Oct 29, 2007

Wait 'till you see the pics, and wait...and wait...

Boy did I pull a smart one.  I was busy getting pics of the demolition of the house and then the basement being put in, the first floor going up, the side roof put on, pics of my new goats, old donkeys, etc.  I stopped at Wal-Mart last night to bring in the film.  Opened my camera and voila!  No Film!  Oh boy.  I'm not going through this all over again just to get pics, so i guess you're going to have to take my word for it.  I will put film IN my camera and take pics of what's up so far and new ones of my goats.  I don't know about you, but I like reading the blogs with pictures.  (You should see the books I read.)

We have beautiful weather today.  Should be good tomorrow, too.  After that they say it might not get any warmer than 40 degrees.  Our new kitchen isn't all enclosed yet.  But I've found that I can live with that.  My honey hooked up my stove yesterday so no more excuses about not baking.  Today it's his favorite, chocolate chip cookies.

Hope you all have a blessed day. 

From Glory Farm

Oct 23, 2007

Day 5

The continuing saga of the House That We Built.  Today we didn't get much of a chance to work on the house itself.  Things always seem to take longer than you planned.  We were to get the septic repaired this morning, but we ended up working on it almost all day.  Hey- it works!  Now I can wash clothes to my heart's content and boy do I need to.  I can also take a nice, long, hot shower.  Oh the things that you take for granted.  We went down and picked up some kitchen cabinets that I found on Freecycle.  We also got two very nice and heavy maple chairs.  These will come in handy.  Freecycle is so cool.  The people are so nice.

Tomorrow we have a DOT Safety Audit for our business.  This is something I've never had to do before, by my honey says it's no big deal.  After that it's off to the lumberyard to pick up more floor joises for the second story. 

On a different note, I got our garlic planted today.  I've tried garlic before, but never done very well with it.  I hope if I really baby it, it will grow well.  I love garlic.  I put it in everything.  Well, maybe not everything.  Sometimes I use horseradish instead.  :)

Hope your evening is warm, cozy and relaxed.

From Glory Farm

Oct 22, 2007

Onward and Upward

The basement is in, kinda.  The kitchen floor is on, kinda.  Two kitchen walls are framed and honey had to take a run to town for supplies.  I am a bit overwhelmed by it all 

We missed church yesterday because we are working with a deadline, but boy I can sure feel the need for fellowship.  My husband is my rock, but i love the worship and teaching at church.  Maybe we can get there Wednesday night.  Our church is 55 miles away so we don't go to the different activities that they have going on during the week.  This week I might.

Things on the house are progressing, but not quite as well as we'd hoped.  Living without a kitchen isn't as bad as I thought it would be.  I thought I'd be a bit batty by now, but...who can tell?

Boy, my writing is fragmented.  Hope you can follow my train of thought.  I'm still going to get some pictures of all of the fun we're having.  Maybe next time.

From Glory Farm

Oct 20, 2007

Putting in a Wooden Basement

The kitchen came down, the bedroom, too and the basement was dug yesterday. Two and a half walls were constructed and we dropped into bed.  At 3 am my honey got up and finished the walls.  We were to get them into the hole and set up before the cement came.  Didn't happen.  7:30 this morning the redi-mix truck came in.  This guy was great.  He waited for over an hour as my husband and a friend made forms.  Now the basement floor is poured and finished and we have two walls in the hole.  One is still waiting on the flatbed to go in.  The man who owns the excavator we hired has left it here for us to use until tomorrow.  Between him, the redi-mix driver and our friend Luke, God has truly blessed this endeavor.  Luke was here at 4 am to help with walls and the cement.  He is a rare friend.  Always volunteering to help.  He's painting our daughter's Camaro just because.

Only one hitch in the plans so far, that I can tell, I went to wash a load of clothes a bit ago and heard the rushing of water.  Running into our existing basement, I watched a river of wash water pour into it.  I'd better go and check if the toilet still has a drain.  Uck!  I think the extra PVC pipe we pulled out wasn't so extra after all.

