May 31, 2006

This, That and Then Some

I haven't blogged in awhile.  I was waiting until I had something interesting and informative to relay, but that's not gonna happen.  We still haven't closed on our house and time is running out.  We have until Monday and then the purchase agreement runs out.  Boy, time sure flies.  We're still waiting on our loan.

My dh is into big toys.  Front end loaders, drag lines, farm machinery, power shovels, etc.  We have quite a collection.  Mostly "antique".  He's been loading it all on trailers getting ready for the big move.  He's quite a problem solver.  I'm glad cuz my favorite word when I look at all of it is "impossible".

I recently purchased more books in the Foxfire series.  I have 1-6 now.  There are some things in there that don't interest me, but lots of useful information also.  Has anyone else read these?  My grandma had the whole collection.  She was able to make anything out of nothing.  The McGuyver of grandmas.

I'm rambling.  Best get going with this day.  Thanks for all  of the information you all post.  I have learned alot.

May 24, 2006

You want goats??????

I DO love goats.  I DO, I DO, I DO.  If they weren't so cute...

I allow my goats to roam the yard.  The pen we put up is just too hard to move around.  It wasn't bad at first.  They left my daffodils alone.  They like to sunbathe on the front porch, but that's a good conversation starter when company drops by.  Then I put my herbs out to prepare them for planting.  I stuck them on the porch behind the barbeque.  That didn't stop them.  They sure like thyme and lemon basil!  Went back for seconds.  The peas were up.  Were.  Those must have been pretty tasty, also.  I exagerate.  They didn't get all of them.  I put up the goat pen around the garden and put my potted herbs in it.  Problem solved.  Poor things must of got bored, next thing you know they're eating the ground wire for the electric coming into the house.  Maybe I don't give them enough mineral.  Found them chewing the phone line, which has kept me from blogging for a couple days.  I got the orange wire on the yellow wire and the striped wire on the black wire, (of course), after only the 48th try and two runs to the hardware store.  I now have a dial tone.  Goats are cute.  I think I'll go let them out of the shed so they can start a new adventure.

May 22, 2006


"Count it all joy"...

We made it through court last Thursday and everything worked out just as God had intended.   When you're dealing with a blended family like ours, there's bound to be some give and take. We've been blessed to have gone these six years without much problem.  God protects our little ones.  I have to believe that He's still doing that.  They now have a visitation schedule with their mother.  I pray this will be good for her and also for our two youngest.  Thank you everyone for your prayers.  God answered them.


Rhubarb Cobbler

I just got this recipe from a friend and tried it last night.  It's very good with ice cream and I had some for breakfast with milk.


Rhubarb Cobbler

4 cups rhubarb cut up

2 cups sugar

1/2 cup plus 1 T. butter

1 egg

1 1/4 cup flour

1 t. baking powder

1/2 cup milk

Put rhubarb in a 13x9 cake pan.  Cover with 1 cup of sugar.  Dot with 1 T. butter.  Cream together 1/2 cup butter, 1 cup sugar.  Add egg and mix will.  Mix flour and powder.  Add alternating with the milk into the butter and sugar.  Pour over rhubarb.  Bake at 350 for 50 minutes.


I substitute whole wheat organic pastry flour in all of my recipes and whenever a recipe calls for vegetable oil or shortening, I use coconut oil.  It adds more flavor and my husband likes it.

I also use organic sugar, raw milk and free range eggs.  Do you think that this makes it okay to eat doughnuts and cookies?  Maybe they're even good for me?

May 17, 2006


For many years now, I've subscribed to a magazine called Creation.  It's put out by the Answers in Genesis people.  It's a good magazine.  A friend gave me a Creation magazine the other day and it turned out to be a completely different magazine.  It's Creation Illustrated and it has great articles for homeschool, a young children's section and a study guide for each article.  It also has ideas for further learning.  It's great.   Does anyone else get this magazine?  I'd never heard of it before.

May 16, 2006

At the Auction

The stuff at this auction was in terrific shape.  Lots of old toys-Lincoln Logs, Fisher-Price houses, clocks, people, etc.  Books.  Boxes and boxes of old children's books.  Whitman, Golden.  Nice tractors, trucks, lawn mowers.  Everything was well taken care of.  My ds bid on all of the coins, but the prices were too high.  Finally, when he was near tears because there was only one lot left of wheat pennies, he got them.  Everyone around was clapping because they knew how much he wanted them.  Now he's hunkered down in the livingroom going through them, checking them out in his coin collector book to find their value.  We bought a cupboard for his room to keep all of his coin collection in, and an old metal table, which I'll post a picture of later. 

