Feb 26, 2008

Tuesday, February 26

Snow was actually melting this week end.  It's back to cold weather, but I know that spring is still coming. 

God has been so good to us.  A friend gave us a wood furnace.  I am so excited.  Our propane bill is very high, too high.  We have plenty of wood on our land and it's very good excercise.  When we moved from our last place, we decided to never burn wood again.  Never say never.  Now we can't wait.

I also bought some laying hens.  They are about 10 months old and I paid $3 a piece, but they should be laying like crazy soon.  So far, though, only two eggs.  I bought 15 hens and I really think they had better get laying. Any ideas to start them laying? I don't have any light on in the coop.  I know cat food can help a bit, and warm water, but I don't know what else.  Our old hens haven't laid all winter, it's getting frustrating.  I've never had this problem before.  Maybe they need more room. 

We're going on a field trip in a week or two over to a neighbor's house.  They are maple syrup makers.  It ought to be fun.  We have maple trees on our land and we use a lot of maple syrup, so maybe next spring we can try and tap our own trees.

Have a glorious day.

Feb 23, 2008

Thank you, thank you, thank you Lord.

I am so glad.  I have this unfamiliar feeling this morning. I think it's called -ENERGY.  I'm not sure what happened, but I feel like going out and cleaning the barn, cleaning the shop, hanging laundry.  Wow.  The last week, I've been so tired that I haven't done anything but the very minimum.  The sun is out, the temps are supposed to ge above freezing this weekend.  We're going to the Answers in Genesis seminar this evening-meeting friends for dinner first.  My honey is home for the whole weekend.  I think he's my inspiration and my strength.  I know that he's my best friend. 

Well, better use this energy stuff, while I  have it.

I'll let you know how the seminar goes.

From Glory Farm

Feb 22, 2008

I actually use these-

While trying to be frugal and more healthy, I've been making my own body care products.  I thought I'd share the recipes with you.  These are all products that I use daily.  I have to admit that others in my family aren't as eager to use them as I am, but I know these products are healthier and some work better than those I buy.

 Shampoo-  I make 100% olive oil  castile soap.  I won't put that recipe on here, you can find a recipe for it on any soap site.  Grate about 1/3 of a bar.  Take 1/2 oz. of rosemary-stimulates hair folicles, 1/2 oz. nettles-blood purifier and stimulator, 1/2 oz. lavender-reduces itchy and flaky scalp(all of these herbs are dried).  Boil two cups of water and add 3 heaping tablespoons of the mixed herbs into the boiling water.. Take off the stove.  Let steep for 30-40 minutes.  Strain.  Add some of this liquid to the grated soap.  Enough to make a shampoo like consistency.  Save the rest of the liquid in frig. for the next batch of shampoo.  Pour into old shampoo bottle.  This will thicken with time.   Shake before each use.

Conditioner-I use 1/4 of apple cider vinegar mixed with water to make 1 pint.  Pour over hair after shampoo and rinse.  About once or twice a month I use a store bought leave in conditioner.  My hair is much stronger now and is actually growing.  I've been using this combination for about three years.

Deoderant-I can't remember the exact amounts.  But I use petroleum jelly mixed with baking soda and some lemon juice.  I like it better than the powdered deoderant. You can make this using your own homemade petroleum jelly:

Petroleum Jelly-1 oz. beeswax, 1/2 cup baby or mineral oil.  Melt the beeswax in the microwave or double boiler.  Stir in the mineral oil.  Remove from heat and stir until cool.

Toothpaste-Mix together 10 tablespoons baking powder, 5 tablespoons glycerin, 1 teaspoon peppermint oil.  Mix and place into a container.

