Fest in Duluth this summer.  This is exciting.  It's kind of a big deal up here. And last, but definetly not least, I went and had the taxes done yesterday.  I still have a couple of things to fax to our accountant today, but we don't owe this year!  Thank you God.  Bet you wish you were me, don't you?  So blessed.  Now it's your turn.  How blessed are you?

Apr 7, 2008

ICEberg lettuce and SNOW peas

This will be our crop this year!  23" of snow yesterday and last night!  Our yard was bare, mud and grass.  Now we have almost two feet of snow, and it's still snowing!  Where is the global warming when we need it?

It is moisture, and I know that we need more of that.  I try and remember that God knows what He's doing and it will all work out.  This just seems like a lot of snow, even for Northern Minnesota.  I put the snowshoes away too early.  I haven't washed up all of the winter wear yet, because I know things like this can happen.  Well, to snowblow or not to snowblow, that is the question.  I think "wait and see" is my philosophy this morning.  Perhaps it'll melt down to a mere 15 inches by this afternoon.  They forecast 39 for a high today.

Well, I'm off to read your blogs and dream of rototilling and fertilizing.  I

Good Garlic!

Do you remember me complaining about the flu and the awful ear infection I got because of it?  I  broke down and went to the doctor for antibiotics.  The antibiotics never got rid of the infection completely, and I thought that my body would do the rest.  Well here it is three weeks later and I still have some pain.  Did you know that ear infections are nothing to mess with? (I should go back to the doctor.) They can dissolve the thin bone between the inner ear and the brain and cause menningitis.  Thanks to my honey for finding this info for me.

Anyways, knowing how good garlic is and wanting to improve my immune system, how garlic is an antibiotic, helps the heart and lowers cholesterol and high blood pressure-I decided to start eating more garlic. I roasted a bulb last night and ate it all, except the two cloves I gave my honey.  I'm going to roast another one tonight.  I know that raw garlic is the best for you, but I have a hard time eating it raw.  The last time I ate roasted garlic, I smelled like speghetti for about four days.  Maybe its psychosymatic, but I feel better this morning and I don't have any pain.

To roast garlic, I peel the outer skin off, cut down about an inch to open the ends of the cloves, put some butter and a little salt on top.  Then I put it on tin foil, into a muffin pan and wrap it up in the tin foil.  I roast it at about 350 for up to half an hour.  Cool it for a bit, and then eat it right out of the foil.  I love garlic.

I planted a couple of pounds of garlic last fall and I sure hope that it grows well.  I'll bet set for the next year!  I'll be so healthy and smelly! 

God bless.

Apr 30, 2008


Took a couople of pics of the goats.

Not a great picture, but these are our two Angora goats, Sassy and Big Momma.

Here is Suki.  She''s one of our new alpine doelings.

And this is Shamrock, our other new Alpine doeling.

That's it for this entry.  Time to fix supper.

Apr 29, 2008


It works if I cheat a little bit.  In my Grain Questions entry (April 17) I complained because the last 50# of wheat berries I bought just weren't working for me.  The bread dough never got any elasticity to it.  I would knead it and add gluten and it just wasn't working for me.  So today I caved and substituted white flour for 1/4 of the whole wheat flour.  It worked and was very elastic and it rose like it should. 

Finally, bread that can't be used for a boat anchor.  The caramel rolls turned out like they should, also.

Now, to get those goats trimmed.

Apr 28, 2008

Comfrey and Concussions

Our 4-H club went roller skating on Saturday and I'm a bit sore this morning.  It usually takes me a couple of days to finally stiffen up.  My ds hit the floor at the rink numerous times, but hit his head on the second fall.  Didn't think anything of it at the time.  He skated for another two hours and then when we were leaving, he asked where we were?  He had a bit of amnesia.  It kinda freaked me out.  We took him in to the hospital and he has a concussion.  He's taking it easy and he gets out of chores for a couple of weeks.  Praise God he'll be fine if he doesn't over do it or hit his head again.  I've never had a concussion, didn't realize how serious they were.