Pictures are coming. 

God bless,

From Glory Farm

Oct 18, 2007

So, are we crazy?

When we moved here last year, we had all kinds of plans for fixing the barn, house, yard, fields, etc.  Well,we were off to a good start and then time and money seemed to run out.  We had wanted to take off our kitchen and a bedroom last summer, but we couldn't afford it.  My honey has been trying to work full time for almost five months.  God is good and we're not too far behind on our bills, but....he still has more time than money and decided now is the time to get rid of this kitchen and bedroom.  My parents offered to help out with the money part, and we got a Lowe's card (shame, shame). So as of yesterday, it was official and we started packing.  We need to reroute the electric, cut off water lines, move appliances and pack up the kithchen and bedroom.----by tomorrow morning.  I think we can do it.  My honey is one motivated guy.  The excavator comes tomorrow to tear down the house and dig the basement.  Dh wants to have the walls for the basement put up tomorrow and the cement poured on Saturday for the floor.  Then put up the first floor and the second will have to wait a bit.  We'll have no windows or flooring or cupboards for awhile, but we will have a much warmer house.  So are we crazy?  October in northern Minnesota is not a great time to start building. 

I'll take before and after and even after that pics.  So next time I write, we should have a new addition to our house well on the way.  Lord willing.

From Glory Farm

Oct 9, 2007

How High's the Water Momma?...Three feet high and rising.

okay, maybe not three feet, but everythng is water-logged here.  I know this is good for us.  The ground is happy and saturated.  But now the water table is coming up and we have water in the basement.  I took out the sump pump just in case.  Don't want our new furnace to have to learn to swim.  It's been raining for forever.  I exagerate again.  The north pasture is under water.  The south pasture is just very wet.  I think tomorrow it's supposed to stop raining.  When I went out at 6:00 a. m. this morning it was snowing.

We don't have a dryer, so I have an abudance of wet clothes hanging outside, and in the basement.  My kids have been drying their jeans over the heat ducts. 

 Just think how nice the soil will be for growing things next spring.  (Trying to be a glass half full kind of person.)

My wonderful husband has told me that I can get some angora goats.  The price is something that we can afford and it seems like the right time.  (except for the flooded pasture, of course.)  I'm excited and I hope that I can care for them the way they should be cared for.  I've had milk goats, but not angoras.  I'm getting a couple of doelings.  I'll post pics when they come.

Well, I guess I'd better go and do something productive.  I have pumpkin bread and regular bread on my list to make, and books for our business to update before Thursday when I meet with our accountant.  Book work is something I just dread and now that we've incorporated, we have a lot more of it.   If I come to mind and you picture me bent over a pile of papers, please pray for me.  This is an area of anxiety for me.  This and finances.  God's teaching me to rest in Him.   I'm just a slow learner.

Oct 2, 2007

Knitting Machine

Do any of you out there use a knitting machine?  I picked one up through Freecycle and I'd like to use it, but I'm not sure how much work it'll be.  Just looking at it is intimidating.  My dd who is 8 has dreams of starting her own knitting business and doing custom knitting.  Boy, looking at this thing, I sure don't know.  It's an old model from about 1970, a Studio brand.  It has all of the books and hundreds of patterns with it.  I'd post a picture, but with this new computer, I can't run my digital camera on it. 


And that's another thing....I have Windows Vista on this new computer and it's about to drive me...I don't know, somewhere.  Not that I wasn't warned, but I didn't think it would be this bad.  Seems none of my programs and none of my periphials work with this machine.  Brand new printer, won't communicate, (I think it can get counseling for that), Adobe, Kodak Digital Camera, help!  My Husqvarna Embroidery reader/writer doesn't even get a port!  I guess Windows '98 really wasn't so bad.  I can't afford to upgrade all of this stuff.  Guess you'll just have to stay tuned for this continuing saga.


"Blessed be the Lord, who daily loads us with benefits."  Psalm 68:19

I love this verse.  I think it fits in good with our trucking business. 

