Feb 27, 2007

Kitchen -before and after

This is our kitchen before the paint and stuff.

Here's our kitchen a couple coats of paint and some border and new curtains, etc.


The dates on the pics aren't right.  I'm just too lazy to reset my camera.  The tablecloth and curtains are from Wal-Mart clearance.  I bought a couple of big tablecloths on sale for $4 a piece and made enough curtains for all three window and am reupholstering 4 chairs.  Not bad.  But, alas, this is the kitchen that we are tearing down in 4 months.  This is also the window that filled with snow during the last blizzard.  I now get to do floor plans and interior design.  Fun.

Have a blessed Tuesday.

From Glory Farm

Feb 25, 2007

Repeat after me- No goats, no goats

Yes!  Winds howling, snow blowing, drifts forming, this is a blizzard.  We finally got some snow.  Our OLD farmhouse isn't really snug.  Sitting in the kitchen yesterday, the wind coming out of the east at 35 mph, snow was actually coming through the window by the table and building up inside the screen.  I have a window full of snow this morning!


I'm on my own for most of the day today.  Honey is working, driving.  All of the children are gone, so I have this time.  I'm wishing I was going to church, but with the blizzard, I think I'll stay put.  So what to do?  Seems like when the children are gone I don't do much of anything.  I always think that I'll get so much done, but here I am at the computer and making plans to do....I could mud the livingroom walls.  Put the border up around the kitchen.(brrr)  Try spinning some more of the roving I have.  Start some long overdue sewing projects.  Whew!  I'm tired already.  Time for a cup of coffee and a break. 


Well, it is out to feed the horses, donkeys and chickens.  Also, a couple of dogs and cats and some poor little finches that keep getting blown out of the feeder.


Can I share something with you?  I have this terrible urge to get some more goats.  I had to get rid of the last ones because they liked my neighbor more than they liked me.  He wasn't too fond of them, though.  But the urge is so great and unless I get some serious prayer, I may give into it.  I would love to make cheese again and goats' milk soap.  It must be spring fever.  Cuz a few new chickens sounds really good too.  How about an Angora goat or two?  Okay, I'd better stop.  My dh better get home before the barn is full.


Have a blessed sabbath.  Spend it with Him.

From Glory Farm



Feb 23, 2007

Nothing of Importance.

Finally!  We are so lacking in moisture here.  This weekend we're supposed to get about 12" of snow.  As I look out the window, I can see that it's already started.

Just a follow-up on a few things.  I've been taking an herbal concoction for my hypothyroid.  I don't know that I feel much different, but I guess it takes a couple weeks to make a difference.

I'd been looking for garbage can ideas and I guess I'll just make a wooden one myself.  I found one at www.hgtv.com I don't remember the exact page, but they have plans for the type I was looking for. 

Well, best go and get my bread in the oven.  It'll warm up the kitchen.  I am SO ready for spring.

From Glory Farm

Feb 13, 2007

Hallelujah! (I never spell that right.)

Last week I was down for most of the week.  My dh finally talked me into going to the doctor.  Found out that there isn't much they can do, I'll have to live with the malady for awhile, but when I was there, she tested my thyroid.  Hypothyroid.  That's me.  Tired? It's hypothyroid.  Joint aches-hypothyroid.  Cold-hypothyroid.  Weight gain-hypothyroid.  Stressed, depressed-hypothyroid.  Can't play piano-hypothyroid.  Or maybe not.  How wonderful is that!  To have a name for it and a treatment.  She wants to put me on synthroid, which is fine, but first I'm trying some suppliments.  I've been doing some research and people get relief without being on meds the rest of their lives.  So I'll try the natural way first and then if I don't feel any improvement I'll get meds.  Reason to rejoice.  I don't have to be tired and cold all the time anymore.  And these 15 pounds I've put on could have an answer too.   God is good.

On another note, my dh is trucking through Illinois, Indiana and all points south today.  I've heard it's horrid.  If he comes to mind, would you pray?  I think it's pretty nasty down there and though he's the best truck driver in the world, there are times to pull over and wait it out.

Blessing to you and yours.

From Glory Farm

Feb 10, 2007

Cold Weather and Drop Spindles

The days have warmed to above zero temps, but we'll be below zero at night until July 4th.  Okay, I exagerate, but there's no relief in sight. 

Imagine-waking in the morning, pouring a hot bath with baby oil and patchouli, grabbing a fresh cup of coffee and two giant chocolate chip cookies and soaking until you're good and ready to face the day.  This morning I feel spoiled and oh so blessed. 

Trying to spin wool with a drop spindle and I was warned that it takes awhile before you get the knack.  This is a lesson in patience and I'm sure I'm doing something wrong.  But we'll keep trying.  We have a pound of roving to spin and I don't want to waste it.  Any pointers?

Since I'm feeling so much better,(been in bed all week), I think I'll venture outside now and check the livestock.  It's a balmy -10 and the sun is shining. 

May God bless  your day.

From Glory Farm

Feb 6, 2007

Out with the old, In with the new

Here's the deal.  While bringing the trash to the dump, we broke our kitchen garbage can.  It was just one of those cheap plastic things.  Well, I've been looking around trying to find one to replace it, but I want something different.  Our kitchen trash doesn't go into a cupboard, so it sits out for all to see.  I want something asthetically pleasing.   I'm looking for ideas.  This isn't a contest or a challenge, but what kind of container could I use?  I tried an old milk can.  Not a good idea.  My kitchen is very old, farmhouse in blue and yellow.  Now I know this isn't the most urgent need, but light-hearted.  Got ideas?  I'd love to hear them.  Maybe I'll even come up with some kind of prize....(Watch out)

From Glory Farm

Feb 27, 2007

Kitchen -before and after

This is our kitchen before the paint and stuff.

