Jan 30, 2008

The Sweetest Creatures

As long as it's so cold out, and I really don't want to go out there yet, I thought I'd blog again.  I'm turning into a blogging maniac!  Just thought I'd let you see my babies.  They are the sweetest creatures.  (Goats are good too,)

The white one is named Daisy, she's about 14 years old, and that's her daughter behind her.  Her name is Sadie and she's 4.  They're going to be great guard donkeys for when I finally get my flock of sheep and goats.

Now , I'd better get to work.

From Glory Farm

Soaping time

Yesterday,I finally got some soap done.  I only make soap for us and to give as gifts.  I made one batch of cold-processed Pure Soap.  This is made of only coconut oil.  It's the soap I use for cleaners and laundry soap.  I also made one batch of hot-processed soap-coffee soap.  Coffee is supposed to get rid of odors like onion, so I'm hoping the soap is going to work as a deoderant soap.

The white is the Pure Soap and the brown is Coffee Soap.  The hot processed soap is ready to use in about three days the other will have to age for about three weeks.

I've still got barn chores to do.  I know, I know its almost 9:00, but the windchill is still -45 out there.  I have help today-the two olders don't have school because of the weather, so we should get twice as much done today.

Have a blessed day.

From Glory Farm

Jan 29, 2008

What a difference a day makes!

Just had to blog about the weather.  Yesterday we had 40 degrees and rain!  In January!  Today we will have wind chills of -50.  We have a 90 degree difference in a 24 hour period.  The actual temp is only about -15, but tonight it'll dip to -25 with strong winds.  Brrr..the cold isn't so bad, but the winds feel like they go right through the house.  I'm going to go out and put some more bedding into the lean-to for the animals.  Bundle up, put on my slippers and a sweater, put on a pot of coffee and do some spinning and work on my rug.  I'm so blessed to be able to stay home.

From Glory Farm

Jan 28, 2008

Thank you for your help

Thank you all so much for the comments and advice on trying to eat healthy when not everyone wants to.  You know what I've realized?  We DO eat pretty healthy.  I told you that I over react.  I do sneak home ground whole wheat flour into pancakes, sweet breads, cookies, etc.  I only use olive oil and coconut oil.  I use whole wheat pasta, lean hamburger, home made "Mrs. Dash" instead of salt when I can, home canned spaghetti sauce and salsa, pickles,etc, organic honey and sugar..  Home grown frozen vegies.    My honey likes his sweets and his chips, but I DO over react.  He IS a grown man and can eat what pleases him. 

So thank you again.  You all helped so much.  Forgive my ranting and complaining. 

From Glory Farm

Need Advice

Saturday was one of those frustrating days for me.  I'm not sure if I just let everything build up, and then let everything blow up!  My honey said that I did blow things way out of proportion.  The gist of it is this:  I spend a lot of time trying to eat healthy.  Gardens, fresh eggs, cook from scratch, local meat, etc.  My honey likes chips, cookies, WHITE BREAD!, bacon, peanut butter, pop, etc.  He will eat what I cook, but there are a lot of things that he doesn't like.  Saturday I told him, I just give up.  We'll have frozen pizza and hot dogs from now on.  Maybe I did get a little carried away.....Anyways, I'm not going to give up now that I've settled down.  I need to find foods that are low in salt (his blood pressure is up a bit), low in fat, don't give him heartburn and something that he'll eat.  Maybe something that he'll like!  Spaghetti, meatloaf, goulash, casseroles, these are some of the foods he likes.  They just don't seem too healthy to me.  Does anyone have some healthy casserole recipes?  Do you think he would like it if I tried using the Nourishing Traditions book?  I don't have it, but I was thinking of getting a copy.  He tells me that he looks forward to being in glory, so why not eat what he likes?  I love this man soooo much.  I believe it's my job to take care of him.  Any advice?

From Glory Farm

Unique Art

I have met a lady who has a very unique form of art.  She creates pictures out of fabric.  There aren't quilts, but look like paintings.  She does made to order of weddings, hunting trips, etc.  This woman is very talented and a Godly woman.  Check out her site to see what I mean...http://sheridajohnson.com /

This is one of her creations.  I hope she doesn't mind my posting it here.

She also writes for a local paper and has some of her articles on the site.  Enjoy.