We ran into alot of people we knew.  My cousin was there.  It was great to spend the day with people I don't usually hang out with.  God blessed our day.  Well, time to go.  Have to pick up dd1 from work.  Lord bless.

It's Auction Time

Today there's an auction just up the road from us.  My husband is a professional bidder and I'm catching on quick.  He can't go today so ds and dd3 and I are going.  Auctions are great.  There's always the hope of getting something you need at a really good price.  There's the fun of seeing friends and neighbors and talking for hours.  My ds is a coin collector.  It just so happens, that there's a lot of coins that are going to be auctioned off.  He'll have to help. He has much more knowledge in this area than I do.  We went to an auction a couple of weeks ago and got a new rototiller.  It went for a very reasonable price, noone thought it worked.  It does!  Plus, my BIL gave us an extra motor for it-just in case.  What a blessing.

Today, I'd like to find some "matching" kithchen chairs.  We have a mismatched set of oak and maple. Four different styles.

Time to go and get ready.  Have a glorious day.  Use all opportunities that the Lord gives.  No one comes across our path by accident.


May 15, 2006

Basking in the Son-On the Rock

The sun! The sun! The sun!...How wonderful. 

Today is one of those almost perfect days.  A nice breeze blowing the clean sheets on the line.  Puffs of clouds overhead with blue patches.  I think the temp is about 65 with humidity at 80 percent.  I love it. 

We have goats, chickens and ducks all parading around the yard.  I found it was easier just to let the goats roam, providing they behave themselves.  They do want to get into the house, but I told them no.  They've left my gardens alone so far.  But if they start to be pests, it's back to the goat pen for them.  I think it looks like Ma and Pa Kettle's place, here.  Knowing we're moving soon doesn't help.  I don't much feel like improving the yard or finding homes for stuff, when I know the best place for it is in the moving van.  I do need to start organizing a bit, though.

One day at a time.  I know it's an old cliche.  "Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things.  Sufficient to the day is its own trouble."  Matt.6:34  That's the New Testament version of it.  That's where I think God is leading me.  There are things going on that are frightening, but what a glorious time of growing in faith and standing on the Rock.  What Satan has meant for harm, God will use for good.  I still covet your prayers.  Prayers for wisdom and strength.  We have a court date on Thursday at 9:30.  Thank you.

May 12, 2006

One Foot in Front of the Other

It's a dreary Friday afternoon.  It's been dreary all day.  Cold, sleet and wind.  I hear the ping, ping, ping of the sleet on the skylights.  From where I sit I can see the laundry hanging out for the second day, blowing in the breeze and weighing down the line.  The goats are complaining about being penned up in the goat shed all day.  I'd better get out there and give them some more grain.  I'd like to start a fire in our outdoor woodstove, but I don't want to spend all that time out there trying to get it started.  Sounds like I'm complaining, doesn't it?  I am.

Tomorrow, more rain or snow.  All of those die-hard fisherpeople will be out on the lakes in parkas.  It's tradition.

The sun will come out and the fire danger is completely passed now.  We get to take a drive to Wisconsin tomorrow to visit my MIL.  I like a change of scene from time to time, so I'm looking forward to that.  The children and I made some scrubbing sacks for presents from a recipe that was on The Front Porch Blog some time ago.  They turned out nice and we used vanilla fragrance.  Smells....alot.  I also made some notecards out of photographs of flowers that I'd taken.  I love to take pictures of wildflowers.  They hold still for their pictures.  I also made my mom a laundry/cleaner kit with instructions and pure soap, borax, washing soda, etc.

Things are also happening in our family.  I covet your prayers for the will of God to be done.

Thank you.


May 8, 2006

Making Cheese and Countryside Magazine

I don't post my recipes very often, but thought I'd share this one.  It's a very simple cheese to make and tastes best with goat milk, though  I've used cow's too.


Warm 1 gallon of milk to 86 degrees.  Use rennet according to package directions.  Once the curd is set, break it up with your hands til it is like cottage cheese.  Heat this gently over low heat to 110, stirring all the time.  This seperates the curd from the whey.  Pour all into a colander to collect the curds.  Add salt and/or herbs that you desire.  Turn into a oven-proof bowl that is buttered.  Bake at about 325 until top is brown.  Drain off extra whey.  Turn over and bake on other side til brown.  Watch it.  It can burn easily.  Turn on to a dinner plate to cool.  This can be frozen, cooked with, eaten plain, etc.