Hand Cream-2 teaspoons each dried mint, sage and rosemary, 1/2 oz beeswax, 2 oz. lanolin, 1/2 cup wheat germ oil, 1 teaspoon honey.  Mix herbs, pour 1/2 cup boiling water over herbs.  Steep 10 minutes.  Strain through cheesecloth.Cool.  Melt beeswax and lanolin in a heatproof glass set in simmering water.  Add wheat germ oil, while stirring.  Add herbal infusion by teaspoonful and stir until well blended.  Remove glass from water.  Add honey to tepid cream and carefully stir it in until blended.  I also add frangrance or essential oil  I don't care for the smell of wheat germ or lanolin.  Let this cool completely.  Stir cream and transfer to clean containers.  This is kinda goopy going on, but it works better than any other lotion we have in the house.  It just takes a little longer to be absorbed.

I  experiment with other recipes and when I find one that I would recommend, I'll post.

Good Night, sleep tight.


Feb 21, 2008

Answers in Genesis

I know, I know, you're all tired of hearing about our cold weather.  It's still -18 this morning.  Warm weather is on it's way, though.  It sure will be welcomed.  I feel like Annie- Tomorrow, tomorrow....                      But wait, Lord help me make the most of this day that you've given me.

I have some exciting news.  Answers in Genesis is coming up here to give a seminar on Saturday!  I am so excited!  My honey and I have invited a couple who live next door to come with.  I'm inviting everyone.  You're invited too.  Things like this don'thappen up here very often.  Especially in the small town where this is taking place.  This i s something to be in prayer about.  People are already  upset about it.  Editorials in the local paper show the anti-creation stand of a lot of people up here.  Pray, pray, pray. 

Going to go now.  Got more people to  invite.

God bless,



Feb 19, 2008

Do you have business plans?

I'd like to help out our financial situation and start a small savings.  I love to sew, make soap,lotions, etc., make paper, bake, make rugs and baskets.  I have an etsy account where I sell the aprons I make. (see side bar)  So, I was thinking, do you think that doll clothes would sell?  DD3 loves the American Girl dolls.  She doesn't have any, but she does have an imitation that we picked up at the thrift store.  I'm cutting out and sewing clothes for it, and I've been cutting out extra and thinking of trying to sell them on my etsy account.  I guess it won't hurt to try?  I thought maybe I could make baskets and then fill them with homemade soaps, lotions, bath salts, etc.  Maybe they would sell.  Just thinking out loud.

I could save up for a greenhouse and a drum carder for my mohair.  More dreaming.

DS would like to take a trip to Arkansas this summer.  I've never been to Arkansas.  That would be fun, too.

I'd better go and stop this rambling.  I'll never get anything done, if I keep blogging.

Have a good and Godly day.

Whining Warning

Good morning.  It's a bright and sunny day.  -20 degrees, I really want to complain.  Who do you complain to if you really believe the Lord is in control?  He knows whats best.  I'm ready for some warm weather, though. This gets discouraging.  Even for a Minnesotan.  This month, I think we've had more below zero weather than any other month this winter.  I want spring!!!  Okay I'm done.

The electric fence is down and I get to walk it to find out where before our wandering steer gets to wandering again.  One of our donkeys is having a hard time with her front foot-ice build up- so next I need to get a saw and a hoof pick and try and help her out.  Clean the cow stall, clip the ice off of one of the goat's beards.  Thaw out water buckets and get water to everyone.  If I get the fence working, I'll put out the little steer.  I don't think it's good for him to be in the barn all of the time.

I should grind some flour and get some bread and caramel rolls started.  Get the kids going on their schoolwork, once they come in from chores.  Paint some more in the bathroom.  I'd really like to get it done.  Primer white isn't my favorite color.  Honey wants me to help organize his shop.  Maybe a couple of things a day, until it warms up.  I have taxes to work on.  Not in any hurry for those. 

I am complaining.  I'm sorry.  I'm just feeling a bit overwhelmed today.  Thank you for letting me get it out there.  I know that this does not bring glory to God.  Maybe now I can start looking at my blessings.  My wonderful husband, who let me nap yesterday when I should have been getting supper ready.  Bless him.  The wonderful sun, which, even though the thermometer reads CCCOLD, actually has some warmth to it.  Gardening dreams and the ability to put one of my seed orders in today.  The excitement of the farmer's market to come....