From Glory Farm

Jan 27, 2008


Our trip to town on Friday went well.  We made it to the Goodwill and found a couple of buys.  Some cloths and a nice pair of Sorels.  We found a lot of fabric at Wal-Mart. 

DD and I will be sewing for her doll and for her.  The pink will be for contrast in the rug I'm making.

We've been having beautiful weather.  It was 35 degrees today.  This will be short-lived, but I'm thankful for it. 

Best go.  Hope you are all having a blessed week end.

From Glory Farm

Jan 25, 2008

Any decorators out there?

Today I am treating the kids and we're going into town.  We don't usually go unless we have some "real" business, but this is just frivilous.We'll put school on hold and maybe do a bit tomorrow.  We have three thrift stores in town, and we'll hit at least one.  Then Wal-Mart has their $1 a yard sale on fabric.  Dd 3 wants to sew a wardrobe for her doll.  I also started a new rug yesterday and would like some bright colored flannel fabric to accent it. So we'll stop there.  I   need some soap making supplies, I went to make soap yesterday and didn't have about half the stuff I needed, so we'll pick that up as well. These are my plans, Lord willing. 

I'm remodeling the bathroom and I need ideas.  I've got the walls mudded and sanded.  I'm going to put wainescoting on the bottom.  I hope to prime today, but I don't know what colors.  I wanted to do the tops of the walls in yellow and the wainescoting in blue, but my girls say that it would be too much.  Any color scheme ideas out there?  I want that "old farmhouse" look.  (With our house, you can't help it.)

I'll post later and give a report on this day.  If I find some good fabric deals,I'll post that too.

From Glory Farm


Jan 22, 2008

Comfort Food-Amish Friendship Bread

I have had a craving for Amish Friendship Bread.  You know that starter that gets passed around and around until you just throw it out? I started the "starter" today and thought I'd share the recipe with you just in case you haven't had any for awhile, either. 

First the starter:

2 cups flour                                                                                                                                                                        

2 cups warm water

1 package yeast

Day 1:  In a glass or ceramic bowl, mix starter ingredients.  Leave on the kitchen counter uncovered, don't refrigerate.

Day 2, 3 and 4:  Stir will with a wooden spoon

Day 5:  Stir and add i cup milk, 1 cup flour and 1 cup sugar.  This is called feeding the starter.

Days 6, 7 and 8:  Stir well with a wooden spoon.

Day 9:  Stir and add another 1 cup of milk, 1 cup of flour and 1 cup of sugar.  Stir well.

Day 10 and 11:  Stir well

Day 12:  Ladle 1 cup of starter into each of 4 containers and refrigerate.  Use one to make the bread recipe, keep one for you use another time and give the other two away to friends.  If you don't bake on this day, add 1 teaspoon sugar and refrigerate the mixture.  The sugar will feed the yeast and keep it alive.  Date the jars and every 10 days remove the starter from the fridge, transfer it to a bowl, and feed it the usual combination of 1 cup flour, 1 cup milk and 1 cup sugar.  Leave it outside the fridge uncovered for 2 days, then either bake it or divide it among friends and always save some for yourself.

Now the bread:

1 cup Friendship Starter, at room temperature

3 eggs

2/3 cup vegetable oil

3 teaspoons vanilla

2 cups unbleached flour

1 cup sugar

2 teaspoons baking powder

1 1/2 teaspoons ground cinnamon

1 teaspoon baking soda

1 teaspoon salt

You can put in walnuts and apples if you like.  I prefer not to.  Heat oven to 350 and grease two 9x5 loaf pans,  In a large mixing bowl, beat together the starter, eggs, vegetable oil and vanilla.  Add dry ingredients and blend.  Fold in nuts and chopped apple. Pour into pans.  Bake for 50 minutes and remove from oven.  I sometimes sprinkle with cinnamon and sugar before baking.


Jan 16, 2008

Menus for Homesteaders

I subscribe to Menus 4 Moms and I think it has helped me be better organized and probably save some on my grocery bill.  I know for sure it has introduced my family to foods that they never had before.  Last night's dinner was mustard chicken, vegetables (black beans, tomatoes, green chilis, corn topped with cheese) and a salad.  They LOVED it! Especially the mustard chicken, who would have thunk it?