Also, I have back issues of Countryside magazine.  These are duplicates and I don't need them, but I won't throw these away.  They are issues-May-Dec. 2003 and March-Aug. 2004.

If anyone is interested, I will mail them out media mail.  I'll even pay the postage.  I just want them to find a good home.  There are so many good articles in them.  ie.growing naturally colored wool, sourdough, crafts, harvesting wild plants, homeschooling, goats, braided rugs, etc.

Well, we have a 4-H meeting tonight.  We're dissecting owl scat.  I think it'll be quite the learning experience.

Lord bless.


May 5, 2006

Peace and Quiet

Have you ever listened to these quiet country evenings?  Outside tonight, I went for a walk.  The robins and sparrows and others that I can't pick out were singing in the trees.  Then I heard the drumming of the ruffled grouse.  Sounds like a John Deere starting.  Next the crows are busy yelling in the tree tops.  Back in the yard I hear the wild geese and ducks back at the beaver pond.  Then a shipoke out in the slew starts sounding like a pump.  Now the sun is going down and the peepers are so loud that we sometimes shut the window so we can sleep.  It's wonderful

And...we woke up to snow on the ground this morning.  Next weekend is fishing opener and it's not unusual to wake up with snow on the tent.  For some reason it likes to make one last try before it gives it up for the summer.

Rest well.  Peace in Christ.

May 3, 2006

Don't Fence Me In..

Happens alot.  What should have been a simple task becomes a time consuming sequence of events.  Take this morning.  Just moving the livestock over to the west pasture.  No problem.  Set the electric fencer up.  Get the fence charging, (we repaired it last weekend).  Ds goes and gets the first steer out to move. Wait!  The fence isn't charging.  Bring him back.  Then I hear-Suzie's out and in the feed bin.  She's our never do nothin' pony. Just get that steer back in the fence until I can get this thing working.  Moe's out (another steer).  Time to drop the electric charger and charge myself over to the other pasture.  Got the pony and two steers back in only to have our young gelding escape.  Lured him back with a bucket of grain.  Forget moving them.  Let's just be happy if we can keep them where they are.  Brought the fencer inside and took it apart.  Don't know why it wouldn't work, but it's working now.  We'll attempt this again, but not until I have a few older hands around.

We don't have fence lines that can keep our goats in, so my dh put together six cattle panels and I move it around the yard.  The goats go in in the morning and back in the barn at night.  Keeps our lawn mown.  Kinda like a "goat tractor".

Nevertheless, it's a good day.  God bless.  (He always does.)














May 2, 2006

Girls' Day Out

Today it's just dd3 and I.  We have the day to ourselves and I'd like to make it special for her.  Maybe a trip into town for lunch at McDonalds?  I'll do her hair up and we'll go for a walk to see what's up in the woods.  One on one time is so special and so rare.  Our older two go to public school.  I hardly ever get one on one with them. 

And...weatherman Todd promised that the sun would be out today.  He even described it so we'll know what it looks like when we see it.    I guess that means a mad rush to get all of the laundry out on the line so it can dry before the monsoons start in again this evening. 

Thank you Lord for all of it.  For the trials and the blessings.  My life is more than I ever thought it could be and I can't imagine how much more You're still going to do.  You gave me this day and I give it back to You.  Oh Lord, Youre love overwhelms me.  Thank you.


May 1, 2006

Garden, Rooster, Weather, Kefir

Another rainy morning.  We really needed the rain, but it's been four days now and I think it can stop.  The wind is blowing so hard, the goat pen wants to fold up.

Our week-end was nice and uneventful.  That's a good thing from time to time.

The rooster, Plankton, is doing fine.  He's been a bit more subdued, but I know that can be short-lived.

The blood root and the twin flowers are blooming in the woods.  Also, I checked the little bit that I planted last week and my spinach is up.  A month early!  Maybe I will get some garden before we move.

I've been looking for new ways to use kefir.  I read where it works well for a hair conditioner.  Maybe it does, but my hair has smelled like kefir for three washings and let me tell you, it's not an aphrodisiak.  (Can't spell it.)  More vinegar.  I hope that works, and I don't think I'll try this again. 

Well, best be gettin' to school.

