Aug 30, 2008

It's All Your Fault-Thank You!

All of our children are in 4-H.  We've been doing 4-H  4-ever.  This year, our two oldest girls did very well at the county fair and were allowed to go on to the state fair. 


Dd1 took her dandelion jelly.  She got a grand champion at county and a red at the state fair.  Do you know where we got the recipe?  Homesteadblogger.  I think I have Grandma Rosie to thank for that one.


Dd2 took her poster on the evils of white bread.  (The whiter the bread, the sooner you're dead.)  And a loaf of homeground, homemade whole wheat bread.  She received honorable mention at county and GRAND! at the state fair.  The recipe-off Homesteadblogger.  It may have been Crystal's fault, but I don't remember for sure.  The delicious whole wheat bread recipe is definitely a winner.  Thank you.


You guys are great!


Aug 22, 2008

It's the Little Things...

Little Thing #1-We went to the thrift store yesterday and hit the jackpot.  I've learned that if they have clothes that fit and are your style, grab them.  I used to say, "Oh just a few, I'll pick up more next time."  Well, next time they don't have anything that I can use.  So yesterday I picked up 3 jumpers, 2 dresses and five blouses. I spent $3!  Wonderful!  I was blessed.


Little Thing #2-I grew organic garlic this year and it did well.  I'm drying some and made my own garlic powder last night.  I was so excited.  I made onion powder, also.  I plan on putting in twice the amount of garlic this fall.  I LOVE garlic!


Little Thing #3-I borrowed a book on HTML from a friend and I'm putting together a web site for our farm.  I feel like the Lord is leading us to make a living off of our land and I thought I'd try this and see.  It's been fun so far, and I hope to have it up and running, soon.

So blessings are spilling over at this time.  Lord help me spill on others.


From Glory Farm

Aug 19, 2008

Happy Harvest

Can you feel it?  I step outside and yes, I can feel it.  The thermometer says 85, but the feel of the wind says harvest.  It stirs in me and I love it. 

I canned wild blueberry jam yesterday, and some beet pickles.  I sliced up a bunch of garlic and onions and have that in the dehydrator along with savory, marjarom and lovage.  Today I hope to dehydrate peas and beans, weed the tomatoes, mow the lawn, dust, laundry, sew a skirt and welcome my honey home.  He's been over the road again.  I love this weather.  I have energy. 

With all of the dehydrated vegies, I'm making a soup mix.  A bit of carrots, corn, peas, beans, garlic, onions, lovage, herbs.  Then when I want soup, just put some in a pot with some water and meat-viola!  soup.

Our two older daughters have been berry crazy this year.  They go out almost every day and pick.  With their help we have put up almost fifty pints of berries.  Our two youngers are out doing chores right now.  They get up, eat, get dressed, and out the door they go.  So nice to have all of the chores done when I get outside.  'Nuff bragging on my kids.

So how's your harvest coming?  What do you put up for winter?

Blessings from Glory Farm

Aug 11, 2008

Going Farmer Green

We buy grain from the feed mill and it comes in those white plastic bags.  Usually I reuse these for garbage bags, but they also make reusable grocery bags.  Cut off the top half of a hundred pound sack.  Hem the top edge.  Cut the top half into handles, hem and attach at the sides of the bag.  Give your kids a box of permanent markers and let them decorate your bag.  Depending on the amount of grain that you buy, you could have a mess of these.  Enough to maybe even sell some as a fund raiser for your homeschool or 4-H club.

It's all part of being a good steward.

Aug 7, 2008


Look at that.  Our, or I should say, my new endeavor.  Honey says "This one is all yours."  I don't know much of anything about turkeys, but a lady traded me 10 turkeys for some hay.  Now I have to figure out how to butcher.  Thankfully I have experienced friends willing to teach.  I think that turkeys may not be the brightest bulbs in the pack, but they like me.  When they hear my voice, they come running.  They follow me around the pasture.  What's not to like?  They make that cool noise.  They also make a great Thanksgiving.

Today is the last day of bible school.  My dd #2 is going to be teaching the preschool class and dd#1 will be helping me help a friend move haying equipment.  Then she'll be cutting our hay when we get home.  I have to finish the garden fence because the chickens have been eating all of my broccoli and strawberries.  When the tomatoes get ripe, I'll really be in trouble.

Life is good.  God is good.

Bring glory to Him in all you do.


