Jul 29, 2009

Today the Llama, Tomorrow.....the Alpaca

How I decided to get some llamas, I don't really know.  It all happened so fast!  I know just about nothing when it comes to llamas.  These guys are cute and gentle, but the bigger one is two and needs to be gelded.  The younger one can wait until next spring.  The bigger one has wonderful fiber, but I'm not sure how easy it'll be to seperate the guard hairs from the fiber underneath.  It's all a learning experience, right?  Open to advice and suggestions!!!!

This is Astro.  He's the two year old and a standard sized llama.

This is Ziggy.  He's a year old and camera shy.  He's going to be a bit smaller than the standard sized, but a bit too big to be a miniature.  He's awfully cute.

Tomorrow, I'm supposed to go and pick up an alpaca.  He's old-14 years!  I'm thinking  he'll probably expire here.  Let  you know how it goes.

Have a good and Godly day.

Wyoming and some Pictures!

Yea!! I don't know what happened, but now I can post pictures again.  So here's the world's largest fiberglass buffalo and the world's most loved kids-mine!

Hers' a picture of Devil's Tower.

And a picture of the Big Horns where we went hiking.

So read the next entry to see pictures of my new llamas.

Have a blessed day.

Jul 22, 2009

Wyoming and no pictures

We took a trip out to see my Honey last week.  Driving out there really doesn't take all that long.  We made it in 14 hours which included a stop at the world's largest fiberglass buffalo.  Can't beat that!

We did some hiking in the Big Horns, took a trip to Devil's Tower, visited a cave, spent a day in the Black Hills, swam, saw Skillet and Kutless in concert, went out to dinner.  Whew!  And they call it a vacation!  I sure can't climb up those mountains like I used to.  One thing this trip showed me is that i need to get more aerobic excercise. 

Here are a couple of pictures from our trip:

Or not.  I can't load pictures,something is wrong with my computer.  I get a java script error-'window.frames.frmMain.document'is null or not an object-whenever I click on the mountain icon on the entry page.  Help!  I've tried everything I know how to do and then some.  Any computer whizzes, please send me your ideas.

Jul 11, 2009

Catfish Days Part 2

Well we didn't stay too long.  We hit a couple of rummage sales and I got some material and a bunch of goofy socks for my daughter to make sock creatures out of.  I picked up a bunch of baby things for my friend's daughter who is due any day now.

DD2 ran the 5 K and had a lot of fun.  I thought the camera was on picture, but it was on video so here's a short video of ther and her friends getting ready.

I guess I don't know how to  upload a video, because that didn't work.  Anyone have any suggestions?

Here's a picture of main street as the runners were coming in.

And here's a cool picture from under the town water tower.

I don't know why but I like this picture.  The sky was sure blue at 8:00 this morning.

So I didn't get very good pictures, and we didn't stay very long.  I need to get out into the garden.  Those will be the next pictures I post.

From Glory Farm

P.S. Don't pay any attention to the date on the photos.  I guess I should check that before I take the pictures.

Catfish Days

This morning it's off to Catfish Days.  DD2 is running the 5K and there's a flea market and animal swap I want to get to.  Pictures coming up.

From Glory Farm

Jul 29, 2009

Today the Llama, Tomorrow.....the Alpaca

How I decided to get some llamas, I don't really know.  It all happened so fast!  I know just about nothing when it comes to llamas.  These guys are cute and gentle, but the bigger one is two and needs to be gelded.  The younger one can wait until next spring.  The bigger one has wonderful fiber, but I'm not sure how easy it'll be to seperate the guard hairs from the fiber underneath.  It's all a learning experience, right?  Open to advice and suggestions!!!!

This is Astro.  He's the two year old and a standard sized llama.

This is Ziggy.  He's a year old and camera shy.  He's going to be a bit smaller than the standard sized, but a bit too big to be a miniature.  He's awfully cute.

Tomorrow, I'm supposed to go and pick up an alpaca.  He's old-14 years!  I'm thinking  he'll probably expire here.  Let  you know how it goes.

Have a good and Godly day.

Wyoming and some Pictures!

Yea!! I don't know what happened, but now I can post pictures again.  So here's the world's largest fiberglass buffalo and the world's most loved kids-mine!

Hers' a picture of Devil's Tower.

And a picture of the Big Horns where we went hiking.

So read the next entry to see pictures of my new llamas.

Have a blessed day.

Jul 22, 2009

Wyoming and no pictures

We took a trip out to see my Honey last week.  Driving out there really doesn't take all that long.  We made it in 14 hours which included a stop at the world's largest fiberglass buffalo.  Can't beat that!

We did some hiking in the Big Horns, took a trip to Devil's Tower, visited a cave, spent a day in the Black Hills, swam, saw Skillet and Kutless in concert, went out to dinner.  Whew!  And they call it a vacation!  I sure can't climb up those mountains like I used to.  One thing this trip showed me is that i need to get more aerobic excercise. 

Here are a couple of pictures from our trip:

Or not.  I can't load pictures,something is wrong with my computer.  I get a java script error-'window.frames.frmMain.document'is null or not an object-whenever I click on the mountain icon on the entry page.  Help!  I've tried everything I know how to do and then some.  Any computer whizzes, please send me your ideas.

Jul 11, 2009

Catfish Days Part 2

Well we didn't stay too long.  We hit a couple of rummage sales and I got some material and a bunch of goofy socks for my daughter to make sock creatures out of.  I picked up a bunch of baby things for my friend's daughter who is due any day now.

DD2 ran the 5 K and had a lot of fun.  I thought the camera was on picture, but it was on video so here's a short video of ther and her friends getting ready.

I guess I don't know how to  upload a video, because that didn't work.  Anyone have any suggestions?

Here's a picture of main street as the runners were coming in.

And here's a cool picture from under the town water tower.

I don't know why but I like this picture.  The sky was sure blue at 8:00 this morning.

So I didn't get very good pictures, and we didn't stay very long.  I need to get out into the garden.  Those will be the next pictures I post.

From Glory Farm

P.S. Don't pay any attention to the date on the photos.  I guess I should check that before I take the pictures.

Catfish Days

This morning it's off to Catfish Days.  DD2 is running the 5K and there's a flea market and animal swap I want to get to.  Pictures coming up.

From Glory Farm