May 31, 2006

This, That and Then Some

I haven't blogged in awhile.  I was waiting until I had something interesting and informative to relay, but that's not gonna happen.  We still haven't closed on our house and time is running out.  We have until Monday and then the purchase agreement runs out.  Boy, time sure flies.  We're still waiting on our loan.

My dh is into big toys.  Front end loaders, drag lines, farm machinery, power shovels, etc.  We have quite a collection.  Mostly "antique".  He's been loading it all on trailers getting ready for the big move.  He's quite a problem solver.  I'm glad cuz my favorite word when I look at all of it is "impossible".

I recently purchased more books in the Foxfire series.  I have 1-6 now.  There are some things in there that don't interest me, but lots of useful information also.  Has anyone else read these?  My grandma had the whole collection.  She was able to make anything out of nothing.  The McGuyver of grandmas.

I'm rambling.  Best get going with this day.  Thanks for all  of the information you all post.  I have learned alot.

May 24, 2006

You want goats??????

I DO love goats.  I DO, I DO, I DO.  If they weren't so cute...

I allow my goats to roam the yard.  The pen we put up is just too hard to move around.  It wasn't bad at first.  They left my daffodils alone.  They like to sunbathe on the front porch, but that's a good conversation starter when company drops by.  Then I put my herbs out to prepare them for planting.  I stuck them on the porch behind the barbeque.  That didn't stop them.  They sure like thyme and lemon basil!  Went back for seconds.  The peas were up.  Were.  Those must have been pretty tasty, also.  I exagerate.  They didn't get all of them.  I put up the goat pen around the garden and put my potted herbs in it.  Problem solved.  Poor things must of got bored, next thing you know they're eating the ground wire for the electric coming into the house.  Maybe I don't give them enough mineral.  Found them chewing the phone line, which has kept me from blogging for a couple days.  I got the orange wire on the yellow wire and the striped wire on the black wire, (of course), after only the 48th try and two runs to the hardware store.  I now have a dial tone.  Goats are cute.  I think I'll go let them out of the shed so they can start a new adventure.

May 22, 2006


"Count it all joy"...

We made it through court last Thursday and everything worked out just as God had intended.   When you're dealing with a blended family like ours, there's bound to be some give and take. We've been blessed to have gone these six years without much problem.  God protects our little ones.  I have to believe that He's still doing that.  They now have a visitation schedule with their mother.  I pray this will be good for her and also for our two youngest.  Thank you everyone for your prayers.  God answered them.


Rhubarb Cobbler

I just got this recipe from a friend and tried it last night.  It's very good with ice cream and I had some for breakfast with milk.


Rhubarb Cobbler

4 cups rhubarb cut up

2 cups sugar

1/2 cup plus 1 T. butter

1 egg

1 1/4 cup flour

1 t. baking powder

1/2 cup milk

Put rhubarb in a 13x9 cake pan.  Cover with 1 cup of sugar.  Dot with 1 T. butter.  Cream together 1/2 cup butter, 1 cup sugar.  Add egg and mix will.  Mix flour and powder.  Add alternating with the milk into the butter and sugar.  Pour over rhubarb.  Bake at 350 for 50 minutes.


I substitute whole wheat organic pastry flour in all of my recipes and whenever a recipe calls for vegetable oil or shortening, I use coconut oil.  It adds more flavor and my husband likes it.

I also use organic sugar, raw milk and free range eggs.  Do you think that this makes it okay to eat doughnuts and cookies?  Maybe they're even good for me?

May 17, 2006


For many years now, I've subscribed to a magazine called Creation.  It's put out by the Answers in Genesis people.  It's a good magazine.  A friend gave me a Creation magazine the other day and it turned out to be a completely different magazine.  It's Creation Illustrated and it has great articles for homeschool, a young children's section and a study guide for each article.  It also has ideas for further learning.  It's great.   Does anyone else get this magazine?  I'd never heard of it before.

May 16, 2006

At the Auction

The stuff at this auction was in terrific shape.  Lots of old toys-Lincoln Logs, Fisher-Price houses, clocks, people, etc.  Books.  Boxes and boxes of old children's books.  Whitman, Golden.  Nice tractors, trucks, lawn mowers.  Everything was well taken care of.  My ds bid on all of the coins, but the prices were too high.  Finally, when he was near tears because there was only one lot left of wheat pennies, he got them.  Everyone around was clapping because they knew how much he wanted them.  Now he's hunkered down in the livingroom going through them, checking them out in his coin collector book to find their value.  We bought a cupboard for his room to keep all of his coin collection in, and an old metal table, which I'll post a picture of later. 

