May 30, 2007

Ugh!!! Cows!!!

Calves to be exact.  Right now I think they're about the dumbest creatures on the planet.  We've raised Holstein calves for meat before, but these two we have now make me crazy.  They don't get the electric fence concept.  They know that something hurts when they cross that wire, but don't seem to understand it's the wire itself.  I think we'll end up putting up barbed wire just for these two.  So...let's put the calf halters on them and tie them out so they can trim the yard.  That works for about 15 minutes and then the calf halter is on the ground and the calf has gone back INTO the pasture.  How????  Okay so after reading this you're probably asking just who the dumb one really is?  I've been asking that for the last two weeks.  Pray for me.


May 28, 2007

Have you read Brother Juniper's Bread Book?

A hot cup of fresh ground coffee, a piece of just out of the oven Cajun Three Pepper Bread, a soft rain hitting the livingroom picture window and my computer.  Hi, how's your afternoon?  My house is quiet.  Just me and my Bassett Hound.  It's time for a coffee break.  The rain forced me inside.

I hand-milled some soap this morning.  Some Aloe Vera, and some French Clay.  Yesterday I put some Skeeter-Be-Gone and some Oatmeal Cinnamon up to age.  Getting ready for the Farmers' Market.  I've made feed sack aprons and I'm experimenting with new kinds of breads to sell.  I've been using recipes out of Brother Juniper's Bread Book.  These have been great.  I've tried the Scottish Struan Bread, Wild Rice and Onion and now today the Cajun Three Pepper Bread.  I want to take all three to the Market.  Maybe I should take Musketman's Cinnamon Rolls?  I think that's the label I'd put on them, too.

I put in another five rows in my garden this morning.  The frost took out three rows last night.  I took a gamble and I lost.  Tomorrow it's to the greenhouse to replace tomatoes and peppers.  I met some fellow farmer's market sellers yesterday.  I thought having 1/2 acre in garden was big, they have 13 acres in vegetables.  They do alot of corn and potatoes.  I don't think I'm going to do that.  I've put in alot of herbs, beans, melons and many varieties of greens.  They own the farmer's market in a town about 50 miles from here.  They said that we'd be welcome there if we wanted to sell.  Very nice. 

Coffee break is over.  Time to clean.  Have a blessed Memorial Day. 

From Glory Farm,



May 20, 2007

What's This White Stuff?

Just a quick post before chores and church.  You know how I love to post on the weather..well just wanted to share-we have snow this morning.

"I'm dreaming of a white Memorial Day..."  Take it away Musketman.

From Glory Farm,


May 17, 2007

What do you learn in the garden?

Working in the garden, weeding and planting is such a pleasant escape.  It's a time of prayer and meditation, also.  The bible mentions planting, sowing, weeds, soils, reaping and harvest, quite a bit.  Every time I go out to garden, I can learn a biblical lesson.  Like now when the seedlings are coming up along with the quackgrass.  I need to let the weeds and the seedliings grow until the seedlings are strong enough and then I can pull the weeds.  In the word, Matthew 13:24-30, Jesus talks about the tares growing with the wheat.  He says to let them grow together until the harvest when the tares shall be thrown into the fire.  The tares being sown in by the enemy.

I thought that maybe it would be interesting to hear what kind of biblical truths others discover in the garden..."and you shall eat the herb of the field.  In the sweat of your face you shall eat bread..."Gen.3:19    I thought maybe a contest, but I know that I'm not qualified to judge this. So...I have notecards that I make from homemade paper I'd like to send to anyone who'd like to post or comment.  Thanks.

From Glory Farm 

May 17th

It's been some time since I've posted.  I'm in one of those times when I don't feel that I have much to contribute, but enjoy reading what everyone else is doing. 

My garden is half in and we had a killing frost last night.  Shouldn't have hurt it too much though.  I'm going to be daring and put out my tomatoes today.  They've gotten too big for their pots and if I don't get them out, they'll die anyways. 

I have horse spray, deoderant, bread and soap to make today, also.  I'm using a new soap recipe where I have to render my own tallow.  I've never done this before, I always just bought the oils I needed.  Anyone have much experience with this?

Guess I'd better get at it. 

Hoping to bring glory to God.

From Glory Farm

May 5, 2007

Homemade flea collar

Here's a recipe I found for a flea collar.  I haven't tried it yet, but I mean to.


1/2 t. alcohol

1 drop cedarwood essential oil

1 drop lavender essential oil

1 drop citronella essential oil

1 drop thyme essential oil

Mix with the contents of four garlic capsules-  Soak a soft dog collar in this until it has absorbed as much as possible, then dry.  This last about a month.  You can use this for cats and dogs.

More hints:

1.Eliminate ear mites. All it takes is a few drops of corn oil

In your cat’s ear, massage it in, then clean with a cotton ball.  Repeat daily for three days.

