Mar 31, 2008

Information overload and organic seeds

I belong to a few Yahoo groups and found this website while going through some postings  This site has information on just about any kind of farming you want to do.  I think a lot of the info was posted for third world countries. A person can get overwhelmed with everything here. Check it out.


I also have a question for those of you who garden.  Last  year I tried to buy organic seeds and I also tried to make sure that they were heirloom varieties, not hybrid.  I'd like to be able to save seeds year to year.  This year I'm concentrating on the seed saving part and not so much on the organic part.  If  you grow all of  your vegetables organically, just how much difference does it make if the seed's not organic.  I don't plan on being certified or anything like that, I just can't grasp the importance of organic seed.  Any ideas?


Mar 18, 2008

Anyone know the number for Merry Maids?

I have been sick in bed for 10 days now.  Count 'em. Ten!  I have found out that I don't do well when my plans are put on hold for this long.  My brain is fuzzy-course I should have adapted to that by now.  I HAVE to get the taxes finished for our now defunct business.  I need to make the appointment with our tax accountant.  I have other paperwork to do,  the dust bunnies under the piano are gettting violent and the dog won't even go by there without cowering, my goats don't know me anymore,  they call me maaaaam. 

Easter is coming and I don't have anything ready.  I think that the dinner is here and I need a ham, some potatoes, you know , the regular stuff.  Our daughter's birthday is on Saturday and she'd like a birthday dinner, maybe even a present.  I was sewing her some doll clothes and I wanted to get an Easter dress done to match one I made for her doll. 

While I've been sleeping, blue smurfs have taken over my paperwork desk.  They're like a small army poised to attack, backed up by a large polyester stuffed black bear, laid out across their rear lines.

And then there's the seeds that haven't been started yet, the 4-H meeting that I need to get ready for, the home schooling that is falling behind a bit.

Calgon....I need to be more flexible.  I thought I had learned to bend enough not to get out of sorts about such things, but I don't think I've ever been sick this long.  I have a hard time reading, but I have been spending more time in prayer.  I know I'll recover, this sickness is not unto death.  I so look forward to the day when I can hear, and don't have an ache in my head. 

This is getting rambly.  But need to go on a positive note.  My honey started his new job yesterday.  This is major praise.  And I am better now than I was before, so with God's healing grace, I'll continue to improve. 

Have a blessed day.


Mar 12, 2008

Just do this..

Be diligent to know the state of your flocks, And attend to your flocks.

For riches are not forever, Nor does a crown endure to all generations.

When the hay is removed, and the tender grass shows itself,

And the herbs of the mountains are gathered in,

The lambs will provide your clothing, and your goats the price of the field,

You shall have enough goats milk for your food,

For the food of your household,

And the nourishment of your maid servants.

Proverbs 27:23-27

Da Pain! Da Pain!

Just dropping in-because I can.  This virus that started it's attack in my home some two and a half weeks ago is still here, though weakening considerably.  First the two olders had it before they left for Phoenix, then dd3 got if for three days, then ds who was down for 8 days and is still coughing, but up and about.  Next was our little visitor-Tony.  He had it for about four days and still shows symptoms some evenings. Then of course there's me.  The biggest baby of the bunch.  It's going on day six and I broke down and took some ibuprofen, because the aspirin wasn't touching the pain in my head and ears.

Looking around at my home, I really need to get better.  Everyone has been trying to keep up, but perhaps they just don't know how to do it?  I've decided that I need to be more specific when training the young ones to do this work.  I feel like I've failed in this area.  Four children should be able to take care of one house.  They have been trying and I do appreciate it, but when I look out at everything that needs to be done, I think I'll just go back to bed.

Time for a tissue.

Oh-guess what happened while I've been sleeping?  Spring came!

Mar 4, 2008


I am not a pro-vaccination type person.  My mom passed this on to me.  She is quite fanatical in her views on modern medicine.  I was raised on home-grown and home-remedy.  While I think modern medicine can be life-saving, I follow my mom's thinking when it comes to vaccinations.  Shooting chemicals into your body that actually weaken your immune system seems foolish.  I know things like polio and rubella have been kept in check this way, and I am thankful, but things like the flu and chickenpox seem to be going overboard when it comes to immunizations.  Our state requires the Hep-B shots and the chicken pox vaccinations for every child.  Now they want to require that all children recieve a flu shot every year?  I don't think so. There is so much information out there about the link between vaccinations and autism, ADD, etc.

These are a couple of sites I found with a lot of information on them. 

I have had people criticize me already because my children have the flu this year and I never had them vaccinated.  They also think that because I only medicate my children in the direst of situations, that I must be like my ma, a fanatic.  We use herbal remedies whenever possible and I get a lot of advice from this site-  This site was on someone's blog, here and it has been tremendously helpful.  The garlic oil I  used on my daughter's ear infection, worked in less than 12 hours.  She hasn't had a any problems with it since.

"We are building up our immune systems."  That's what I tell my family, as we battle any virus or infection.

