Ever ask yourself "Was that me?" I had one of those moments a couple of days ago. My dd who is 15 ,going on 30, asked if her "friend" could come over so we could get to know him better. She has been friends with him for a couple of years now and he would like to be able to spend more time with her. So he said he was able to come over last night. Dd started cleaning, wanting to make a good impression on him, as he has never been to our home before. What was my reaction? I took off for the barn and started sweeping out the alleyway and trying to clean the vacant stalls. I knew she would take him to meet all of our critters and didn't want him to see the barn so disorganized. What has happened to me? Does that seem like a rather strange reaction to you?
Today, my honey has taken the two youngers ice fishing. I'm hoping to fry fish tonight, but I have the emergency chicken going in the pot, just in case. My 9 year old said that she couldn't guarantee fish. I hope they're having fun. I'm wasting my alone time, just blogging and cooking.
As the weather is warming up, I think I'll try to get my seed order out this week, before we hit the deep freeze again and I change my mind.
Stay warm, stay close to the Lord.
From Glory Farm