Jun 24, 2009


I have a site bookmarked on my computer that uses recycled materials to make bags and purses.  While I've seen a lot of wal-mart bags used in crochet, I never knew about T-yarn.  This is taking t-shirts and cutting then to make a yarn to crochet or knit with.  What a good way to reycle old t-shirts.  We get a lot of them. The site is  http://www.myrecycledbags.com/2009/06/05/making-t-yarn-from-recycled-tee-shirts/  .

Here is a picture of the T-yarn taken from that site.A new project!

Update on the UN Children's Rights Treaty

Dear Friend of Parental Rights,

Monday in a Harlem middle school, U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Susan Rice told a group of 120 students that administration officials are actively discussing “when and how it might be possible to join”  (that is, ratify) the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC).  As before, she also communicated what a disgrace it is that the U.S. would stand with only Somalia against such a widely-accepted treaty.

This is the first direct public statement by the Obama administration that it will seek ratification of the UN CRC.

In my 30 years of political involvement, I have learned to recognize this as what is called a “trial balloon.” Like in World War I trench warfare, our opponents have “sent up a balloon” to see if it will draw fire. If things remain quiet, they will proceed with their plans to push for ratification of the CRC in the U.S. Senate.

To discourage them from doing so, we need to make sure that our voices are heard with unmistakable clarity.  We must let the Obama administration know that we oppose this anti-family, anti-American treaty.

Here’s what we need you all to do:

1.      Call the White House comments line at 202-456-1111. Tell them you heard the administration wants to ratify the CRC, and you strongly oppose this giving away of U.S. sovereignty to the UN. Also keep in mind that this treaty gives the government jurisdiction to override any decision made by any parent if the government thinks that a better decision can be made—even if there is no proof of any harm.

2.      Call Ambassador Susan Rice’s office at the United Nations. Tell her that you want her to represent the United States to the world rather than trying to get the United States to go along with international law initiated by the UN.  Her office number is 212-415-4000.

3.      Contact your Senators and urge them to oppose ratification of this treaty. (Find your Senators’ contact information by typing your zip code into the box here.) Ask them also to defeat it once and for all by cosponsoring SJRes 16 – the Parental Rights Amendment.

It is very important that we speak up right now.  Please call before you close this email!


Michael Farris

Find this letter online.

Forward this newsletter to a friend

Jun 19, 2009


This will be a short story as Chucken is only five days old. 

We have a Muskovey hen setting on her eggs.  She also had one chicken egg in there.  How it got there, I don't know.  As the ducks take 31 days to hatch and the chickens only 21, that egg cracked and out came Chucken.  So the duck is still settting on her eggs, which should hatch this week and Chucken sleeps with his "Mama" every night.  No matter how he tries to get her to go out of the chicken coop with him to find food and water, she won't go.  So he's out there on his own (we let them free range).  It'll be interesting to see what he does once his sisters and brothers hatch.

Have a blessed Friday.

From Glory Farm


Jun 12, 2009

What is Normal?

Good morning.  The sun is finally shining again.  I'm having a blogger's block and so this entry is to just let anyone who reads this know I'm still coming on here and commenting, but have nothing of significance to contribute.

Our oldest daughter graduated and then decided that meant she's an adult.  This has brought with it all of the complications you can imagine.  It has left me emotionally drained and leaning ever harder on my Heavenly Father.

Our garden is in.  Some of it is even coming up. 

I picked up a Hoosier cabinet for the kitchen.  We don't have regular cupboards yet, our kitchen is totally unfinished.

It's not as old as some, but I really like it.

Well, I'll just keep lurking around and pop in once in awhile until my life gets some normalcy to it.

God bless and hold you tight.

From Glory Farm

Jun 24, 2009


I have a site bookmarked on my computer that uses recycled materials to make bags and purses.  While I've seen a lot of wal-mart bags used in crochet, I never knew about T-yarn.  This is taking t-shirts and cutting then to make a yarn to crochet or knit with.  What a good way to reycle old t-shirts.  We get a lot of them. The site is  http://www.myrecycledbags.com/2009/06/05/making-t-yarn-from-recycled-tee-shirts/  .

Here is a picture of the T-yarn taken from that site.A new project!

Update on the UN Children's Rights Treaty

Dear Friend of Parental Rights,

Monday in a Harlem middle school, U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Susan Rice told a group of 120 students that administration officials are actively discussing “when and how it might be possible to join”  (that is, ratify) the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC).  As before, she also communicated what a disgrace it is that the U.S. would stand with only Somalia against such a widely-accepted treaty.

This is the first direct public statement by the Obama administration that it will seek ratification of the UN CRC.

In my 30 years of political involvement, I have learned to recognize this as what is called a “trial balloon.” Like in World War I trench warfare, our opponents have “sent up a balloon” to see if it will draw fire. If things remain quiet, they will proceed with their plans to push for ratification of the CRC in the U.S. Senate.

To discourage them from doing so, we need to make sure that our voices are heard with unmistakable clarity.  We must let the Obama administration know that we oppose this anti-family, anti-American treaty.

Here’s what we need you all to do:

1.      Call the White House comments line at 202-456-1111. Tell them you heard the administration wants to ratify the CRC, and you strongly oppose this giving away of U.S. sovereignty to the UN. Also keep in mind that this treaty gives the government jurisdiction to override any decision made by any parent if the government thinks that a better decision can be made—even if there is no proof of any harm.

2.      Call Ambassador Susan Rice’s office at the United Nations. Tell her that you want her to represent the United States to the world rather than trying to get the United States to go along with international law initiated by the UN.  Her office number is 212-415-4000.

3.      Contact your Senators and urge them to oppose ratification of this treaty. (Find your Senators’ contact information by typing your zip code into the box here.) Ask them also to defeat it once and for all by cosponsoring SJRes 16 – the Parental Rights Amendment.

It is very important that we speak up right now.  Please call before you close this email!


Michael Farris

Find this letter online.

Forward this newsletter to a friend

Jun 19, 2009


This will be a short story as Chucken is only five days old. 

We have a Muskovey hen setting on her eggs.  She also had one chicken egg in there.  How it got there, I don't know.  As the ducks take 31 days to hatch and the chickens only 21, that egg cracked and out came Chucken.  So the duck is still settting on her eggs, which should hatch this week and Chucken sleeps with his "Mama" every night.  No matter how he tries to get her to go out of the chicken coop with him to find food and water, she won't go.  So he's out there on his own (we let them free range).  It'll be interesting to see what he does once his sisters and brothers hatch.

Have a blessed Friday.

From Glory Farm


Jun 12, 2009

What is Normal?

Good morning.  The sun is finally shining again.  I'm having a blogger's block and so this entry is to just let anyone who reads this know I'm still coming on here and commenting, but have nothing of significance to contribute.

Our oldest daughter graduated and then decided that meant she's an adult.  This has brought with it all of the complications you can imagine.  It has left me emotionally drained and leaning ever harder on my Heavenly Father.

Our garden is in.  Some of it is even coming up. 

I picked up a Hoosier cabinet for the kitchen.  We don't have regular cupboards yet, our kitchen is totally unfinished.

It's not as old as some, but I really like it.

Well, I'll just keep lurking around and pop in once in awhile until my life gets some normalcy to it.

God bless and hold you tight.

From Glory Farm