Aug 30, 2008

It's All Your Fault-Thank You!

All of our children are in 4-H.  We've been doing 4-H  4-ever.  This year, our two oldest girls did very well at the county fair and were allowed to go on to the state fair. 


Dd1 took her dandelion jelly.  She got a grand champion at county and a red at the state fair.  Do you know where we got the recipe?  Homesteadblogger.  I think I have Grandma Rosie to thank for that one.


Dd2 took her poster on the evils of white bread.  (The whiter the bread, the sooner you're dead.)  And a loaf of homeground, homemade whole wheat bread.  She received honorable mention at county and GRAND! at the state fair.  The recipe-off Homesteadblogger.  It may have been Crystal's fault, but I don't remember for sure.  The delicious whole wheat bread recipe is definitely a winner.  Thank you.


You guys are great!


Aug 22, 2008

It's the Little Things...

Little Thing #1-We went to the thrift store yesterday and hit the jackpot.  I've learned that if they have clothes that fit and are your style, grab them.  I used to say, "Oh just a few, I'll pick up more next time."  Well, next time they don't have anything that I can use.  So yesterday I picked up 3 jumpers, 2 dresses and five blouses. I spent $3!  Wonderful!  I was blessed.


Little Thing #2-I grew organic garlic this year and it did well.  I'm drying some and made my own garlic powder last night.  I was so excited.  I made onion powder, also.  I plan on putting in twice the amount of garlic this fall.  I LOVE garlic!


Little Thing #3-I borrowed a book on HTML from a friend and I'm putting together a web site for our farm.  I feel like the Lord is leading us to make a living off of our land and I thought I'd try this and see.  It's been fun so far, and I hope to have it up and running, soon.

So blessings are spilling over at this time.  Lord help me spill on others.


From Glory Farm

Aug 19, 2008

Happy Harvest

Can you feel it?  I step outside and yes, I can feel it.  The thermometer says 85, but the feel of the wind says harvest.  It stirs in me and I love it. 

I canned wild blueberry jam yesterday, and some beet pickles.  I sliced up a bunch of garlic and onions and have that in the dehydrator along with savory, marjarom and lovage.  Today I hope to dehydrate peas and beans, weed the tomatoes, mow the lawn, dust, laundry, sew a skirt and welcome my honey home.  He's been over the road again.  I love this weather.  I have energy. 

With all of the dehydrated vegies, I'm making a soup mix.  A bit of carrots, corn, peas, beans, garlic, onions, lovage, herbs.  Then when I want soup, just put some in a pot with some water and meat-viola!  soup.

Our two older daughters have been berry crazy this year.  They go out almost every day and pick.  With their help we have put up almost fifty pints of berries.  Our two youngers are out doing chores right now.  They get up, eat, get dressed, and out the door they go.  So nice to have all of the chores done when I get outside.  'Nuff bragging on my kids.

So how's your harvest coming?  What do you put up for winter?

Blessings from Glory Farm

Aug 11, 2008

Going Farmer Green

We buy grain from the feed mill and it comes in those white plastic bags.  Usually I reuse these for garbage bags, but they also make reusable grocery bags.  Cut off the top half of a hundred pound sack.  Hem the top edge.  Cut the top half into handles, hem and attach at the sides of the bag.  Give your kids a box of permanent markers and let them decorate your bag.  Depending on the amount of grain that you buy, you could have a mess of these.  Enough to maybe even sell some as a fund raiser for your homeschool or 4-H club.

It's all part of being a good steward.

Aug 7, 2008


Look at that.  Our, or I should say, my new endeavor.  Honey says "This one is all yours."  I don't know much of anything about turkeys, but a lady traded me 10 turkeys for some hay.  Now I have to figure out how to butcher.  Thankfully I have experienced friends willing to teach.  I think that turkeys may not be the brightest bulbs in the pack, but they like me.  When they hear my voice, they come running.  They follow me around the pasture.  What's not to like?  They make that cool noise.  They also make a great Thanksgiving.

Today is the last day of bible school.  My dd #2 is going to be teaching the preschool class and dd#1 will be helping me help a friend move haying equipment.  Then she'll be cutting our hay when we get home.  I have to finish the garden fence because the chickens have been eating all of my broccoli and strawberries.  When the tomatoes get ripe, I'll really be in trouble.

Life is good.  God is good.

Bring glory to Him in all you do.