From Glory Farm

Oct 29, 2007

Wait 'till you see the pics, and wait...and wait...

Boy did I pull a smart one.  I was busy getting pics of the demolition of the house and then the basement being put in, the first floor going up, the side roof put on, pics of my new goats, old donkeys, etc.  I stopped at Wal-Mart last night to bring in the film.  Opened my camera and voila!  No Film!  Oh boy.  I'm not going through this all over again just to get pics, so i guess you're going to have to take my word for it.  I will put film IN my camera and take pics of what's up so far and new ones of my goats.  I don't know about you, but I like reading the blogs with pictures.  (You should see the books I read.)

We have beautiful weather today.  Should be good tomorrow, too.  After that they say it might not get any warmer than 40 degrees.  Our new kitchen isn't all enclosed yet.  But I've found that I can live with that.  My honey hooked up my stove yesterday so no more excuses about not baking.  Today it's his favorite, chocolate chip cookies.

Hope you all have a blessed day. 

From Glory Farm

Oct 23, 2007

Day 5

The continuing saga of the House That We Built.  Today we didn't get much of a chance to work on the house itself.  Things always seem to take longer than you planned.  We were to get the septic repaired this morning, but we ended up working on it almost all day.  Hey- it works!  Now I can wash clothes to my heart's content and boy do I need to.  I can also take a nice, long, hot shower.  Oh the things that you take for granted.  We went down and picked up some kitchen cabinets that I found on Freecycle.  We also got two very nice and heavy maple chairs.  These will come in handy.  Freecycle is so cool.  The people are so nice.

Tomorrow we have a DOT Safety Audit for our business.  This is something I've never had to do before, by my honey says it's no big deal.  After that it's off to the lumberyard to pick up more floor joises for the second story. 

On a different note, I got our garlic planted today.  I've tried garlic before, but never done very well with it.  I hope if I really baby it, it will grow well.  I love garlic.  I put it in everything.  Well, maybe not everything.  Sometimes I use horseradish instead.  :)

Hope your evening is warm, cozy and relaxed.

From Glory Farm

Oct 22, 2007

Onward and Upward

The basement is in, kinda.  The kitchen floor is on, kinda.  Two kitchen walls are framed and honey had to take a run to town for supplies.  I am a bit overwhelmed by it all 

We missed church yesterday because we are working with a deadline, but boy I can sure feel the need for fellowship.  My husband is my rock, but i love the worship and teaching at church.  Maybe we can get there Wednesday night.  Our church is 55 miles away so we don't go to the different activities that they have going on during the week.  This week I might.

Things on the house are progressing, but not quite as well as we'd hoped.  Living without a kitchen isn't as bad as I thought it would be.  I thought I'd be a bit batty by now, but...who can tell?

Boy, my writing is fragmented.  Hope you can follow my train of thought.  I'm still going to get some pictures of all of the fun we're having.  Maybe next time.

From Glory Farm

Oct 20, 2007

Putting in a Wooden Basement

The kitchen came down, the bedroom, too and the basement was dug yesterday. Two and a half walls were constructed and we dropped into bed.  At 3 am my honey got up and finished the walls.  We were to get them into the hole and set up before the cement came.  Didn't happen.  7:30 this morning the redi-mix truck came in.  This guy was great.  He waited for over an hour as my husband and a friend made forms.  Now the basement floor is poured and finished and we have two walls in the hole.  One is still waiting on the flatbed to go in.  The man who owns the excavator we hired has left it here for us to use until tomorrow.  Between him, the redi-mix driver and our friend Luke, God has truly blessed this endeavor.  Luke was here at 4 am to help with walls and the cement.  He is a rare friend.  Always volunteering to help.  He's painting our daughter's Camaro just because.

Only one hitch in the plans so far, that I can tell, I went to wash a load of clothes a bit ago and heard the rushing of water.  Running into our existing basement, I watched a river of wash water pour into it.  I'd better go and check if the toilet still has a drain.  Uck!  I think the extra PVC pipe we pulled out wasn't so extra after all.