Also, the comfrey part of this entry.  I've been looking all over for some comfrey seeds or plants to order, but seems everyone is out of stock.  Anyone know why?  I use this for a feed supplement for my goats and chickens in the winter.  My mom has some and I think I"ll just go over and get some starts from her when it comes up. 

We have a full day today.  Goat hoof trimming, barn cleaning, tomato planting, soap making, bread baking and a banquet for my oldest daughter tonight.(e.g. free food!)

Hope your day is glorious.

Apr 24, 2008

More than I deserve

I am such a spoiled brat.  My honey took me to look at Alpine goats yesterday.  Of course, you can't look at those little kids without taking one home.  I went prepared, I knew.  I took two home yesterday.  Little seven week old doelings.  They are adorable.  My husband is so good to me.  I know that these little girls will benefit the whole family, but when you get down to it, they are really for me.  I have my Angoras, now my Alpines, a couple of Corriedale sheep and my ark will be full.    We have two donkeys.  They are great herd protectors and keep my dogs out of the pasture, a couple of horses that are good for ???, okay, I'm not a horse person.  We also have our cattle- three steers, a cow and her new calf.  And don't forget the "herd" of chickens, five roosters and 22 hens.  This is the life that I love.  I forget sometimes, but right now my heart is full.  I believe my children are the better for it.

Yesterday, my husband spent the day loading up a bunch of the scrap metal that we have laying around here.  He made enough money to buy a new septic tank for the new system we need to put in.  My honey is very resourceful.

Time to go check on those new kids.  Have a glorious day.


Apr 21, 2008

It Happened! It Happened! A Calf!!!!!!

Our cow had her calf!  And you thought it would never happen.  I took a pic with my cell phone, so it isn't the clearest, but this is our new calf at about four hours old.  It looks like it's nursing-constantly-and I think it's a heifer, but I'm not positive because I haven't wanted to bother them too much yet.Praise the Lord. Thank you for a healthy calf.

As long as I was out with the camera, I took a couple more.

Here's the rest of our herd-

And I wanted to show you that I actually have compost ready.  This pic isn't real clear, I got too close with my phone.  Kinda gross-That is black dirt.  Kinda hard to tell.


Giving and Overcoming-The weekend report

I want my children to be givers.  That means I need to teach by example.  I tend to be lazy in this area.  Not the money giving, but the go somewhere and help out giving.  This weekend I finally took dd3 and we went and helped out at a food distribution.  It was great and our daughter, who is 9, put in a six hour shift with no breaks.  I was pleased and I plan to take each on of our children to help.  We bought a share of the food and came home blessed with an abundance of fresh vegetables, some peanut butter, tortillas, snacks, bread, bagels,  etc.


Pastor's sermon yesterday was on making it through the trials and temptations, standing your ground, and the victory and growth that's ours' when we trust God to get us through.  God doesn't put us where we are to watch us fail.  He's put us there for His glory and our benefit.  Though I know it's hard to see that in the midst of the storm.  Much more to this, but this is the main point.


Cow report:  No calf yet.  This is almost as bad as when I was waiting for my own children to be born.  It is taking forever.


Glorify the Lord in thought and deed.

Apr 17, 2008

Grain Question

About a month and a half ago, I bought fifty pounds of wheat berries at the feed store.  This is where I've bought them before and had no problem.  Now I don't know if it's just my breadbaking skills going downhill fast, or if it's the grain.  When I first gound it and baked, I thought maybe they had made a mistake and given me whole oats.  It had a different taste and was dense and didn't rise like it should.  I don't think it's oats anymore, but I was wondering if it could be buckwheat.  When I grind it, it looks like buckwheat flour.  A recipe for two loaves of bread only makes one and it's very dense.  Anyone know what would happen if you baked 100% whole buckwheat bread (besides the fact that you get very full off of one piece),

Apr 16, 2008

The Continuing Saga...Remember the Cow?