Here's our kitchen a couple coats of paint and some border and new curtains, etc.


The dates on the pics aren't right.  I'm just too lazy to reset my camera.  The tablecloth and curtains are from Wal-Mart clearance.  I bought a couple of big tablecloths on sale for $4 a piece and made enough curtains for all three window and am reupholstering 4 chairs.  Not bad.  But, alas, this is the kitchen that we are tearing down in 4 months.  This is also the window that filled with snow during the last blizzard.  I now get to do floor plans and interior design.  Fun.

Have a blessed Tuesday.

From Glory Farm

Feb 25, 2007

Repeat after me- No goats, no goats

Yes!  Winds howling, snow blowing, drifts forming, this is a blizzard.  We finally got some snow.  Our OLD farmhouse isn't really snug.  Sitting in the kitchen yesterday, the wind coming out of the east at 35 mph, snow was actually coming through the window by the table and building up inside the screen.  I have a window full of snow this morning!


I'm on my own for most of the day today.  Honey is working, driving.  All of the children are gone, so I have this time.  I'm wishing I was going to church, but with the blizzard, I think I'll stay put.  So what to do?  Seems like when the children are gone I don't do much of anything.  I always think that I'll get so much done, but here I am at the computer and making plans to do....I could mud the livingroom walls.  Put the border up around the kitchen.(brrr)  Try spinning some more of the roving I have.  Start some long overdue sewing projects.  Whew!  I'm tired already.  Time for a cup of coffee and a break. 


Well, it is out to feed the horses, donkeys and chickens.  Also, a couple of dogs and cats and some poor little finches that keep getting blown out of the feeder.


Can I share something with you?  I have this terrible urge to get some more goats.  I had to get rid of the last ones because they liked my neighbor more than they liked me.  He wasn't too fond of them, though.  But the urge is so great and unless I get some serious prayer, I may give into it.  I would love to make cheese again and goats' milk soap.  It must be spring fever.  Cuz a few new chickens sounds really good too.  How about an Angora goat or two?  Okay, I'd better stop.  My dh better get home before the barn is full.


Have a blessed sabbath.  Spend it with Him.

From Glory Farm



Feb 23, 2007

Nothing of Importance.

Finally!  We are so lacking in moisture here.  This weekend we're supposed to get about 12" of snow.  As I look out the window, I can see that it's already started.

Just a follow-up on a few things.  I've been taking an herbal concoction for my hypothyroid.  I don't know that I feel much different, but I guess it takes a couple weeks to make a difference.

I'd been looking for garbage can ideas and I guess I'll just make a wooden one myself.  I found one at www.hgtv.com I don't remember the exact page, but they have plans for the type I was looking for. 

Well, best go and get my bread in the oven.  It'll warm up the kitchen.  I am SO ready for spring.

From Glory Farm

Feb 13, 2007

Hallelujah! (I never spell that right.)

Last week I was down for most of the week.  My dh finally talked me into going to the doctor.  Found out that there isn't much they can do, I'll have to live with the malady for awhile, but when I was there, she tested my thyroid.  Hypothyroid.  That's me.  Tired? It's hypothyroid.  Joint aches-hypothyroid.  Cold-hypothyroid.  Weight gain-hypothyroid.  Stressed, depressed-hypothyroid.  Can't play piano-hypothyroid.  Or maybe not.  How wonderful is that!  To have a name for it and a treatment.  She wants to put me on synthroid, which is fine, but first I'm trying some suppliments.  I've been doing some research and people get relief without being on meds the rest of their lives.  So I'll try the natural way first and then if I don't feel any improvement I'll get meds.  Reason to rejoice.  I don't have to be tired and cold all the time anymore.  And these 15 pounds I've put on could have an answer too.   God is good.

On another note, my dh is trucking through Illinois, Indiana and all points south today.  I've heard it's horrid.  If he comes to mind, would you pray?  I think it's pretty nasty down there and though he's the best truck driver in the world, there are times to pull over and wait it out.

Blessing to you and yours.

From Glory Farm

Feb 10, 2007

Cold Weather and Drop Spindles

The days have warmed to above zero temps, but we'll be below zero at night until July 4th.  Okay, I exagerate, but there's no relief in sight. 

Imagine-waking in the morning, pouring a hot bath with baby oil and patchouli, grabbing a fresh cup of coffee and two giant chocolate chip cookies and soaking until you're good and ready to face the day.  This morning I feel spoiled and oh so blessed. 

Trying to spin wool with a drop spindle and I was warned that it takes awhile before you get the knack.  This is a lesson in patience and I'm sure I'm doing something wrong.  But we'll keep trying.  We have a pound of roving to spin and I don't want to waste it.  Any pointers?

Since I'm feeling so much better,(been in bed all week), I think I'll venture outside now and check the livestock.  It's a balmy -10 and the sun is shining. 

May God bless  your day.

From Glory Farm

Feb 6, 2007

Out with the old, In with the new

Here's the deal.  While bringing the trash to the dump, we broke our kitchen garbage can.  It was just one of those cheap plastic things.  Well, I've been looking around trying to find one to replace it, but I want something different.  Our kitchen trash doesn't go into a cupboard, so it sits out for all to see.  I want something asthetically pleasing.   I'm looking for ideas.  This isn't a contest or a challenge, but what kind of container could I use?  I tried an old milk can.  Not a good idea.  My kitchen is very old, farmhouse in blue and yellow.  Now I know this isn't the most urgent need, but light-hearted.  Got ideas?  I'd love to hear them.  Maybe I'll even come up with some kind of prize....(Watch out)

From Glory Farm