2. To kill fleas, Dawn dishwashing soap does the trick.  Add a few drops to your dog’s bath and shampoo the animal thoroughly.  Rinse well to avoid skin irritations..

3. Next time your dog comes in from the rain, simply wipe down the animal with a dryer sheet.  Makes him smell springtime fresh.

4. Colgate toothpaste makes an excellent salve for burns.

5. For relief of achy muscles, mix 1 tablespoon of horseradish in 1 cup of olive oil.  Let the mixture sit for 30 minutes, then apply it as a massage oil.

6.  For a sore throat just mix ¼ cup of vinegar with ¼ cup of honey and take 1 tablespoon six times a day.  The vinegar kills the bacteria.

7. Cover skin blemishes with a dab of honey and place a band-aid over it.  Honey kills the bacteria and keeps the skin sterile. 

8. Listerine therapy for toenail fungus.  Get rid of unsightly toenail fungus by soaking your toes in Listerine mouthwash.

9. Pour a drop of Elmer’s glue over a splinter, let dry and peel the dried glue off the skin.  The splinter sticks to the dried glue. 

10. Mix 2 cups of rolled oats and 1 cup of water in a bowl and warm in the microwave for 1 minute.  Cool slightly and apply the mixture to your hands for soothing relief from arthritis pain.



From Glory Farm 

May 3, 2007

The "List"

We had the party for my parents 50th anniversary this weekend.  It went very well.  God blessed our time.  My parents truly enjoyed themselves.  So after weeks of planning, it's time to get back into the routine of things around here.

The UPS truck pulled in this morning with my strawberries.  Oh no.  My garden is tilled, and I even put some of it in yesterday, but my strawberry patch is in no way ready.  It wasn't on my list today.  I guess, now it is. 

The collection of horses and donkeys out there are eating the bark off of the red pines in the pasture.  Have to get a new pasture up today and tomorrow.  Wasn't on my list.  Also need a small pasture for our calves, that was on my list.

The dog jumped up into my seed starts and killed my watermelon, canteloupes and herbs.  Made a mess.  Have to start more now,  wasn't on my list.  Ds vacuumed up the potting soil from this and the vacuum quit working.  Now no vacuum.  I think that this whole day-wsn't on my list.

So when the list gets too long---it's time to blog.  Just another thing that wasn't on my list.

There's an auction I really want to go to this Saturday.  They have a bunch of stuff I need for my list.  Anyone want to go?

God bless your day.  Be flexible.  Have a blank page so you're always ready to make a "new list".

From Glory Farm

May 30, 2007

Ugh!!! Cows!!!

Calves to be exact.  Right now I think they're about the dumbest creatures on the planet.  We've raised Holstein calves for meat before, but these two we have now make me crazy.  They don't get the electric fence concept.  They know that something hurts when they cross that wire, but don't seem to understand it's the wire itself.  I think we'll end up putting up barbed wire just for these two.  So...let's put the calf halters on them and tie them out so they can trim the yard.  That works for about 15 minutes and then the calf halter is on the ground and the calf has gone back INTO the pasture.  How????  Okay so after reading this you're probably asking just who the dumb one really is?  I've been asking that for the last two weeks.  Pray for me.


May 28, 2007

Have you read Brother Juniper's Bread Book?

A hot cup of fresh ground coffee, a piece of just out of the oven Cajun Three Pepper Bread, a soft rain hitting the livingroom picture window and my computer.  Hi, how's your afternoon?  My house is quiet.  Just me and my Bassett Hound.  It's time for a coffee break.  The rain forced me inside.

I hand-milled some soap this morning.  Some Aloe Vera, and some French Clay.  Yesterday I put some Skeeter-Be-Gone and some Oatmeal Cinnamon up to age.  Getting ready for the Farmers' Market.  I've made feed sack aprons and I'm experimenting with new kinds of breads to sell.  I've been using recipes out of Brother Juniper's Bread Book.  These have been great.  I've tried the Scottish Struan Bread, Wild Rice and Onion and now today the Cajun Three Pepper Bread.  I want to take all three to the Market.  Maybe I should take Musketman's Cinnamon Rolls?  I think that's the label I'd put on them, too.

I put in another five rows in my garden this morning.  The frost took out three rows last night.  I took a gamble and I lost.  Tomorrow it's to the greenhouse to replace tomatoes and peppers.  I met some fellow farmer's market sellers yesterday.  I thought having 1/2 acre in garden was big, they have 13 acres in vegetables.  They do alot of corn and potatoes.  I don't think I'm going to do that.  I've put in alot of herbs, beans, melons and many varieties of greens.  They own the farmer's market in a town about 50 miles from here.  They said that we'd be welcome there if we wanted to sell.  Very nice. 

Coffee break is over.  Time to clean.  Have a blessed Memorial Day. 

From Glory Farm,



May 20, 2007

What's This White Stuff?

Just a quick post before chores and church.  You know how I love to post on the weather..well just wanted to share-we have snow this morning.

