Time to clean out my library. I have been blessed by others with books for our homeschool and I'd like to return the favor. If anyone can use any of these books, just let me know and I'll get them mailed out to you. These are mostly for younger children, K-2.
1)Now I'm Reading-Level 3&4-Twenty Phonics books, each book teaches a different sound combination. K-2
2)The Sunday Alphabet of Animals-This small hardcover book describes an animal for every letter of the alphabet, giving glory to God.
3)Happy Hearts-Reading grade 2-This is published by Christian Light Education and you can buy a workbook to go with it.
4)Word Processing for Beginners-Microsoft Office 97. A bit outdated.
5)Sticky Situation-365 Devotions for Kids and Families-Brand new, grades 2-5. Just not quite what I wanted.
6 )3 books on the Human Body-I Can Move-Study of the Human Skeleton for K-1 and The Skeleton Inside You-another skeletal study for younger children. Your Insides-Hardcover study of the human anantomy for K-2. Has the see-through pages for the different body systems.
7) Three Old Ruff books and two Adam Raccoon books.These are softcover and great books for your first grader to read on their own.
8)Two book set-A Mink, a Fink and a Skating Rink-What is a Noun? and Hairy, Scary, Ordinary-What is an Adjective?
9)The Growing Readers' Phonics Bible-Each bible story focuses on one phonetic sound.
10)Big Book of Bible Learning-Easy reading about how people lived during bible times.
11)Set of five National Geographic books for children-Animals at Play, Busy Beavers, Animals in Summer, Let's Explore a River, and The Amazing Things Animals Do. These have beautiful pictures.
12)Teaching Your Dog Obedience-I know this isn't a subject for most schools, but it comes in handy. This is an older book which we never used so I'm not sure their approach to dog handling. This one is for older children and adults.
13)Science For You-copyright 1959-Covers machines, magnets, hygeine, stars, trees, planting,weather, animals, etc. Nice illustrations, about 1st grade level.
That's if for now, but I think there'll be more as we go through and clean out. I love books and pick them up constantly. Thrift stores, book sales, garage sales. My son is so interested in EVERYTHING. We have a lot of science books. If you would like any of these just send me a message with your address and I will ship them out to you. It may take a week, I only get into town on Tuesdays.
God bless.