Mar 3, 2008

Answers in Genesis Update

I just realized that I never updated on the seminar.  It was great.  We brought the two youngers with and our ds 10 really enjoyed it.  He was pointing out to his dad other things of interest that related to what the speaker was saying.  He knows his stuff.

Our neighbor came with and enjoyed herself.  It's so nice when you can share things of faith with like-mined people.  Fellowship.  Wonderful.

Main point that came out of the seminar?  I think it takes more faith to believe in evolution than in creation.  How can people teach evolution as fact and get away with it?  The deceiver is hard at work.



Furnaces, Fowl, Fevers, and...

We picked up our free wood furnace.  We won't be putting it in until the weather turns warmer.  If that makes sense.  It goes in our basement and snow is piled high on the storm cellar door, so we wait.  We don't want to lose the insulation.

We've had the crud going through the house.  Dd1 and dd2 both got it before they left for Arizona.  They're back now and still have remnants of it.  Dd3 got it and had a fever for a day, but now she just has the runny nose and a bit of a cough at night.  Ds has it in a bad way.  Boy when he catches something, he catches it good.  He's been running a fever off and on for two days.  He tried so hard not to catch it.  He was picking white pine needles and making himself tea so he would stay healthy.  I feel bad for him.  I told him we are supposed to take good care of our bodies, but don't forget to pray, because without God in the equation, we forget the most important thing.  (If you can follow my thinking.)

We have a new little one to care for.  His mom is going to have surgery and she entrusted her son to us until she's back on her feet.  I feel so blessed.  He's three and quite the character.  Unfortunately, she lives 120 miles away and cant' visit, so he only gets to talk to her on the phone.  I'm not sure how long he gets to stay, it's a day to day thing.

We still have a cow that hasn't calved.  She's been in the barn for 2 1/2 months,now.  She's a bad influence on my new chickens.  They only lay 1-2 eggs a day and they're young. 

Today it's:dusting and vacumming, bills and taxes, homeschool and baking crackers, bread, yogurt and granola.  My honey brought home a crate of milk left over from a benefit feed.  I'm going to make some squeaky cheese, even though it's 2%.  I think it'll still work.  And I'll make a half gallon of vanilla yogurt. 

I started a shawl out of the black mohair I spun.  Not sure what to do with it when I'm done. 


This is birthday month in our family.  My honey, dad, daughter, brother, step-son, favorite cousin...Dd1 says she dreads this month, too much pressure with the birthdays.I hope she can just relax and celebrate.  I hope I can.


Think this is long enough?  I guess I'm just a rambling woman.

Glorify God,


Mar 31, 2008

Information overload and organic seeds

I belong to a few Yahoo groups and found this website while going through some postings  This site has information on just about any kind of farming you want to do.  I think a lot of the info was posted for third world countries. A person can get overwhelmed with everything here. Check it out.


I also have a question for those of you who garden.  Last  year I tried to buy organic seeds and I also tried to make sure that they were heirloom varieties, not hybrid.  I'd like to be able to save seeds year to year.  This year I'm concentrating on the seed saving part and not so much on the organic part.  If  you grow all of  your vegetables organically, just how much difference does it make if the seed's not organic.  I don't plan on being certified or anything like that, I just can't grasp the importance of organic seed.  Any ideas?


Mar 18, 2008

Anyone know the number for Merry Maids?

I have been sick in bed for 10 days now.  Count 'em. Ten!  I have found out that I don't do well when my plans are put on hold for this long.  My brain is fuzzy-course I should have adapted to that by now.  I HAVE to get the taxes finished for our now defunct business.  I need to make the appointment with our tax accountant.  I have other paperwork to do,  the dust bunnies under the piano are gettting violent and the dog won't even go by there without cowering, my goats don't know me anymore,  they call me maaaaam. 

Easter is coming and I don't have anything ready.  I think that the dinner is here and I need a ham, some potatoes, you know , the regular stuff.  Our daughter's birthday is on Saturday and she'd like a birthday dinner, maybe even a present.  I was sewing her some doll clothes and I wanted to get an Easter dress done to match one I made for her doll. 

While I've been sleeping, blue smurfs have taken over my paperwork desk.  They're like a small army poised to attack, backed up by a large polyester stuffed black bear, laid out across their rear lines.

And then there's the seeds that haven't been started yet, the 4-H meeting that I need to get ready for, the home schooling that is falling behind a bit.

Calgon....I need to be more flexible.  I thought I had learned to bend enough not to get out of sorts about such things, but I don't think I've ever been sick this long.  I have a hard time reading, but I have been spending more time in prayer.  I know I'll recover, this sickness is not unto death.  I so look forward to the day when I can hear, and don't have an ache in my head. 

This is getting rambly.  But need to go on a positive note.  My honey started his new job yesterday.  This is major praise.  And I am better now than I was before, so with God's healing grace, I'll continue to improve. 

Have a blessed day.


Mar 12, 2008

Just do this..

Be diligent to know the state of your flocks, And attend to your flocks.

For riches are not forever, Nor does a crown endure to all generations.