Put this idea together with eating locally and what do you get?  Menus For Homesteaders.  Menus that incorporate, as much as possible, food grown on the homestead.  Vegetables, meats, fruits, home canned goods, homemade cheese and butters, homegrown honey.  Sounds good and healthy, doesn't it?  Also sounds very frugal.  Now does anyone know of such a site?  If not, wouldn't it be great to have one?  I know that we all live in different parts of the country (and world) so we don't all raise the same food, but I love the idea.  Maybe it's something we could all work on together?

Just a thought.

From Glory Farm

Jan 14, 2008

Rag Rugs

In my last entry I wrote about making rag rugs from old sheets.  Rag rugs can be made many different ways, hooked, crocheted, woven, braided, but the way I make them is called "toothbrush".  It's a lot like crocheting, but you work with two strands of cloth and knot it as you go around.  I tried to find a site that had instructions and www.bellaonline.com/articles/art36837.asp is the best I could come up with.This is a picture of one.  They're very sturdy and last a long time.

Guess I'd better go.  My husband is talking about making rugs out of Gorilla Glue.  Hum........

Recycling sheets and towels

For some reason, everything is wearing out at once around here.  Things like sheets and towels, that is.  I've had two sets of flannel sheets give out in the last two weeks.  Nice flannel.  The fitted sheets are the ones that wear out first.  One of these I've cut into rags.  The other one is going to become pajama pants for my dd and her doll.  The two top sheets are going to be cut into strips for a new rug I'm starting.  I know that I could still use them as sheets, but I really want to start on a new rag rug.  I'm sure that there are more ideas out there.  My old towels are going into the rugs, too.  What do you do with your old linens?

From Glory Farm

Jan 10, 2008

Free patterns, recipe cards, note cards and art lessons

www.alenkasprintables.com has free printable recipe cards, calendars and other printable paper projects.

www.janbrett.com has free notecards with pictures of the animals from Jan Brett's books.  These are cute and work well for thank you cards, also.

www.teachartathome.com has free art lessons.  We've been using these for school.

www.freepatterns.com has patterns for sewing, crosstitch, crochet, knitting and more.  You have to sign up, but it doesn't cost anything.

I hope someone will find these sites useful.

Have a good and Godly day.

From Glory Farm

Crafting update

We just finished up our art lesson for school.  We're trying some watercolor painting today.  We'll finsh it up tomorrow.  I'll take pics and post, if I can get my camera phone to work.

The oatmeal bread came out of the oven about 1/2 an hour ago.  In time for lunch. 


I finished knitting a pair of slippers for my dh.  They are the ones featured in the last issue of Countryside Magazine.  A very easy pattern.  I started crocheting a baby blanket.  It's slow going.  I couldn't find a pattern that I really liked and just started one that I had here.  I've been spinning the fiber from my black goat.  I really like the yarn that it's making.  I'm going to crochet a wagon wheel shawl out of it when I'm done.  

This is what it should look like when it's done.

I finished making my mom a bird feeder out of clay pots.  It's kinda hard to explain, but I think it turned out nice.  I'll probably have to make a label explaining what it is.  I don't think anyone would know otherwise.

I guess that's it for the crafts update.  I'm looking for a sampler pattern for my daughter to embroider.  One that uses all types of stitches.  If anyone knows of one could you let me know?

Stay warm.

From Glory Farm

Jan 4, 2008

Worry= Sin

Fear and worry are not gentlemen.  You give them an inch and they'll take it all.  God has a way of helping us clean up our hearts and dump out the stuff we didn't even know we had a problem with until He showed us.  We have all been through rough stuff in our lives, that's...life, I guess.  I don't know if we all have areas that bring fear and worry, but because of past experiences, I have those areas.  It has been a long and anxious journey for me, I can be real hard to teach.  I have head knowledge, but I can''t seem to convert it to heart knowledge.  God doesn't give up.  I think I'm coming out into the light on this one.  At least in the area of finances.  Our business may have to file bankruptcy.  My dh isn't going to give up without a fight, though.  He is a man of God and I admire him greatly.  But whatever happens, it helps to know that my husband is seeking the Lord and open to any leading He may give.  God is good.  So very good.  I found a bible study on worry.  It's geared more for teenagers, but I'm enjoying the constant repetition of verses.  I like the way it reinforces what the word says about worry and fear.  It's true, if God cares enough to take care of the sparrows, won't He much more care for you?  Can you get that in your heart?  Can you really know it?  Believe it.  It's time to start living what I say I believe.

