Oct 30, 2006

...and the Blustery Day

Today was beautiful.  Warm (50 degrees) and the wind was gusty.  Very gusty.  I thought I'd take some more pictures around here.

Some of the laundry went sailing.  It was a good laundry day.



I had to post a picture of my son's new Farmall.  It'll work good on that manure in the barn

that has to get to the garden yet.




This is my Sadie.  She's my favorite beast.  For some reason, she didn't want her picture taken today.  Maybe it's because I got  her picture with her mouth full.  She's two and I'd like to train her to pull.  Does anyone have any experience with this?  I don't.

Have a blessed evening.

From Glory Farm

Homeschool History Site

My husband found this history site and it sure has alot of information.  I think it presents a more accurate view of history than the one we get from the new history books.


From Glory Farm

Oct 28, 2006

Great Expectations

My husband is a gifted man, with a unique outlook on life.  We balance each other out pretty well.  I haven't found much that dh isn't able to do.  If he doesn't know how, give him a book.  It's great.  Yesterday he had our youngest two with him in the shop tearing apart a Farmall B.  It was his day to homeschool.  They tore the thing completely apart.  The two young ones are selling parts.  Today he took ds to pick up a tractor.  This is a tractor that my son is buying with the money he made from the steer he raised.  It's a Farmall H with a loader.  I'm just beginning to appreciate such things.  Our son plans on using it to fix the Farmall H he has stored in the shop and then selling it once he has them both running.  He's nine.  I think this is a contunuation of my husband's homeschooling style.  He expects great things from his children.  I just expect them to pick up their clothes.  "They" say that your children will live up to your expectations.  I hope they live up to my husband's and far surpass mine.

Have a glorious Saturday.

From Glory Farm

Oct 27, 2006


My ds is into collecting.  He collects coins, stamps, rocks, hotwheels, antiques, star wars figures, etc.   I thought for a field trip we might try a local gravel pit to pick agates.  There are supposed to be a lot of agates around here.  We could incorporate some geology into this. We've gone picking on Lake Superior, but didn't get a lot.

I just read an article about stamp collecting.  A homeschooling mom joined the youth stamp collecting club and each month they get new stamps and use this for their geography lesson.  They read up on the country and find it on the map.  You could write reports and look into foreign languages.  Some stamps could be used for history lessons.  Different men and women, or lessons on culture, movie and cartoon stamps.  I see alot of possibilities here.  And ds loves this stuff.  His dad is into collecting too, unfortunately he collects antique construction equipment and tractors.  This also can be used,  however.  Ds gets to rebuild, tear apart, learn the going value for a Farmall H. 

I'm feeling a bit punky, so my dh is taking care of chores and I gave the kids the day off from school.  I still need to get the laundry and dishes done.  Don't you feel guilty being given the day off, unless you're on your deathbed?  It's hard to accept some gifts. 

Have a blessed day.

From Glory Farm

Oct 20, 2006

Ho Hum

It must be the weather.  The sun hasn't been out all week, even though the meteorologist keeps seeing it coming.  It never gets here.  We've had snow and rain off and on all week.  Damp and chilly.  I went out to get a pair of my dh's jeans off of the line this morning and I brought them in and stood them up in the corner.  I would love to see the sun.

Not alot has been happening and so I haven't felt much like blogging.  I've had time to sew lately and I just finished a jacket.  Made a skirt for my dd3 and helped dd1 to sew a pair of pajama pants.  Dd2 saw an idea she liked in a catalog and started sewing Christmas presents.  They're little stuffed calico hearts put in a wicker basket.  Kinda cute.

The front porch is the project that I'm tackling this week.  I have a long way to go.  We just put all of the stuff in there that we didn't have a home for and now I have the task of finding homes for it.  I've resorted to just sorting stuff and labeling new boxes in a somewhat organized fashion until we get  more shelves (or add on to the house.)

There's a big pot of meatball stew on the stove tonight and a light snow coming down.  Guess I'll go and start on some Christmas presents.  Light a few candles and put on the music.  Too much cleaning and organizing isn't good for a person, you know?  Time to get cozy.

