Jun 8, 2013

Just Farmin'

Hello!  Yep-I'm still here.  I now have use of my honey's work computer and it does do pictures, so I think I'll start this thing again.

We're still struggling to put in the garden.  Today I hope to get the potatoes and corn in.  I have about 2/3 of the garden left to do.  We've had rain and rain and cold.  I haven't checked the tomatoes yet this morning, but we may have had frost last night.

We've had nine calves so far and I think we have one more to go.  We ended up with three open cows this year and shipped a bunch.  I have ducks that are setting and refuse to be moved.  I think the eggs are probably getting pretty old and I'd best remove them.

I purchased five little Red Bourbon turkeys.  I lost one, but the rest are feathered out now and at the cute stage.

I am now the proud owner of a little pot bellied pig.  My Mother's Day present from my son.  Her name is Lily and she is cute in a piggy sort of way.  I'll try to post pics on here later.

So that's the update from the farm.  It's been great to read everyone's blogs and get caught up on the news.

Jun 8, 2013

Just Farmin'

Hello!  Yep-I'm still here.  I now have use of my honey's work computer and it does do pictures, so I think I'll start this thing again.

We're still struggling to put in the garden.  Today I hope to get the potatoes and corn in.  I have about 2/3 of the garden left to do.  We've had rain and rain and cold.  I haven't checked the tomatoes yet this morning, but we may have had frost last night.

We've had nine calves so far and I think we have one more to go.  We ended up with three open cows this year and shipped a bunch.  I have ducks that are setting and refuse to be moved.  I think the eggs are probably getting pretty old and I'd best remove them.

I purchased five little Red Bourbon turkeys.  I lost one, but the rest are feathered out now and at the cute stage.

I am now the proud owner of a little pot bellied pig.  My Mother's Day present from my son.  Her name is Lily and she is cute in a piggy sort of way.  I'll try to post pics on here later.

So that's the update from the farm.  It's been great to read everyone's blogs and get caught up on the news.