Yes, life is good.

From Glory Farm

Feb 15, 2008

We have this cow....

We have this cow...

Living  here, we have met so  many nice neighbors.  They help out and it's just like neighbors should be.  One of our new friends raises beef cattle and in December he  had a heifer that looked like she might surprise us with a calf soon.  Because of the weather, we took her over here, he only has loafing sheds and wanted to put her in our barn so that the weather didn't get to her and her "soon to be born" calf.  Well, two months later, you can hear her laugh whenever I go into the barn.  She gets her three meals a day, inside, a pen that is cleaned daily, all of the attention she could want.  She's playing it for all it's worth.  I was ready to get a bull, but yesterday I went out there and I think she might be in the family way.  Her udder had filled out (again) and she was showing  other signs.  So I'm off to the barn to check on her and do chores.  It's still -21 this morning.  I hope she has her calf when it's warmed up some and I can scrape out her frozen pen first.  Don't any of you let your cattle read this, they might get ideas.

From Glory Farm.



Feb 12, 2008

Music, Music, Music

Life is just rolling along.  It's above zero today and feels balmy at 8 above.  The seasons are changing, even though the temp is cold, it just feels more like spring somehow.  Maybe it's just wishful thinking.  Who cares, as long as it works.

We went on Saturday and got a piano for dd2.  It was free....but it was in a basement.  My honey, bil, a friend and the Lord were able to move it out of the basement and into the back of our truck.  We used something called a piano slide.  It hellped, along with constant prayer.  Dd2 has practiced every night since we brought it home.  Her piano teacher is happy that she finally has a real piano to play.  She was practicing on one of those roll out keyboards.  We're starting to get quite the musical family.  Dd1 plays clarinet and saxophone, dd2 plays trombone, coronet and now piano, ds plays harmonica and is learning violin and piano, dd3 is taking guitar lessons from me, but I haven't been real regular with them.  Lookout Partidge Family.  Now I'm dating myself.

It's too early to start seeds here, but I have my orders made out and I started some lettuce in the house.  I did this last year and we had enough for a few meals.  Just makes me feel better, doing some windowsill gardening.  I took in my rosemary and lavender  last fall and they're still surviving on the windowsill.  They don't winter over up here.

Our business is officially closed.  We are no longer in the trucking business.  Praise God.  What a burden has been lifted off of our shoulders.  We just have to finish up our taxes for '07 and we can be normal people, working for someone else.  My honey is a company driver now and he actually likes not having to be responsible for everything.  God is good, my honey has had another job offer, and is going on an interview this week.  I now can budget because I know where the next paycheck is coming from.  I'm excited to see what God is going to do next.

This is getting long and if you have read all the way to the end you have a great attention span.

Better go and get lunch.

Give God the glory,



Feb 7, 2008

Katahdin Sheep

I'm not sure if that's the right spelling or not.  No, I'm not going to be raising these, but a friend of mine is getting some for butchering for her family and I thought I'd see if anyone had advice.  I know that they're hair sheep and raised for meat, but that's about all I know.  How hardy are they?  How secure does their fencing have to be?  What kind of diet?  Worming and shots?  She also has workhorses, are these sheep easy going?

Thanks for any info.

Have a glorious day.

From Glory Farm

Feb 1, 2008

Book Sale

In town today, running errands and then I remembered......UWA used book sale at the mall!  No, this wasn't in my budget, but just a quick stop.  We walked out with a sign language textbook and workbook, Christy, Spanish Dictionary, three American Girl Books, two Encyclopedia Browns, two Frank Peratti mysteries, Charlie Brown,  Reader's Digest Guide to Needlework and a wonderful set of paper dolls with rooms to decorate.  They had thousands of books, overwhelming.  Sunday is their last day and it's a bagful of books for a buck!  Have to be careful not to buy anything that we won't use.  When we're done with these we can bring them back for the next sale and pick up some more.  Books are a weakness with me. 

Have a glorious weekend.

