Oct 24, 2009

The Blue Bowl

Reading an entry about bowls earlier today and then reading about the wooden bowl, it's been on my heart to post my "bowl" story.

I love the old mixing bowls.  I love the look and I actually use them for mixing.  Last summer Grandma, my children and I all spent a day rummage saling.  About the third stop, we discovered a treasure of antiques.  They weren't going cheap, but they were in good shape and not priced too bad.  I found a beautiful antique, blue, mixing bowl, with an ornate rim.  A little steep at $10, but I really liked it and bought it.  We wrapped it in old sweaters and put it in a bag, careful not to chip and to warn everyone to be careful when unwrapping it.  Once home and all the packages in the house, you guessed it, the bowl was pulled out by the sweater and my son completely forgot there was a bowl in it.  It hit the floor and broke into about 20 pieces.  I admit I didn't handle it very well. I took up the pieces, placed them in the garbage and told my son it was okay.  It was just a "thing", but please try to remember to be more careful.  He knew I was sad and wanted to fix the bowl for me.  I told him even if it was fixed I couldn't use it anymore, not to bother.  Walking into the kitchen about half an hour later, there was my bowl.  The pieces carefully put back together and glued in place.  I started to cry.  That bowl means more to me now than it ever could have otherwise.  My son was so sorry for what he'd done, and I was so sorry for making him feel bad.  He fixed it because he loves me.  That bowl is sitting for all to see, in my kitchen. 


Somewhere out in cyberspace is the entry I just wrote, 5 minutes ago.  Funny how when that happens, I don't feel inspired to write it all over again.

So my entry for today is just to say, I hope you enjoy your weekend.  Sleep in a little later, play a little more, read a little bit and have one more cup of coffee.

The bluejays and timberjays are playing in the spuce trees outside my livingroom window.  I haven't seen them since early last summer.  The timberjays are so cute.  I call them teddy bear birds.  I just want to hug them. 

The cattle are complaining, so I'd better go and see about hauling in some hay bales.

From Glory Farm


Oct 20, 2009

No News is....No News!

Colds and Flu-It's time for homemade chicken noodle soup, eucalyptus oil in hot water and a good video.  My son is sick with cold like symptoms.  I just got over the fever, flu thing, (or almost over), and so did Honey.  I think I saw a runny nose on one of my llamas this morning, but it's so hard to tell with them.

Winter prep-One more goat to shear, and a ton of fiber to wash and card.  The garden still needs to be put to bed before a permanent snow, and I still have firewood to stack and split for this winter's fire.  Things have a way of getting done, even when the list looks endless.  Winter will come and I'll be ready enough to get through it.  That's the way it always works.

Bees and Honey-I went out and stole a couple of frames out of my beehive and took the honey.  It is so good.  I need to finish harvesting the honey.  I'm not sure if I"ll continue with the bees next year, maybe.  We'll see if I can get a class or two in on beekeeping in this frozen northland.

That's it from Glory Farm.  Hope you're all doing well.


Oct 6, 2009

Jumper Cables????

Anyone have a leg long enough to give me a kick start?  So quiet this morning.  My two youngers are gone to their freinds' house, and dd2 is at school.  This means I have to do chores alone this morning and I need to get the house clean today because my honey will be coming home tomorrow for a few days.  Here I sit looking out at the drizzle and gray skies.  The temp is a balmy 43 and the fields are brown.  I just can't seem to get moving.  No children to prod and set an example to this morning.

One more cup of coffee..........

Oct 3, 2009


Sitting here on the computer when I should be doing something more constructive, I was directed to an awesome site.  For anyone who likes to forage, or even just berry pick , this site offers recipes, how tos for tea, tinctures, ect.  http://www.prodigalgardens.info/index.htm is the site.    This site is put out by people who live up here in the north central part of the States.  It has a month by month listing of wild foods to look for.    Looks like a resource I'll be  using.  Hope you enjoy it too.

Oct 2, 2009

October 2, 2009

Well, I just spilled coffee all over my desk.  Good thing, too, cuz it sure needed dusting.  Don't worry, I went and got more coffee. 

Seated in front of the picture window I can see the spruce trees dancing like crazy.  That wind is strong, I've been listening to it all night.  Both my youngest daughter and I have been down with some kind of bug.  She feels 100% this morning, which means I should be coming out of this by tomorrow. 

I got the furnace going, now I just have to get DD2 up on the roof to clean the chimney so that we can have a wood fire.  She also is responsible for stacking up the firewood, but that's not going too well either.  Would be nice to have a wood fire, this propane doesn't make a lasting heat.

I would like to get the potatoes out of the ground today, before we get the monsoons.  Carrots would be nice, also, but I don't know how long these aspirin will keep me going.  We have been blessed with pumpkins and potatoes this year.  Carrots, beets, rutabagas, all of the root crops did real well.   We made our first sale last Monday at  a market in a senior center.  We're sending more produce down next Monday.  This could be the start of someting big!

Time to stop talking and start doing.

Have a blessed day.