So far in our story...December 16th, 2007, cow arrives at our farm from the neighbors'.  He's certain that she's pregnant and looks like she could calve any day. She needs a barn because of the cold weather, he only has lean-tos. Two weeks later-still looks like she could calve anyday.  Here we are April 16th, four months later, and yes, she is pregnant.  Still no calf, but I don't think that she can hold out much longer, try as she might.  We've started checking her at night.  She's getting pretty crotchety.  You would too if you'd been pregnant for 18 months?  This will be the first calf born on our new farm.  I'll try to post pics, if I can find my daughter's digital.

Apr 15, 2008

Homeschool Books

Time to clean out my library.  I have been blessed by others with books for our homeschool and I'd like to return the favor.  If anyone can use any of these books, just let me know and I'll get them mailed out to you.  These are mostly for younger children, K-2.


1)Now I'm Reading-Level 3&4-Twenty Phonics books, each book teaches a different sound combination. K-2


2)The Sunday Alphabet of Animals-This small hardcover book describes an animal for every letter of the alphabet, giving glory to God.


3)Happy Hearts-Reading grade 2-This is published by Christian Light Education and you can buy a workbook to go with it.


4)Word Processing for Beginners-Microsoft Office 97.  A bit outdated.


5)Sticky Situation-365 Devotions for Kids and Families-Brand new, grades 2-5.  Just not quite what I wanted.


6 )3 books on the Human Body-I Can Move-Study of the Human Skeleton for K-1 and The Skeleton Inside You-another skeletal study for younger children.  Your Insides-Hardcover study of the human anantomy for K-2.  Has the see-through pages for the different body systems.


7) Three Old Ruff books and two Adam Raccoon books.These are softcover and great books for your first grader to read on their own.


8)Two book set-A Mink, a Fink and a Skating Rink-What is a Noun? and Hairy, Scary, Ordinary-What is an Adjective?


9)The Growing Readers' Phonics Bible-Each bible story focuses on one phonetic sound.


10)Big Book of Bible Learning-Easy reading about how people lived during bible times.


11)Set of five National Geographic books for children-Animals at Play, Busy Beavers, Animals in Summer, Let's Explore a River, and The Amazing Things Animals Do.  These have beautiful pictures.


12)Teaching Your Dog Obedience-I know this isn't a subject for most schools, but it comes in handy.  This is an older book which we never used so I'm not sure their approach to dog handling. This one is for older children and adults.


13)Science For You-copyright 1959-Covers machines, magnets, hygeine, stars, trees, planting,weather, animals, etc.  Nice illustrations, about 1st grade level.


That's if for now, but I think there'll be more as we go through and clean out.  I love books and pick them up constantly.  Thrift stores, book sales, garage sales.  My son is so interested in EVERYTHING.  We have a lot of science books. If you would like any of these just send me a message with your address and I will ship them out to you.  It may take a week, I only get into town on Tuesdays.

God bless.

Apr 14, 2008

Necessity-the great motivator

Today I got to hand wash the laundry.  Our septic is acting up and won't take anymore.  I need to meter out doing laundry and have been falling behind a load a day. I am now about six loads behind and decided to do laundry in the tub.  This uses a lot less water.  I was able to wash two loads of laundry in about 10 gallons of water compared to the 30 gallons or so it takes just to do one load in my machine and my machine doesn't get the clothes as clean as my washboard.  Yes, it's more work and I won't be doing this everytime, but it sure is nice to have white socks again. Using homemade laundry soap and homemade lye soap on the tough spots, my clothes are getting clean again.  I think I do need a new washer.  The one I have barely agitates the clothes.  But it's on the bottom of the "to buy" list. 

I'm going to go and try another load and then use some good ointment on my poor hands.