From Glory Farm

Feb 26, 2008

Tuesday, February 26

Snow was actually melting this week end.  It's back to cold weather, but I know that spring is still coming. 

God has been so good to us.  A friend gave us a wood furnace.  I am so excited.  Our propane bill is very high, too high.  We have plenty of wood on our land and it's very good excercise.  When we moved from our last place, we decided to never burn wood again.  Never say never.  Now we can't wait.

I also bought some laying hens.  They are about 10 months old and I paid $3 a piece, but they should be laying like crazy soon.  So far, though, only two eggs.  I bought 15 hens and I really think they had better get laying. Any ideas to start them laying? I don't have any light on in the coop.  I know cat food can help a bit, and warm water, but I don't know what else.  Our old hens haven't laid all winter, it's getting frustrating.  I've never had this problem before.  Maybe they need more room. 

We're going on a field trip in a week or two over to a neighbor's house.  They are maple syrup makers.  It ought to be fun.  We have maple trees on our land and we use a lot of maple syrup, so maybe next spring we can try and tap our own trees.

Have a glorious day.

Feb 23, 2008

Thank you, thank you, thank you Lord.

I am so glad.  I have this unfamiliar feeling this morning. I think it's called -ENERGY.  I'm not sure what happened, but I feel like going out and cleaning the barn, cleaning the shop, hanging laundry.  Wow.  The last week, I've been so tired that I haven't done anything but the very minimum.  The sun is out, the temps are supposed to ge above freezing this weekend.  We're going to the Answers in Genesis seminar this evening-meeting friends for dinner first.  My honey is home for the whole weekend.  I think he's my inspiration and my strength.  I know that he's my best friend. 

Well, better use this energy stuff, while I  have it.

I'll let you know how the seminar goes.

From Glory Farm

Feb 22, 2008

I actually use these-

While trying to be frugal and more healthy, I've been making my own body care products.  I thought I'd share the recipes with you.  These are all products that I use daily.  I have to admit that others in my family aren't as eager to use them as I am, but I know these products are healthier and some work better than those I buy.

 Shampoo-  I make 100% olive oil  castile soap.  I won't put that recipe on here, you can find a recipe for it on any soap site.  Grate about 1/3 of a bar.  Take 1/2 oz. of rosemary-stimulates hair folicles, 1/2 oz. nettles-blood purifier and stimulator, 1/2 oz. lavender-reduces itchy and flaky scalp(all of these herbs are dried).  Boil two cups of water and add 3 heaping tablespoons of the mixed herbs into the boiling water.. Take off the stove.  Let steep for 30-40 minutes.  Strain.  Add some of this liquid to the grated soap.  Enough to make a shampoo like consistency.  Save the rest of the liquid in frig. for the next batch of shampoo.  Pour into old shampoo bottle.  This will thicken with time.   Shake before each use.

Conditioner-I use 1/4 of apple cider vinegar mixed with water to make 1 pint.  Pour over hair after shampoo and rinse.  About once or twice a month I use a store bought leave in conditioner.  My hair is much stronger now and is actually growing.  I've been using this combination for about three years.

Deoderant-I can't remember the exact amounts.  But I use petroleum jelly mixed with baking soda and some lemon juice.  I like it better than the powdered deoderant. You can make this using your own homemade petroleum jelly:

Petroleum Jelly-1 oz. beeswax, 1/2 cup baby or mineral oil.  Melt the beeswax in the microwave or double boiler.  Stir in the mineral oil.  Remove from heat and stir until cool.

Toothpaste-Mix together 10 tablespoons baking powder, 5 tablespoons glycerin, 1 teaspoon peppermint oil.  Mix and place into a container.