From Glory Farm

Oct 10, 2006


That's what "they're" saying.  Starting tonight and into Thursday.  Accumulations of what you might ask.  But then you look at my profile and you realize that I live in Northern Minnesota and you know.  You know that today will be spent putting Tonka trucks away. Tarping campers and equipment.  Finishing flower beds and bringing in the herbs.  For tomorrow may be full of picture taking ops. 

Oh well, "they've" been wrong before. 

There's snow place like home.

From Glory Farm

Oct 4, 2006

Last Chance

The people who wrote "Heaven's Gates, Hell's Flames"  have a new drama out called "Last Chance".  They're taking it around the United States and Canada.  Well, they just spent five days with us and our church.  We put on the drama and God worked miracles.  I've never been involved in evangelism like this.  It was awesome.  God moved people that I thought were immovable.  Many made commitments or recommitments to the Lord.  How great is our God!!!  As you can tell I'm still on a Holy Ghost high.  My children were in the drama and wow, they experienced such blessings.  Lesson that impressed me the most?  Prayer changes things.  It REALLY changes things.  I hope that lesson never fades away.

God bless you and the rest of your day.

From Glory Farm

Oct 3, 2006

Pictures from Glory Farm

I took a few pictures of our place yesterday, to share with you.  I don't have any reason for the subjects in these, just thought they might be interesting.

This is a picture of our Bucyrus-Erie dragline.  We put the excavting bucket on so we can use it to put in our septic system.  My husband's a collector of antique machinery.  (He couldn't have chosen stamps?)

Here's our sawmill and some of the sawbolts we have to make lumber to repair our barn.  We

haven't finished setting it up since we moved in here.




Our house is surrounded by pines, but the woods on the other side of the fields is mostly ash, maple and poplar.  The maples and ash have lost most of their leaves, but the poplars are a beautiful gold.


And here is a picture of one of our donkeys.  Her name is Daisy and we don't really do anything with her.  Hug her and brush her and pet her.  She's a great companion.

Well, that's all.  A small glimpse into our lives.

From Glory Farm

Oct 30, 2006

...and the Blustery Day

Today was beautiful.  Warm (50 degrees) and the wind was gusty.  Very gusty.  I thought I'd take some more pictures around here.

Some of the laundry went sailing.  It was a good laundry day.



I had to post a picture of my son's new Farmall.  It'll work good on that manure in the barn

that has to get to the garden yet.




This is my Sadie.  She's my favorite beast.  For some reason, she didn't want her picture taken today.  Maybe it's because I got  her picture with her mouth full.  She's two and I'd like to train her to pull.  Does anyone have any experience with this?  I don't.

Have a blessed evening.

From Glory Farm

Homeschool History Site

My husband found this history site and it sure has alot of information.  I think it presents a more accurate view of history than the one we get from the new history books.


From Glory Farm

Oct 28, 2006

Great Expectations

My husband is a gifted man, with a unique outlook on life.  We balance each other out pretty well.  I haven't found much that dh isn't able to do.  If he doesn't know how, give him a book.  It's great.  Yesterday he had our youngest two with him in the shop tearing apart a Farmall B.  It was his day to homeschool.  They tore the thing completely apart.  The two young ones are selling parts.  Today he took ds to pick up a tractor.  This is a tractor that my son is buying with the money he made from the steer he raised.  It's a Farmall H with a loader.  I'm just beginning to appreciate such things.  Our son plans on using it to fix the Farmall H he has stored in the shop and then selling it once he has them both running.  He's nine.  I think this is a contunuation of my husband's homeschooling style.  He expects great things from his children.  I just expect them to pick up their clothes.  "They" say that your children will live up to your expectations.  I hope they live up to my husband's and far surpass mine.

Have a glorious Saturday.

From Glory Farm

Oct 27, 2006


My ds is into collecting.  He collects coins, stamps, rocks, hotwheels, antiques, star wars figures, etc.   I thought for a field trip we might try a local gravel pit to pick agates.  There are supposed to be a lot of agates around here.  We could incorporate some geology into this. We've gone picking on Lake Superior, but didn't get a lot.