From Glory Farm

Jan 30, 2008

The Sweetest Creatures

As long as it's so cold out, and I really don't want to go out there yet, I thought I'd blog again.  I'm turning into a blogging maniac!  Just thought I'd let you see my babies.  They are the sweetest creatures.  (Goats are good too,)

The white one is named Daisy, she's about 14 years old, and that's her daughter behind her.  Her name is Sadie and she's 4.  They're going to be great guard donkeys for when I finally get my flock of sheep and goats.

Now , I'd better get to work.

From Glory Farm

Soaping time

Yesterday,I finally got some soap done.  I only make soap for us and to give as gifts.  I made one batch of cold-processed Pure Soap.  This is made of only coconut oil.  It's the soap I use for cleaners and laundry soap.  I also made one batch of hot-processed soap-coffee soap.  Coffee is supposed to get rid of odors like onion, so I'm hoping the soap is going to work as a deoderant soap.

The white is the Pure Soap and the brown is Coffee Soap.  The hot processed soap is ready to use in about three days the other will have to age for about three weeks.

I've still got barn chores to do.  I know, I know its almost 9:00, but the windchill is still -45 out there.  I have help today-the two olders don't have school because of the weather, so we should get twice as much done today.

Have a blessed day.

From Glory Farm

Jan 29, 2008

What a difference a day makes!

Just had to blog about the weather.  Yesterday we had 40 degrees and rain!  In January!  Today we will have wind chills of -50.  We have a 90 degree difference in a 24 hour period.  The actual temp is only about -15, but tonight it'll dip to -25 with strong winds.  Brrr..the cold isn't so bad, but the winds feel like they go right through the house.  I'm going to go out and put some more bedding into the lean-to for the animals.  Bundle up, put on my slippers and a sweater, put on a pot of coffee and do some spinning and work on my rug.  I'm so blessed to be able to stay home.

From Glory Farm

Jan 28, 2008

Thank you for your help

Thank you all so much for the comments and advice on trying to eat healthy when not everyone wants to.  You know what I've realized?  We DO eat pretty healthy.  I told you that I over react.  I do sneak home ground whole wheat flour into pancakes, sweet breads, cookies, etc.  I only use olive oil and coconut oil.  I use whole wheat pasta, lean hamburger, home made "Mrs. Dash" instead of salt when I can, home canned spaghetti sauce and salsa, pickles,etc, organic honey and sugar..  Home grown frozen vegies.    My honey likes his sweets and his chips, but I DO over react.  He IS a grown man and can eat what pleases him. 

So thank you again.  You all helped so much.  Forgive my ranting and complaining. 

From Glory Farm

Need Advice

Saturday was one of those frustrating days for me.  I'm not sure if I just let everything build up, and then let everything blow up!  My honey said that I did blow things way out of proportion.  The gist of it is this:  I spend a lot of time trying to eat healthy.  Gardens, fresh eggs, cook from scratch, local meat, etc.  My honey likes chips, cookies, WHITE BREAD!, bacon, peanut butter, pop, etc.  He will eat what I cook, but there are a lot of things that he doesn't like.  Saturday I told him, I just give up.  We'll have frozen pizza and hot dogs from now on.  Maybe I did get a little carried away.....Anyways, I'm not going to give up now that I've settled down.  I need to find foods that are low in salt (his blood pressure is up a bit), low in fat, don't give him heartburn and something that he'll eat.  Maybe something that he'll like!  Spaghetti, meatloaf, goulash, casseroles, these are some of the foods he likes.  They just don't seem too healthy to me.  Does anyone have some healthy casserole recipes?  Do you think he would like it if I tried using the Nourishing Traditions book?  I don't have it, but I was thinking of getting a copy.  He tells me that he looks forward to being in glory, so why not eat what he likes?  I love this man soooo much.  I believe it's my job to take care of him.  Any advice?

From Glory Farm

Unique Art

I have met a lady who has a very unique form of art.  She creates pictures out of fabric.  There aren't quilts, but look like paintings.  She does made to order of weddings, hunting trips, etc.  This woman is very talented and a Godly woman.  Check out her site to see what I mean...http://sheridajohnson.com /

This is one of her creations.  I hope she doesn't mind my posting it here.

She also writes for a local paper and has some of her articles on the site.  Enjoy.

