Feb 20, 2012

A Celebrity in the Neighborhood

Saturday morning my honey was on his way to work and look who he ran into-
R2D2 right here!!!
Okay, so it's just an impersonator, but still pretty cool.  This guy is actually a custom made snowmobile.
Didn't get an autograph.

Feb 10, 2012

Bits and Pieces

We're getting a bit of winter, crisp and cold this morning.  The sun is deceiving-so bright and warm coming in through the living room window and still the temp is a balmy -10 outside.

I finished my shawl!  From this-

To this-
It took me almost a year, but it's done.  Next project?? :)

Do you do Pinterest?  I don't, but a friend does and she found these great hearts to make for Valentine's at http://www.bluevelvetchair.blogspot.com/2012/01/forest-glam-diy-valentines-day.html .  We have these red bushes all over around here, we call them red Dogwood.  Anyways, here's a picture of what I worked on last night for the Valentine's dinner at the church.

  I think I'll use these hearts for decoration all year. I like the way they turned out.

Enough show and tell. 

I hope your days are getting longer and the promise of spring has brought it's enthusiasm to your home.

From Glory Farm

Feb 20, 2012

A Celebrity in the Neighborhood

Saturday morning my honey was on his way to work and look who he ran into-
R2D2 right here!!!
Okay, so it's just an impersonator, but still pretty cool.  This guy is actually a custom made snowmobile.
Didn't get an autograph.

Feb 10, 2012

Bits and Pieces

We're getting a bit of winter, crisp and cold this morning.  The sun is deceiving-so bright and warm coming in through the living room window and still the temp is a balmy -10 outside.

I finished my shawl!  From this-

To this-
It took me almost a year, but it's done.  Next project?? :)

Do you do Pinterest?  I don't, but a friend does and she found these great hearts to make for Valentine's at http://www.bluevelvetchair.blogspot.com/2012/01/forest-glam-diy-valentines-day.html .  We have these red bushes all over around here, we call them red Dogwood.  Anyways, here's a picture of what I worked on last night for the Valentine's dinner at the church.

  I think I'll use these hearts for decoration all year. I like the way they turned out.

Enough show and tell. 

I hope your days are getting longer and the promise of spring has brought it's enthusiasm to your home.

From Glory Farm