I just read an article about stamp collecting.  A homeschooling mom joined the youth stamp collecting club and each month they get new stamps and use this for their geography lesson.  They read up on the country and find it on the map.  You could write reports and look into foreign languages.  Some stamps could be used for history lessons.  Different men and women, or lessons on culture, movie and cartoon stamps.  I see alot of possibilities here.  And ds loves this stuff.  His dad is into collecting too, unfortunately he collects antique construction equipment and tractors.  This also can be used,  however.  Ds gets to rebuild, tear apart, learn the going value for a Farmall H. 

I'm feeling a bit punky, so my dh is taking care of chores and I gave the kids the day off from school.  I still need to get the laundry and dishes done.  Don't you feel guilty being given the day off, unless you're on your deathbed?  It's hard to accept some gifts. 

Have a blessed day.

From Glory Farm

Oct 20, 2006

Ho Hum

It must be the weather.  The sun hasn't been out all week, even though the meteorologist keeps seeing it coming.  It never gets here.  We've had snow and rain off and on all week.  Damp and chilly.  I went out to get a pair of my dh's jeans off of the line this morning and I brought them in and stood them up in the corner.  I would love to see the sun.

Not alot has been happening and so I haven't felt much like blogging.  I've had time to sew lately and I just finished a jacket.  Made a skirt for my dd3 and helped dd1 to sew a pair of pajama pants.  Dd2 saw an idea she liked in a catalog and started sewing Christmas presents.  They're little stuffed calico hearts put in a wicker basket.  Kinda cute.

The front porch is the project that I'm tackling this week.  I have a long way to go.  We just put all of the stuff in there that we didn't have a home for and now I have the task of finding homes for it.  I've resorted to just sorting stuff and labeling new boxes in a somewhat organized fashion until we get  more shelves (or add on to the house.)

There's a big pot of meatball stew on the stove tonight and a light snow coming down.  Guess I'll go and start on some Christmas presents.  Light a few candles and put on the music.  Too much cleaning and organizing isn't good for a person, you know?  Time to get cozy.

From Glory Farm

Oct 10, 2006


That's what "they're" saying.  Starting tonight and into Thursday.  Accumulations of what you might ask.  But then you look at my profile and you realize that I live in Northern Minnesota and you know.  You know that today will be spent putting Tonka trucks away. Tarping campers and equipment.  Finishing flower beds and bringing in the herbs.  For tomorrow may be full of picture taking ops. 

Oh well, "they've" been wrong before. 

There's snow place like home.

From Glory Farm

Oct 4, 2006

Last Chance

The people who wrote "Heaven's Gates, Hell's Flames"  have a new drama out called "Last Chance".  They're taking it around the United States and Canada.  Well, they just spent five days with us and our church.  We put on the drama and God worked miracles.  I've never been involved in evangelism like this.  It was awesome.  God moved people that I thought were immovable.  Many made commitments or recommitments to the Lord.  How great is our God!!!  As you can tell I'm still on a Holy Ghost high.  My children were in the drama and wow, they experienced such blessings.  Lesson that impressed me the most?  Prayer changes things.  It REALLY changes things.  I hope that lesson never fades away.

God bless you and the rest of your day.

From Glory Farm

Oct 3, 2006

Pictures from Glory Farm

I took a few pictures of our place yesterday, to share with you.  I don't have any reason for the subjects in these, just thought they might be interesting.

This is a picture of our Bucyrus-Erie dragline.  We put the excavting bucket on so we can use it to put in our septic system.  My husband's a collector of antique machinery.  (He couldn't have chosen stamps?)

Here's our sawmill and some of the sawbolts we have to make lumber to repair our barn.  We

haven't finished setting it up since we moved in here.




Our house is surrounded by pines, but the woods on the other side of the fields is mostly ash, maple and poplar.  The maples and ash have lost most of their leaves, but the poplars are a beautiful gold.


And here is a picture of one of our donkeys.  Her name is Daisy and we don't really do anything with her.  Hug her and brush her and pet her.  She's a great companion.

Well, that's all.  A small glimpse into our lives.

From Glory Farm