From Glory Farm

Jan 27, 2008


Our trip to town on Friday went well.  We made it to the Goodwill and found a couple of buys.  Some cloths and a nice pair of Sorels.  We found a lot of fabric at Wal-Mart. 

DD and I will be sewing for her doll and for her.  The pink will be for contrast in the rug I'm making.

We've been having beautiful weather.  It was 35 degrees today.  This will be short-lived, but I'm thankful for it. 

Best go.  Hope you are all having a blessed week end.

From Glory Farm

Jan 25, 2008

Any decorators out there?

Today I am treating the kids and we're going into town.  We don't usually go unless we have some "real" business, but this is just frivilous.We'll put school on hold and maybe do a bit tomorrow.  We have three thrift stores in town, and we'll hit at least one.  Then Wal-Mart has their $1 a yard sale on fabric.  Dd 3 wants to sew a wardrobe for her doll.  I also started a new rug yesterday and would like some bright colored flannel fabric to accent it. So we'll stop there.  I   need some soap making supplies, I went to make soap yesterday and didn't have about half the stuff I needed, so we'll pick that up as well. These are my plans, Lord willing. 

I'm remodeling the bathroom and I need ideas.  I've got the walls mudded and sanded.  I'm going to put wainescoting on the bottom.  I hope to prime today, but I don't know what colors.  I wanted to do the tops of the walls in yellow and the wainescoting in blue, but my girls say that it would be too much.  Any color scheme ideas out there?  I want that "old farmhouse" look.  (With our house, you can't help it.)

I'll post later and give a report on this day.  If I find some good fabric deals,I'll post that too.

From Glory Farm


Jan 22, 2008

Comfort Food-Amish Friendship Bread

I have had a craving for Amish Friendship Bread.  You know that starter that gets passed around and around until you just throw it out? I started the "starter" today and thought I'd share the recipe with you just in case you haven't had any for awhile, either. 

First the starter:

2 cups flour                                                                                                                                                                        

2 cups warm water

1 package yeast

Day 1:  In a glass or ceramic bowl, mix starter ingredients.  Leave on the kitchen counter uncovered, don't refrigerate.

Day 2, 3 and 4:  Stir will with a wooden spoon

Day 5:  Stir and add i cup milk, 1 cup flour and 1 cup sugar.  This is called feeding the starter.

Days 6, 7 and 8:  Stir well with a wooden spoon.

Day 9:  Stir and add another 1 cup of milk, 1 cup of flour and 1 cup of sugar.  Stir well.

Day 10 and 11:  Stir well

Day 12:  Ladle 1 cup of starter into each of 4 containers and refrigerate.  Use one to make the bread recipe, keep one for you use another time and give the other two away to friends.  If you don't bake on this day, add 1 teaspoon sugar and refrigerate the mixture.  The sugar will feed the yeast and keep it alive.  Date the jars and every 10 days remove the starter from the fridge, transfer it to a bowl, and feed it the usual combination of 1 cup flour, 1 cup milk and 1 cup sugar.  Leave it outside the fridge uncovered for 2 days, then either bake it or divide it among friends and always save some for yourself.

Now the bread:

1 cup Friendship Starter, at room temperature

3 eggs

2/3 cup vegetable oil

3 teaspoons vanilla

2 cups unbleached flour

1 cup sugar

2 teaspoons baking powder

1 1/2 teaspoons ground cinnamon

1 teaspoon baking soda

1 teaspoon salt

You can put in walnuts and apples if you like.  I prefer not to.  Heat oven to 350 and grease two 9x5 loaf pans,  In a large mixing bowl, beat together the starter, eggs, vegetable oil and vanilla.  Add dry ingredients and blend.  Fold in nuts and chopped apple. Pour into pans.  Bake for 50 minutes and remove from oven.  I sometimes sprinkle with cinnamon and sugar before baking.


Jan 16, 2008

Menus for Homesteaders

I subscribe to Menus 4 Moms and I think it has helped me be better organized and probably save some on my grocery bill.  I know for sure it has introduced my family to foods that they never had before.  Last night's dinner was mustard chicken, vegetables (black beans, tomatoes, green chilis, corn topped with cheese) and a salad.  They LOVED it! Especially the mustard chicken, who would have thunk it?