We ran into alot of people we knew.  My cousin was there.  It was great to spend the day with people I don't usually hang out with.  God blessed our day.  Well, time to go.  Have to pick up dd1 from work.  Lord bless.

It's Auction Time

Today there's an auction just up the road from us.  My husband is a professional bidder and I'm catching on quick.  He can't go today so ds and dd3 and I are going.  Auctions are great.  There's always the hope of getting something you need at a really good price.  There's the fun of seeing friends and neighbors and talking for hours.  My ds is a coin collector.  It just so happens, that there's a lot of coins that are going to be auctioned off.  He'll have to help. He has much more knowledge in this area than I do.  We went to an auction a couple of weeks ago and got a new rototiller.  It went for a very reasonable price, noone thought it worked.  It does!  Plus, my BIL gave us an extra motor for it-just in case.  What a blessing.

Today, I'd like to find some "matching" kithchen chairs.  We have a mismatched set of oak and maple. Four different styles.

Time to go and get ready.  Have a glorious day.  Use all opportunities that the Lord gives.  No one comes across our path by accident.


May 15, 2006

Basking in the Son-On the Rock

The sun! The sun! The sun!...How wonderful. 

Today is one of those almost perfect days.  A nice breeze blowing the clean sheets on the line.  Puffs of clouds overhead with blue patches.  I think the temp is about 65 with humidity at 80 percent.  I love it. 

We have goats, chickens and ducks all parading around the yard.  I found it was easier just to let the goats roam, providing they behave themselves.  They do want to get into the house, but I told them no.  They've left my gardens alone so far.  But if they start to be pests, it's back to the goat pen for them.  I think it looks like Ma and Pa Kettle's place, here.  Knowing we're moving soon doesn't help.  I don't much feel like improving the yard or finding homes for stuff, when I know the best place for it is in the moving van.  I do need to start organizing a bit, though.

One day at a time.  I know it's an old cliche.  "Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things.  Sufficient to the day is its own trouble."  Matt.6:34  That's the New Testament version of it.  That's where I think God is leading me.  There are things going on that are frightening, but what a glorious time of growing in faith and standing on the Rock.  What Satan has meant for harm, God will use for good.  I still covet your prayers.  Prayers for wisdom and strength.  We have a court date on Thursday at 9:30.  Thank you.

May 12, 2006

One Foot in Front of the Other

It's a dreary Friday afternoon.  It's been dreary all day.  Cold, sleet and wind.  I hear the ping, ping, ping of the sleet on the skylights.  From where I sit I can see the laundry hanging out for the second day, blowing in the breeze and weighing down the line.  The goats are complaining about being penned up in the goat shed all day.  I'd better get out there and give them some more grain.  I'd like to start a fire in our outdoor woodstove, but I don't want to spend all that time out there trying to get it started.  Sounds like I'm complaining, doesn't it?  I am.

Tomorrow, more rain or snow.  All of those die-hard fisherpeople will be out on the lakes in parkas.  It's tradition.

The sun will come out and the fire danger is completely passed now.  We get to take a drive to Wisconsin tomorrow to visit my MIL.  I like a change of scene from time to time, so I'm looking forward to that.  The children and I made some scrubbing sacks for presents from a recipe that was on The Front Porch Blog some time ago.  They turned out nice and we used vanilla fragrance.  Smells....alot.  I also made some notecards out of photographs of flowers that I'd taken.  I love to take pictures of wildflowers.  They hold still for their pictures.  I also made my mom a laundry/cleaner kit with instructions and pure soap, borax, washing soda, etc.

Things are also happening in our family.  I covet your prayers for the will of God to be done.

Thank you.


May 8, 2006

Making Cheese and Countryside Magazine

I don't post my recipes very often, but thought I'd share this one.  It's a very simple cheese to make and tastes best with goat milk, though  I've used cow's too.


Warm 1 gallon of milk to 86 degrees.  Use rennet according to package directions.  Once the curd is set, break it up with your hands til it is like cottage cheese.  Heat this gently over low heat to 110, stirring all the time.  This seperates the curd from the whey.  Pour all into a colander to collect the curds.  Add salt and/or herbs that you desire.  Turn into a oven-proof bowl that is buttered.  Bake at about 325 until top is brown.  Drain off extra whey.  Turn over and bake on other side til brown.  Watch it.  It can burn easily.  Turn on to a dinner plate to cool.  This can be frozen, cooked with, eaten plain, etc.