Hand Cream-2 teaspoons each dried mint, sage and rosemary, 1/2 oz beeswax, 2 oz. lanolin, 1/2 cup wheat germ oil, 1 teaspoon honey.  Mix herbs, pour 1/2 cup boiling water over herbs.  Steep 10 minutes.  Strain through cheesecloth.Cool.  Melt beeswax and lanolin in a heatproof glass set in simmering water.  Add wheat germ oil, while stirring.  Add herbal infusion by teaspoonful and stir until well blended.  Remove glass from water.  Add honey to tepid cream and carefully stir it in until blended.  I also add frangrance or essential oil  I don't care for the smell of wheat germ or lanolin.  Let this cool completely.  Stir cream and transfer to clean containers.  This is kinda goopy going on, but it works better than any other lotion we have in the house.  It just takes a little longer to be absorbed.

I  experiment with other recipes and when I find one that I would recommend, I'll post.

Good Night, sleep tight.


Feb 21, 2008

Answers in Genesis

I know, I know, you're all tired of hearing about our cold weather.  It's still -18 this morning.  Warm weather is on it's way, though.  It sure will be welcomed.  I feel like Annie- Tomorrow, tomorrow....                      But wait, Lord help me make the most of this day that you've given me.

I have some exciting news.  Answers in Genesis is coming up here to give a seminar on Saturday!  I am so excited!  My honey and I have invited a couple who live next door to come with.  I'm inviting everyone.  You're invited too.  Things like this don'thappen up here very often.  Especially in the small town where this is taking place.  This i s something to be in prayer about.  People are already  upset about it.  Editorials in the local paper show the anti-creation stand of a lot of people up here.  Pray, pray, pray. 

Going to go now.  Got more people to  invite.

God bless,



Feb 19, 2008

Do you have business plans?

I'd like to help out our financial situation and start a small savings.  I love to sew, make soap,lotions, etc., make paper, bake, make rugs and baskets.  I have an etsy account where I sell the aprons I make. (see side bar)  So, I was thinking, do you think that doll clothes would sell?  DD3 loves the American Girl dolls.  She doesn't have any, but she does have an imitation that we picked up at the thrift store.  I'm cutting out and sewing clothes for it, and I've been cutting out extra and thinking of trying to sell them on my etsy account.  I guess it won't hurt to try?  I thought maybe I could make baskets and then fill them with homemade soaps, lotions, bath salts, etc.  Maybe they would sell.  Just thinking out loud.

I could save up for a greenhouse and a drum carder for my mohair.  More dreaming.

DS would like to take a trip to Arkansas this summer.  I've never been to Arkansas.  That would be fun, too.

I'd better go and stop this rambling.  I'll never get anything done, if I keep blogging.

Have a good and Godly day.

Whining Warning

Good morning.  It's a bright and sunny day.  -20 degrees, I really want to complain.  Who do you complain to if you really believe the Lord is in control?  He knows whats best.  I'm ready for some warm weather, though. This gets discouraging.  Even for a Minnesotan.  This month, I think we've had more below zero weather than any other month this winter.  I want spring!!!  Okay I'm done.

The electric fence is down and I get to walk it to find out where before our wandering steer gets to wandering again.  One of our donkeys is having a hard time with her front foot-ice build up- so next I need to get a saw and a hoof pick and try and help her out.  Clean the cow stall, clip the ice off of one of the goat's beards.  Thaw out water buckets and get water to everyone.  If I get the fence working, I'll put out the little steer.  I don't think it's good for him to be in the barn all of the time.

I should grind some flour and get some bread and caramel rolls started.  Get the kids going on their schoolwork, once they come in from chores.  Paint some more in the bathroom.  I'd really like to get it done.  Primer white isn't my favorite color.  Honey wants me to help organize his shop.  Maybe a couple of things a day, until it warms up.  I have taxes to work on.  Not in any hurry for those. 

I am complaining.  I'm sorry.  I'm just feeling a bit overwhelmed today.  Thank you for letting me get it out there.  I know that this does not bring glory to God.  Maybe now I can start looking at my blessings.  My wonderful husband, who let me nap yesterday when I should have been getting supper ready.  Bless him.  The wonderful sun, which, even though the thermometer reads CCCOLD, actually has some warmth to it.  Gardening dreams and the ability to put one of my seed orders in today.  The excitement of the farmer's market to come....

