How I decided to get some llamas, I don't really know. It all happened so fast! I know just about nothing when it comes to llamas. These guys are cute and gentle, but the bigger one is two and needs to be gelded. The younger one can wait until next spring. The bigger one has wonderful fiber, but I'm not sure how easy it'll be to seperate the guard hairs from the fiber underneath. It's all a learning experience, right? Open to advice and suggestions!!!!
This is Astro. He's the two year old and a standard sized llama.
This is Ziggy. He's a year old and camera shy. He's going to be a bit smaller than the standard sized, but a bit too big to be a miniature. He's awfully cute.
Tomorrow, I'm supposed to go and pick up an alpaca. He's old-14 years! I'm thinking he'll probably expire here. Let you know how it goes.
Have a good and Godly day.