Pictures are coming. 

God bless,

From Glory Farm

Oct 18, 2007

So, are we crazy?

When we moved here last year, we had all kinds of plans for fixing the barn, house, yard, fields, etc.  Well,we were off to a good start and then time and money seemed to run out.  We had wanted to take off our kitchen and a bedroom last summer, but we couldn't afford it.  My honey has been trying to work full time for almost five months.  God is good and we're not too far behind on our bills, but....he still has more time than money and decided now is the time to get rid of this kitchen and bedroom.  My parents offered to help out with the money part, and we got a Lowe's card (shame, shame). So as of yesterday, it was official and we started packing.  We need to reroute the electric, cut off water lines, move appliances and pack up the kithchen and bedroom.----by tomorrow morning.  I think we can do it.  My honey is one motivated guy.  The excavator comes tomorrow to tear down the house and dig the basement.  Dh wants to have the walls for the basement put up tomorrow and the cement poured on Saturday for the floor.  Then put up the first floor and the second will have to wait a bit.  We'll have no windows or flooring or cupboards for awhile, but we will have a much warmer house.  So are we crazy?  October in northern Minnesota is not a great time to start building. 

I'll take before and after and even after that pics.  So next time I write, we should have a new addition to our house well on the way.  Lord willing.

From Glory Farm

Oct 9, 2007

How High's the Water Momma?...Three feet high and rising.

okay, maybe not three feet, but everythng is water-logged here.  I know this is good for us.  The ground is happy and saturated.  But now the water table is coming up and we have water in the basement.  I took out the sump pump just in case.  Don't want our new furnace to have to learn to swim.  It's been raining for forever.  I exagerate again.  The north pasture is under water.  The south pasture is just very wet.  I think tomorrow it's supposed to stop raining.  When I went out at 6:00 a. m. this morning it was snowing.

We don't have a dryer, so I have an abudance of wet clothes hanging outside, and in the basement.  My kids have been drying their jeans over the heat ducts. 

 Just think how nice the soil will be for growing things next spring.  (Trying to be a glass half full kind of person.)

My wonderful husband has told me that I can get some angora goats.  The price is something that we can afford and it seems like the right time.  (except for the flooded pasture, of course.)  I'm excited and I hope that I can care for them the way they should be cared for.  I've had milk goats, but not angoras.  I'm getting a couple of doelings.  I'll post pics when they come.

Well, I guess I'd better go and do something productive.  I have pumpkin bread and regular bread on my list to make, and books for our business to update before Thursday when I meet with our accountant.  Book work is something I just dread and now that we've incorporated, we have a lot more of it.   If I come to mind and you picture me bent over a pile of papers, please pray for me.  This is an area of anxiety for me.  This and finances.  God's teaching me to rest in Him.   I'm just a slow learner.

Oct 2, 2007

Knitting Machine

Do any of you out there use a knitting machine?  I picked one up through Freecycle and I'd like to use it, but I'm not sure how much work it'll be.  Just looking at it is intimidating.  My dd who is 8 has dreams of starting her own knitting business and doing custom knitting.  Boy, looking at this thing, I sure don't know.  It's an old model from about 1970, a Studio brand.  It has all of the books and hundreds of patterns with it.  I'd post a picture, but with this new computer, I can't run my digital camera on it. 


And that's another thing....I have Windows Vista on this new computer and it's about to drive me...I don't know, somewhere.  Not that I wasn't warned, but I didn't think it would be this bad.  Seems none of my programs and none of my periphials work with this machine.  Brand new printer, won't communicate, (I think it can get counseling for that), Adobe, Kodak Digital Camera, help!  My Husqvarna Embroidery reader/writer doesn't even get a port!  I guess Windows '98 really wasn't so bad.  I can't afford to upgrade all of this stuff.  Guess you'll just have to stay tuned for this continuing saga.


"Blessed be the Lord, who daily loads us with benefits."  Psalm 68:19

I love this verse.  I think it fits in good with our trucking business. 

From Glory Farm