Also, I have back issues of Countryside magazine.  These are duplicates and I don't need them, but I won't throw these away.  They are issues-May-Dec. 2003 and March-Aug. 2004.

If anyone is interested, I will mail them out media mail.  I'll even pay the postage.  I just want them to find a good home.  There are so many good articles in them.  ie.growing naturally colored wool, sourdough, crafts, harvesting wild plants, homeschooling, goats, braided rugs, etc.

Well, we have a 4-H meeting tonight.  We're dissecting owl scat.  I think it'll be quite the learning experience.

Lord bless.


May 5, 2006

Peace and Quiet

Have you ever listened to these quiet country evenings?  Outside tonight, I went for a walk.  The robins and sparrows and others that I can't pick out were singing in the trees.  Then I heard the drumming of the ruffled grouse.  Sounds like a John Deere starting.  Next the crows are busy yelling in the tree tops.  Back in the yard I hear the wild geese and ducks back at the beaver pond.  Then a shipoke out in the slew starts sounding like a pump.  Now the sun is going down and the peepers are so loud that we sometimes shut the window so we can sleep.  It's wonderful

And...we woke up to snow on the ground this morning.  Next weekend is fishing opener and it's not unusual to wake up with snow on the tent.  For some reason it likes to make one last try before it gives it up for the summer.

Rest well.  Peace in Christ.

May 3, 2006

Don't Fence Me In..

Happens alot.  What should have been a simple task becomes a time consuming sequence of events.  Take this morning.  Just moving the livestock over to the west pasture.  No problem.  Set the electric fencer up.  Get the fence charging, (we repaired it last weekend).  Ds goes and gets the first steer out to move. Wait!  The fence isn't charging.  Bring him back.  Then I hear-Suzie's out and in the feed bin.  She's our never do nothin' pony. Just get that steer back in the fence until I can get this thing working.  Moe's out (another steer).  Time to drop the electric charger and charge myself over to the other pasture.  Got the pony and two steers back in only to have our young gelding escape.  Lured him back with a bucket of grain.  Forget moving them.  Let's just be happy if we can keep them where they are.  Brought the fencer inside and took it apart.  Don't know why it wouldn't work, but it's working now.  We'll attempt this again, but not until I have a few older hands around.

We don't have fence lines that can keep our goats in, so my dh put together six cattle panels and I move it around the yard.  The goats go in in the morning and back in the barn at night.  Keeps our lawn mown.  Kinda like a "goat tractor".

Nevertheless, it's a good day.  God bless.  (He always does.)














May 2, 2006

Girls' Day Out

Today it's just dd3 and I.  We have the day to ourselves and I'd like to make it special for her.  Maybe a trip into town for lunch at McDonalds?  I'll do her hair up and we'll go for a walk to see what's up in the woods.  One on one time is so special and so rare.  Our older two go to public school.  I hardly ever get one on one with them. 

And...weatherman Todd promised that the sun would be out today.  He even described it so we'll know what it looks like when we see it.    I guess that means a mad rush to get all of the laundry out on the line so it can dry before the monsoons start in again this evening. 

Thank you Lord for all of it.  For the trials and the blessings.  My life is more than I ever thought it could be and I can't imagine how much more You're still going to do.  You gave me this day and I give it back to You.  Oh Lord, Youre love overwhelms me.  Thank you.


May 1, 2006

Garden, Rooster, Weather, Kefir

Another rainy morning.  We really needed the rain, but it's been four days now and I think it can stop.  The wind is blowing so hard, the goat pen wants to fold up.

Our week-end was nice and uneventful.  That's a good thing from time to time.

The rooster, Plankton, is doing fine.  He's been a bit more subdued, but I know that can be short-lived.

The blood root and the twin flowers are blooming in the woods.  Also, I checked the little bit that I planted last week and my spinach is up.  A month early!  Maybe I will get some garden before we move.

I've been looking for new ways to use kefir.  I read where it works well for a hair conditioner.  Maybe it does, but my hair has smelled like kefir for three washings and let me tell you, it's not an aphrodisiak.  (Can't spell it.)  More vinegar.  I hope that works, and I don't think I'll try this again. 

Well, best be gettin' to school.