Apr 9, 2008

Parties, Blizzards, Farm Machinery

Today is our dear son's birthday.  He's eleven.  We're having Grandma and Grandpa and some neighbors over for dinner and cake.  We're making a Moroccan meal.  This goes along with school and studying Morocco.  If nothing else, it should be interesting.  Then it's chocolate cake with chocolate ice cream.  This is not Moroccan.

I'm sure you're all tired of hearing about our weather up here, but I'm going to tell you anyways.  We have a blizzard warning in effect for Thursday and Friday.  50 mph winds and over a foot of snow.  We just got two feet of snow last weekend and it's nowhere near melted yet.  Amy Jo, we could use some of that hot chocolate.

Now the blessings, snow is a blessing.  It is blessing the ground with moisture and in the bible, snow is referred to as a refreshing.  I'm going to try to look at it that way.  We were able to find a grain drill for planting oats and it was only $75.  It needs a bit of tweaking, but my honey is good at tweaking.  We had to let our pick up go back to the bank, but we towed my Grandpa's old truck home last weekend and my honey is tweaking that also.  It hasn't been used since 1991, but it has good compresion and oil pressure and fired the first time he tried to start it.  It's a 1961 GMC half ton.  No four-wheel, I'll have to learn to drive without it.  Our son plays the fiddle and his teacher was asked to bring all of her students to play at the Finn Fest in Duluth this summer.  This is exciting.  It's kind of a big deal up here. And last, but definetly not least, I went and had the taxes done yesterday.  I still have a couple of things to fax to our accountant today, but we don't owe this year!  Thank you God.  Bet you wish you were me, don't you?  So blessed.  Now it's your turn.  How blessed are you?

Apr 7, 2008

ICEberg lettuce and SNOW peas

This will be our crop this year!  23" of snow yesterday and last night!  Our yard was bare, mud and grass.  Now we have almost two feet of snow, and it's still snowing!  Where is the global warming when we need it?

It is moisture, and I know that we need more of that.  I try and remember that God knows what He's doing and it will all work out.  This just seems like a lot of snow, even for Northern Minnesota.  I put the snowshoes away too early.  I haven't washed up all of the winter wear yet, because I know things like this can happen.  Well, to snowblow or not to snowblow, that is the question.  I think "wait and see" is my philosophy this morning.  Perhaps it'll melt down to a mere 15 inches by this afternoon.  They forecast 39 for a high today.

Well, I'm off to read your blogs and dream of rototilling and fertilizing.  I

Good Garlic!

Do you remember me complaining about the flu and the awful ear infection I got because of it?  I  broke down and went to the doctor for antibiotics.  The antibiotics never got rid of the infection completely, and I thought that my body would do the rest.  Well here it is three weeks later and I still have some pain.  Did you know that ear infections are nothing to mess with? (I should go back to the doctor.) They can dissolve the thin bone between the inner ear and the brain and cause menningitis.  Thanks to my honey for finding this info for me.

Anyways, knowing how good garlic is and wanting to improve my immune system, how garlic is an antibiotic, helps the heart and lowers cholesterol and high blood pressure-I decided to start eating more garlic. I roasted a bulb last night and ate it all, except the two cloves I gave my honey.  I'm going to roast another one tonight.  I know that raw garlic is the best for you, but I have a hard time eating it raw.  The last time I ate roasted garlic, I smelled like speghetti for about four days.  Maybe its psychosymatic, but I feel better this morning and I don't have any pain.

To roast garlic, I peel the outer skin off, cut down about an inch to open the ends of the cloves, put some butter and a little salt on top.  Then I put it on tin foil, into a muffin pan and wrap it up in the tin foil.  I roast it at about 350 for up to half an hour.  Cool it for a bit, and then eat it right out of the foil.  I love garlic.

I planted a couple of pounds of garlic last fall and I sure hope that it grows well.  I'll bet set for the next year!  I'll be so healthy and smelly! 

God bless.