From Glory Farm,

Oct 24, 2009

The Blue Bowl

Reading an entry about bowls earlier today and then reading about the wooden bowl, it's been on my heart to post my "bowl" story.

I love the old mixing bowls.  I love the look and I actually use them for mixing.  Last summer Grandma, my children and I all spent a day rummage saling.  About the third stop, we discovered a treasure of antiques.  They weren't going cheap, but they were in good shape and not priced too bad.  I found a beautiful antique, blue, mixing bowl, with an ornate rim.  A little steep at $10, but I really liked it and bought it.  We wrapped it in old sweaters and put it in a bag, careful not to chip and to warn everyone to be careful when unwrapping it.  Once home and all the packages in the house, you guessed it, the bowl was pulled out by the sweater and my son completely forgot there was a bowl in it.  It hit the floor and broke into about 20 pieces.  I admit I didn't handle it very well. I took up the pieces, placed them in the garbage and told my son it was okay.  It was just a "thing", but please try to remember to be more careful.  He knew I was sad and wanted to fix the bowl for me.  I told him even if it was fixed I couldn't use it anymore, not to bother.  Walking into the kitchen about half an hour later, there was my bowl.  The pieces carefully put back together and glued in place.  I started to cry.  That bowl means more to me now than it ever could have otherwise.  My son was so sorry for what he'd done, and I was so sorry for making him feel bad.  He fixed it because he loves me.  That bowl is sitting for all to see, in my kitchen. 


Somewhere out in cyberspace is the entry I just wrote, 5 minutes ago.  Funny how when that happens, I don't feel inspired to write it all over again.

So my entry for today is just to say, I hope you enjoy your weekend.  Sleep in a little later, play a little more, read a little bit and have one more cup of coffee.

The bluejays and timberjays are playing in the spuce trees outside my livingroom window.  I haven't seen them since early last summer.  The timberjays are so cute.  I call them teddy bear birds.  I just want to hug them. 

The cattle are complaining, so I'd better go and see about hauling in some hay bales.

From Glory Farm


Oct 20, 2009

No News is....No News!

Colds and Flu-It's time for homemade chicken noodle soup, eucalyptus oil in hot water and a good video.  My son is sick with cold like symptoms.  I just got over the fever, flu thing, (or almost over), and so did Honey.  I think I saw a runny nose on one of my llamas this morning, but it's so hard to tell with them.

Winter prep-One more goat to shear, and a ton of fiber to wash and card.  The garden still needs to be put to bed before a permanent snow, and I still have firewood to stack and split for this winter's fire.  Things have a way of getting done, even when the list looks endless.  Winter will come and I'll be ready enough to get through it.  That's the way it always works.

Bees and Honey-I went out and stole a couple of frames out of my beehive and took the honey.  It is so good.  I need to finish harvesting the honey.  I'm not sure if I"ll continue with the bees next year, maybe.  We'll see if I can get a class or two in on beekeeping in this frozen northland.

That's it from Glory Farm.  Hope you're all doing well.


Oct 6, 2009

Jumper Cables????

Anyone have a leg long enough to give me a kick start?  So quiet this morning.  My two youngers are gone to their freinds' house, and dd2 is at school.  This means I have to do chores alone this morning and I need to get the house clean today because my honey will be coming home tomorrow for a few days.  Here I sit looking out at the drizzle and gray skies.  The temp is a balmy 43 and the fields are brown.  I just can't seem to get moving.  No children to prod and set an example to this morning.

One more cup of coffee..........

Oct 3, 2009


Sitting here on the computer when I should be doing something more constructive, I was directed to an awesome site.  For anyone who likes to forage, or even just berry pick , this site offers recipes, how tos for tea, tinctures, ect.  http://www.prodigalgardens.info/index.htm is the site.    This site is put out by people who live up here in the north central part of the States.  It has a month by month listing of wild foods to look for.    Looks like a resource I'll be  using.  Hope you enjoy it too.

Oct 2, 2009

October 2, 2009

Well, I just spilled coffee all over my desk.  Good thing, too, cuz it sure needed dusting.  Don't worry, I went and got more coffee. 

Seated in front of the picture window I can see the spruce trees dancing like crazy.  That wind is strong, I've been listening to it all night.  Both my youngest daughter and I have been down with some kind of bug.  She feels 100% this morning, which means I should be coming out of this by tomorrow. 

I got the furnace going, now I just have to get DD2 up on the roof to clean the chimney so that we can have a wood fire.  She also is responsible for stacking up the firewood, but that's not going too well either.  Would be nice to have a wood fire, this propane doesn't make a lasting heat.

I would like to get the potatoes out of the ground today, before we get the monsoons.  Carrots would be nice, also, but I don't know how long these aspirin will keep me going.  We have been blessed with pumpkins and potatoes this year.  Carrots, beets, rutabagas, all of the root crops did real well.   We made our first sale last Monday at  a market in a senior center.  We're sending more produce down next Monday.  This could be the start of someting big!

Time to stop talking and start doing.

Have a blessed day.

From Glory Farm,