The ground has traces of snowflakes. They're not melting anymore. I'm sitting here with my cup of hot chocolate trying to warm up my hands. I hear the cows bellering. Maybe they're hungry. Its after 8 and the two youngest are still in bed. I should get them up, but I kinda like the quiet right now.
Its a very cool day with gusty north winds. I'd like to stay in but I think it's a "go to town day". Barn chores, paperwork, bills, groceries, finding my honey some work (a load for the flatbed, I can officially be called dispatcher now.), reinforcing rafters, support beams, fixing a broken sewer line and banking the new basement, these are the items on my list today. Then a 4-H meeting tonight. I'd rather, spin some, finish up the mittens I started, make some Christmas wreaths, finish the sewing projects I started, grind some wheat and make some bread, and make the granola that my oldest requested this morning. I need more organization. Instead I'm on here. I guess I need some recreation, too.
I pray, God bless this day and use it to your glory. Help me not to detract from that glory, but to point people to it.
From Glory Farm
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Thanks! and Happy Thanksgiving!
It's been a while since I blogged or even checked in with others, but since LakeLady tagged me, I was "forced" to get back at it. Enjoyed this post of yours. Hope you enjoy this tag. Rules are at my blog.
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