Wreaths are easy, fun and frugal. At least the kind I make are. Counting ribbon, wire, and a clothes hanger, I spend about two dollars on each wreath.
So first we head out to the woods to pick a bevy of greenery.
We picked about two garbage bags full and I make three wreaths from this.
Here is the equipment you'll need. A wire coat hanger, thin gauge wire, and a nipper.
Shape the hanger into a circle. You could just buy a wreath form, but this is cheaper. A form will hold more and be more uniform when you're finished.
We gathered mostly balsam boughs, they work the best. We also collected Scotch pine, white pine, cedar, some cones, red twig (for a little color), and tag alder cones. This is what's available in our area. Use whatever you would like to see in your wreath.
Next, I lay the form in my lap, attach the wire and start wrapping the ends of the boughs onto the form with the wire.
I continue wrapping, layering boughs over each other and work around the form.
I insert various pines and branches between the balsam boughs to make it more interesting.
When the wreath is full, I wire the cones on and put a ribbon at the top. Very easy.
So, my first Christmas project of the season is finished. If you make wreaths, let me know. I'd like to see what you do.
It's Farmhouse Friday so don't forget to go over to
http://www.therenegadefarmer.com/ and check out the farming links there.