When the hay is removed, and the tender grass shows itself,

And the herbs of the mountains are gathered in,

The lambs will provide your clothing, and your goats the price of the field,

You shall have enough goats milk for your food,

For the food of your household,

And the nourishment of your maid servants.

Proverbs 27:23-27

Da Pain! Da Pain!

Just dropping in-because I can.  This virus that started it's attack in my home some two and a half weeks ago is still here, though weakening considerably.  First the two olders had it before they left for Phoenix, then dd3 got if for three days, then ds who was down for 8 days and is still coughing, but up and about.  Next was our little visitor-Tony.  He had it for about four days and still shows symptoms some evenings. Then of course there's me.  The biggest baby of the bunch.  It's going on day six and I broke down and took some ibuprofen, because the aspirin wasn't touching the pain in my head and ears.

Looking around at my home, I really need to get better.  Everyone has been trying to keep up, but perhaps they just don't know how to do it?  I've decided that I need to be more specific when training the young ones to do this work.  I feel like I've failed in this area.  Four children should be able to take care of one house.  They have been trying and I do appreciate it, but when I look out at everything that needs to be done, I think I'll just go back to bed.

Time for a tissue.

Oh-guess what happened while I've been sleeping?  Spring came!

Mar 4, 2008


I am not a pro-vaccination type person.  My mom passed this on to me.  She is quite fanatical in her views on modern medicine.  I was raised on home-grown and home-remedy.  While I think modern medicine can be life-saving, I follow my mom's thinking when it comes to vaccinations.  Shooting chemicals into your body that actually weaken your immune system seems foolish.  I know things like polio and rubella have been kept in check this way, and I am thankful, but things like the flu and chickenpox seem to be going overboard when it comes to immunizations.  Our state requires the Hep-B shots and the chicken pox vaccinations for every child.  Now they want to require that all children recieve a flu shot every year?  I don't think so. There is so much information out there about the link between vaccinations and autism, ADD, etc.

These are a couple of sites I found with a lot of information on them. 

I have had people criticize me already because my children have the flu this year and I never had them vaccinated.  They also think that because I only medicate my children in the direst of situations, that I must be like my ma, a fanatic.  We use herbal remedies whenever possible and I get a lot of advice from this site-  This site was on someone's blog, here and it has been tremendously helpful.  The garlic oil I  used on my daughter's ear infection, worked in less than 12 hours.  She hasn't had a any problems with it since.

"We are building up our immune systems."  That's what I tell my family, as we battle any virus or infection.

Mar 3, 2008

Answers in Genesis Update

I just realized that I never updated on the seminar.  It was great.  We brought the two youngers with and our ds 10 really enjoyed it.  He was pointing out to his dad other things of interest that related to what the speaker was saying.  He knows his stuff.

Our neighbor came with and enjoyed herself.  It's so nice when you can share things of faith with like-mined people.  Fellowship.  Wonderful.

Main point that came out of the seminar?  I think it takes more faith to believe in evolution than in creation.  How can people teach evolution as fact and get away with it?  The deceiver is hard at work.



Furnaces, Fowl, Fevers, and...

We picked up our free wood furnace.  We won't be putting it in until the weather turns warmer.  If that makes sense.  It goes in our basement and snow is piled high on the storm cellar door, so we wait.  We don't want to lose the insulation.

We've had the crud going through the house.  Dd1 and dd2 both got it before they left for Arizona.  They're back now and still have remnants of it.  Dd3 got it and had a fever for a day, but now she just has the runny nose and a bit of a cough at night.  Ds has it in a bad way.  Boy when he catches something, he catches it good.  He's been running a fever off and on for two days.  He tried so hard not to catch it.  He was picking white pine needles and making himself tea so he would stay healthy.  I feel bad for him.  I told him we are supposed to take good care of our bodies, but don't forget to pray, because without God in the equation, we forget the most important thing.  (If you can follow my thinking.)

We have a new little one to care for.  His mom is going to have surgery and she entrusted her son to us until she's back on her feet.  I feel so blessed.  He's three and quite the character.  Unfortunately, she lives 120 miles away and cant' visit, so he only gets to talk to her on the phone.  I'm not sure how long he gets to stay, it's a day to day thing.

We still have a cow that hasn't calved.  She's been in the barn for 2 1/2 months,now.  She's a bad influence on my new chickens.  They only lay 1-2 eggs a day and they're young. 

Today it's:dusting and vacumming, bills and taxes, homeschool and baking crackers, bread, yogurt and granola.  My honey brought home a crate of milk left over from a benefit feed.  I'm going to make some squeaky cheese, even though it's 2%.  I think it'll still work.  And I'll make a half gallon of vanilla yogurt. 

I started a shawl out of the black mohair I spun.  Not sure what to do with it when I'm done. 


This is birthday month in our family.  My honey, dad, daughter, brother, step-son, favorite cousin...Dd1 says she dreads this month, too much pressure with the birthdays.I hope she can just relax and celebrate.  I hope I can.


Think this is long enough?  I guess I'm just a rambling woman.

Glorify God,