"I'm dreaming of a white Memorial Day..."  Take it away Musketman.

From Glory Farm,


May 17, 2007

What do you learn in the garden?

Working in the garden, weeding and planting is such a pleasant escape.  It's a time of prayer and meditation, also.  The bible mentions planting, sowing, weeds, soils, reaping and harvest, quite a bit.  Every time I go out to garden, I can learn a biblical lesson.  Like now when the seedlings are coming up along with the quackgrass.  I need to let the weeds and the seedliings grow until the seedlings are strong enough and then I can pull the weeds.  In the word, Matthew 13:24-30, Jesus talks about the tares growing with the wheat.  He says to let them grow together until the harvest when the tares shall be thrown into the fire.  The tares being sown in by the enemy.

I thought that maybe it would be interesting to hear what kind of biblical truths others discover in the garden..."and you shall eat the herb of the field.  In the sweat of your face you shall eat bread..."Gen.3:19    I thought maybe a contest, but I know that I'm not qualified to judge this. So...I have notecards that I make from homemade paper I'd like to send to anyone who'd like to post or comment.  Thanks.

From Glory Farm 

May 17th

It's been some time since I've posted.  I'm in one of those times when I don't feel that I have much to contribute, but enjoy reading what everyone else is doing. 

My garden is half in and we had a killing frost last night.  Shouldn't have hurt it too much though.  I'm going to be daring and put out my tomatoes today.  They've gotten too big for their pots and if I don't get them out, they'll die anyways. 

I have horse spray, deoderant, bread and soap to make today, also.  I'm using a new soap recipe where I have to render my own tallow.  I've never done this before, I always just bought the oils I needed.  Anyone have much experience with this?

Guess I'd better get at it. 

Hoping to bring glory to God.

From Glory Farm

May 5, 2007

Homemade flea collar

Here's a recipe I found for a flea collar.  I haven't tried it yet, but I mean to.


1/2 t. alcohol

1 drop cedarwood essential oil

1 drop lavender essential oil

1 drop citronella essential oil

1 drop thyme essential oil

Mix with the contents of four garlic capsules-  Soak a soft dog collar in this until it has absorbed as much as possible, then dry.  This last about a month.  You can use this for cats and dogs.

More hints:

1.Eliminate ear mites. All it takes is a few drops of corn oil

In your cat’s ear, massage it in, then clean with a cotton ball.  Repeat daily for three days.

2. To kill fleas, Dawn dishwashing soap does the trick.  Add a few drops to your dog’s bath and shampoo the animal thoroughly.  Rinse well to avoid skin irritations..

3. Next time your dog comes in from the rain, simply wipe down the animal with a dryer sheet.  Makes him smell springtime fresh.

4. Colgate toothpaste makes an excellent salve for burns.

5. For relief of achy muscles, mix 1 tablespoon of horseradish in 1 cup of olive oil.  Let the mixture sit for 30 minutes, then apply it as a massage oil.

6.  For a sore throat just mix ¼ cup of vinegar with ¼ cup of honey and take 1 tablespoon six times a day.  The vinegar kills the bacteria.

7. Cover skin blemishes with a dab of honey and place a band-aid over it.  Honey kills the bacteria and keeps the skin sterile. 

8. Listerine therapy for toenail fungus.  Get rid of unsightly toenail fungus by soaking your toes in Listerine mouthwash.

9. Pour a drop of Elmer’s glue over a splinter, let dry and peel the dried glue off the skin.  The splinter sticks to the dried glue. 

10. Mix 2 cups of rolled oats and 1 cup of water in a bowl and warm in the microwave for 1 minute.  Cool slightly and apply the mixture to your hands for soothing relief from arthritis pain.



From Glory Farm 

May 3, 2007

The "List"

We had the party for my parents 50th anniversary this weekend.  It went very well.  God blessed our time.  My parents truly enjoyed themselves.  So after weeks of planning, it's time to get back into the routine of things around here.

The UPS truck pulled in this morning with my strawberries.  Oh no.  My garden is tilled, and I even put some of it in yesterday, but my strawberry patch is in no way ready.  It wasn't on my list today.  I guess, now it is. 

The collection of horses and donkeys out there are eating the bark off of the red pines in the pasture.  Have to get a new pasture up today and tomorrow.  Wasn't on my list.  Also need a small pasture for our calves, that was on my list.

The dog jumped up into my seed starts and killed my watermelon, canteloupes and herbs.  Made a mess.  Have to start more now,  wasn't on my list.  Ds vacuumed up the potting soil from this and the vacuum quit working.  Now no vacuum.  I think that this whole day-wsn't on my list.

So when the list gets too long---it's time to blog.  Just another thing that wasn't on my list.

There's an auction I really want to go to this Saturday.  They have a bunch of stuff I need for my list.  Anyone want to go?

God bless your day.  Be flexible.  Have a blank page so you're always ready to make a "new list".

From Glory Farm