Yes, life is good.

From Glory Farm

Feb 15, 2008

We have this cow....

We have this cow...

Living  here, we have met so  many nice neighbors.  They help out and it's just like neighbors should be.  One of our new friends raises beef cattle and in December he  had a heifer that looked like she might surprise us with a calf soon.  Because of the weather, we took her over here, he only has loafing sheds and wanted to put her in our barn so that the weather didn't get to her and her "soon to be born" calf.  Well, two months later, you can hear her laugh whenever I go into the barn.  She gets her three meals a day, inside, a pen that is cleaned daily, all of the attention she could want.  She's playing it for all it's worth.  I was ready to get a bull, but yesterday I went out there and I think she might be in the family way.  Her udder had filled out (again) and she was showing  other signs.  So I'm off to the barn to check on her and do chores.  It's still -21 this morning.  I hope she has her calf when it's warmed up some and I can scrape out her frozen pen first.  Don't any of you let your cattle read this, they might get ideas.

From Glory Farm.



Feb 12, 2008

Music, Music, Music

Life is just rolling along.  It's above zero today and feels balmy at 8 above.  The seasons are changing, even though the temp is cold, it just feels more like spring somehow.  Maybe it's just wishful thinking.  Who cares, as long as it works.

We went on Saturday and got a piano for dd2.  It was free....but it was in a basement.  My honey, bil, a friend and the Lord were able to move it out of the basement and into the back of our truck.  We used something called a piano slide.  It hellped, along with constant prayer.  Dd2 has practiced every night since we brought it home.  Her piano teacher is happy that she finally has a real piano to play.  She was practicing on one of those roll out keyboards.  We're starting to get quite the musical family.  Dd1 plays clarinet and saxophone, dd2 plays trombone, coronet and now piano, ds plays harmonica and is learning violin and piano, dd3 is taking guitar lessons from me, but I haven't been real regular with them.  Lookout Partidge Family.  Now I'm dating myself.

It's too early to start seeds here, but I have my orders made out and I started some lettuce in the house.  I did this last year and we had enough for a few meals.  Just makes me feel better, doing some windowsill gardening.  I took in my rosemary and lavender  last fall and they're still surviving on the windowsill.  They don't winter over up here.

Our business is officially closed.  We are no longer in the trucking business.  Praise God.  What a burden has been lifted off of our shoulders.  We just have to finish up our taxes for '07 and we can be normal people, working for someone else.  My honey is a company driver now and he actually likes not having to be responsible for everything.  God is good, my honey has had another job offer, and is going on an interview this week.  I now can budget because I know where the next paycheck is coming from.  I'm excited to see what God is going to do next.

This is getting long and if you have read all the way to the end you have a great attention span.

Better go and get lunch.

Give God the glory,



Feb 7, 2008

Katahdin Sheep

I'm not sure if that's the right spelling or not.  No, I'm not going to be raising these, but a friend of mine is getting some for butchering for her family and I thought I'd see if anyone had advice.  I know that they're hair sheep and raised for meat, but that's about all I know.  How hardy are they?  How secure does their fencing have to be?  What kind of diet?  Worming and shots?  She also has workhorses, are these sheep easy going?

Thanks for any info.

Have a glorious day.

From Glory Farm

Feb 1, 2008

Book Sale

In town today, running errands and then I remembered......UWA used book sale at the mall!  No, this wasn't in my budget, but just a quick stop.  We walked out with a sign language textbook and workbook, Christy, Spanish Dictionary, three American Girl Books, two Encyclopedia Browns, two Frank Peratti mysteries, Charlie Brown,  Reader's Digest Guide to Needlework and a wonderful set of paper dolls with rooms to decorate.  They had thousands of books, overwhelming.  Sunday is their last day and it's a bagful of books for a buck!  Have to be careful not to buy anything that we won't use.  When we're done with these we can bring them back for the next sale and pick up some more.  Books are a weakness with me. 

Have a glorious weekend.

From Glory Farm