Put this idea together with eating locally and what do you get?  Menus For Homesteaders.  Menus that incorporate, as much as possible, food grown on the homestead.  Vegetables, meats, fruits, home canned goods, homemade cheese and butters, homegrown honey.  Sounds good and healthy, doesn't it?  Also sounds very frugal.  Now does anyone know of such a site?  If not, wouldn't it be great to have one?  I know that we all live in different parts of the country (and world) so we don't all raise the same food, but I love the idea.  Maybe it's something we could all work on together?

Just a thought.

From Glory Farm

Jan 14, 2008

Rag Rugs

In my last entry I wrote about making rag rugs from old sheets.  Rag rugs can be made many different ways, hooked, crocheted, woven, braided, but the way I make them is called "toothbrush".  It's a lot like crocheting, but you work with two strands of cloth and knot it as you go around.  I tried to find a site that had instructions and www.bellaonline.com/articles/art36837.asp is the best I could come up with.This is a picture of one.  They're very sturdy and last a long time.

Guess I'd better go.  My husband is talking about making rugs out of Gorilla Glue.  Hum........

Recycling sheets and towels

For some reason, everything is wearing out at once around here.  Things like sheets and towels, that is.  I've had two sets of flannel sheets give out in the last two weeks.  Nice flannel.  The fitted sheets are the ones that wear out first.  One of these I've cut into rags.  The other one is going to become pajama pants for my dd and her doll.  The two top sheets are going to be cut into strips for a new rug I'm starting.  I know that I could still use them as sheets, but I really want to start on a new rag rug.  I'm sure that there are more ideas out there.  My old towels are going into the rugs, too.  What do you do with your old linens?

From Glory Farm

Jan 10, 2008

Free patterns, recipe cards, note cards and art lessons

www.alenkasprintables.com has free printable recipe cards, calendars and other printable paper projects.

www.janbrett.com has free notecards with pictures of the animals from Jan Brett's books.  These are cute and work well for thank you cards, also.

www.teachartathome.com has free art lessons.  We've been using these for school.

www.freepatterns.com has patterns for sewing, crosstitch, crochet, knitting and more.  You have to sign up, but it doesn't cost anything.

I hope someone will find these sites useful.

Have a good and Godly day.

From Glory Farm

Crafting update

We just finished up our art lesson for school.  We're trying some watercolor painting today.  We'll finsh it up tomorrow.  I'll take pics and post, if I can get my camera phone to work.

The oatmeal bread came out of the oven about 1/2 an hour ago.  In time for lunch. 


I finished knitting a pair of slippers for my dh.  They are the ones featured in the last issue of Countryside Magazine.  A very easy pattern.  I started crocheting a baby blanket.  It's slow going.  I couldn't find a pattern that I really liked and just started one that I had here.  I've been spinning the fiber from my black goat.  I really like the yarn that it's making.  I'm going to crochet a wagon wheel shawl out of it when I'm done.  

This is what it should look like when it's done.

I finished making my mom a bird feeder out of clay pots.  It's kinda hard to explain, but I think it turned out nice.  I'll probably have to make a label explaining what it is.  I don't think anyone would know otherwise.

I guess that's it for the crafts update.  I'm looking for a sampler pattern for my daughter to embroider.  One that uses all types of stitches.  If anyone knows of one could you let me know?

Stay warm.

From Glory Farm

Jan 4, 2008

Worry= Sin

Fear and worry are not gentlemen.  You give them an inch and they'll take it all.  God has a way of helping us clean up our hearts and dump out the stuff we didn't even know we had a problem with until He showed us.  We have all been through rough stuff in our lives, that's...life, I guess.  I don't know if we all have areas that bring fear and worry, but because of past experiences, I have those areas.  It has been a long and anxious journey for me, I can be real hard to teach.  I have head knowledge, but I can''t seem to convert it to heart knowledge.  God doesn't give up.  I think I'm coming out into the light on this one.  At least in the area of finances.  Our business may have to file bankruptcy.  My dh isn't going to give up without a fight, though.  He is a man of God and I admire him greatly.  But whatever happens, it helps to know that my husband is seeking the Lord and open to any leading He may give.  God is good.  So very good.  I found a bible study on worry.  It's geared more for teenagers, but I'm enjoying the constant repetition of verses.  I like the way it reinforces what the word says about worry and fear.  It's true, if God cares enough to take care of the sparrows, won't He much more care for you?  Can you get that in your heart?  Can you really know it?  Believe it.  It's time to start living what I say I believe.

From Glory Farm